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  1. Mate, people got in as EP that had warns in 2019.I don't think that specific reason is holding you back.
  2. I think the bans over so yeah, friendly reminder if you are AOS or on handcuffs. Don't disconnect there is literally no point to and will lead to you being banned
  3. -1 A warning is meant to be a reminder of you breaking the rules, I really don't think this warning is affecting you at all so I would just leave it
  4. +1 Nice person, already plused oned is app before Deserves a chance
  5. Which Rank/tag do you need: Half Life Trial-Mod What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Joesph Bartin Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  6. -1 Your lucky ERP is techincally a perma ban so find yourself lucky
  7. If you are reporting something in and your mid sentence and you die, you can't report it in because it would be classed as FailRP, i dont think a dead person can talk let alone use comms.
  8. His steam id is fine, something has fucked up
  9. Stop replying to your replies, it makes this a mess and it is just not helping you at all
  10. I am giving more reasons for why your ban appeal shouldn't be accepted
  11. Jacko, krowly has said your not on the ban records, it might of been a wrong steam id and you got unbanned instantly. They might of made a mistake
  12. -1 With my experience with you last night, you were just minging. You interupted my open traning and refused to leave so hash had to kick you out. Also AWarn bans mean you reached a certain active amount of warns, i think like 5-7 warns. And they have to be recent so you shouldn't be unbanned. You can wait it out lke most people
  13. +1 It was a accident, people have accidents all the time
  14. +1 Enough has been said Hash admitted it should be removed and said sorry just give that man the accepted
  15. +1 Nice guy Been EP mutliple times so has good experince the past is in the past and you probably have matured
  16. -1 Barely seen you on the server, i think ive seen you once You are competing against people that spend 5-6 hours on this server a day
  17. -1 You admitted yourself you left, no matter what you were doing. You left and probably wouldn't of mentioned you were in jail if you left and joined back if they didn't reliaze. If it was so bad you could of got a admin to sort it out.
  18. Follow the template, but all the interactions i've had with you aren't the best
  19. -1 Basic Event, seems made on the spot In my opinion to many warns No jedi event i like the timed event concept though