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  1. -1 If he replys fuck me but ill explain in detail for why, You firstly had about 3-4 staff abuse threads on you with VALID evidence, this alone makes you untrustworthy to me let alone SMT, every time I have seen you on the discord or in-game ( which im rarely on ), you seem to be immature and thinking that you will get staff again when Xunt himself said not to bother applying again. You don't understand the basic's of thinking so I'll explain, Xunt is saying and he means. You are shadow blacklisted from Staff meaning there is no point applying but it isn't offical.
  2. You don’t need it lol, you are a job manager of Sarkics thats a Job Suggestion thread
  3. +1 Someone makes the discord stupidly = Partial Comm Ban. Big massive brain lol. Yea he shouldn’t of done it , but how the fuck does that make it a comm ban offense
  4. +1 local romanian needed Deșteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte, În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani, Acum ori niciodată croiește-ți altă soarte,1 La care să se-nchine și cruzii tăi dușmani. Acum ori niciodată să dăm dovezi în lume Că-n aste mâni2 mai curge un sânge de roman, Și că-n a noastre piepturi păstrăm cu fală-un nume Triumfător în lupte, un nume de Traian.3 Priviți, mărețe umbre, Mihai, Ștefan, Corvine,4 Româna națiune, ai voștri strănepoți, Cu brațele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine, „Viață-n libertate ori moarte” strigă toți. Preoți cu crucea-n frunte, căci oastea e creștină, Deviza-i libertate și scopul ei preasfânt. Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină, Decât să fim sclavi iarăși în vechiul nost' pământ.
  5. -1 Literally cried multiple times and just not fit seen, said your taking a break for the server than apply for staff? Weird. Xunt said to stop applying, why don’t you listen to him for once
  6. Denied, Community Feedback You may reapply in 7 days
  7. Accepted Contact me on discord; Bansheee#9082
  8. Unironically believes since you are from another server that you can't comment or play on SWRP, you have the braincells of a 5 year old ape and should of been gone like harambe.
  9. Accepted, You will be put on an extended trial of 1 extra week though, please contact me on discord; Bansheee#9082
  10. Denied, This application is poorly written and mixing in lore, please rewrite this application to better standards. Contact me in DMs if you have any questions regarding your denial; Bansheee#9082
  11. Accepted, Aplogizes for my absence but you get it, please contact me in discord; Bansheee#9082
  12. Accepted, Sorry for my absence from this, contact me in DMs please; Bansheee#9082
  13. A would just leave it but the thankful feedback from norra helps. You have 24 hours to change the colour of the text in this application, because being completly real, I can’t see anything.
  14. Denied, Literally never seen Kinqu -1 it for a good reason @Kinqu Kylewell done. You may reapply in 1 week.
  15. -1 I agree with everyone, you are a power hungry little shit, don’t cry since you don’t have any brain cells. Wind runner explained it perfectly, I will explain in monkey language something for you if monkey is a fake high power(Site Advisor or HoS) and abuses it, big SMT monkey can and will block you for going that monkey
  16. Accepted, Application is meh but you are active, also never change the template again for your own isssues, we have it like that for a reason. The template you used in dreadful and makes me want to kill myself. For other reasons not that one, you will have an extended trial of 1 week. You may ask for the whitelist in game and role in discord
  17. Denied, Application has no detail and looking at the reply’s from salesman I believe you should improve generally. You may reapply in 2 weeks
  18. Denied, What the fuck am I reading, all questions are wrong and the RP scenario is completely unreadable. You didn’t read the information given to you and you also advertised. You can reapply in 2 weeks.
  19. +1 Half is a great RPer and good, he literally is one of the highest ranks within star wars( being a fish). I believe he should get unbanned and put on a one warning basis.
  20. No wonder, Xunt called you a Toxic Drama leech, can see where hes getting out now.
  21. You have no incentive to RP if you can't even play as civilian and do it. It happens all the time and you can't be bothered for it. Shows something