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  1. Alright, so looking at this application already seeing all the OOC ranks ferdy has earned is more than enough evidence to show dedication and shows interest to the W-G community and also GMOD. Going through this application everything is short but sweet, sometimes having a short meaning for something compared to a whole paragraph means alot.

    All scenario questions were answered correctly and well written. You have excellent word choice in this whole application. The Lore question was answered perfectly. Really didn't rush the application, took his time and it shows in this app. 

    Knowing you IC on SWRP, I've not had a bad interaction with you. I believe you have returned to the server if I'm not mistaken and I've met you and you had nothing but good attitude towards me. So Im more than happy to say your application is great. 

    Overall I'm giving this a Massive +1

  2. +1

    Maln is a CT SO, that in it self shows alot. To be able to deal with retarded CT's constantly and still stays there. That shows everything. 

    I personally don't know you out of CT but every time I've talked to you, you have been extremely friendly and nice to talk to.

    Going to the application it's good and in detail. We'll done Maln 😀

  3. 3 hours ago, rhino said:

    I did not know that Zombie/Headcrab wasn't a faction that could be join. When I said that they would receive a punishment such as a rank demotion I didn't mean that I would be the one giving them a demotion since I am not apart of their faction nor I am high enough ranking to demote them what I meant was that if they keep this behavior up they would potentially get a harsher punishment or worse a rank demotion by their Hierarchy.

    Stop replying to your apps unless it's nessacary, you are just arguing with everyone that gives you a bad rating

  4. +1

    Within SWRP Rex has achieved a high rank as clone, also a high rank in Jedi. That in itself shows dedicaton. When meeting you for the first time you were nothing but friendly to me and assisted me all the way to Colonel as 501st. I have never seen a situation where you have exploded in rage or been really toxic.

    Also to add his app is well made and doesn't seem rushed

  5. +1

    Reading through this application its really well made, some punishments are wrong and what ever but simple mentoring can sort that out. Also just a tip, if you are staff dont be giving insane punishments.

    When it comes to IC, you are in a faction (CWU) with also the sub path kind of thing (CMU), so that shows good lore knowledge which is needed in the server for moderation. Also OOC you are a member of the Discord Staff team, which i found you to be competent at what you are doing when doing your interview, but as said dont be giving mad punishments Ok.

  6. -1

    In CE, you were just a minge. You had terrible behaviour and couldn't listen to basic orders to walk forward. Also kicked from DU i believe. as said by Donny you have recieved the rank of SGT, though it is a easy rank to achieve it shows a little bit of dedication when it comes to Cadet Trainings.

    I can't see you being staff at all also some of these questions are not answered correctly, if someone is breaking charcater and ruining RP, you bring them to a area that doesn't and wont interfere with RP of other players and sort it out there.

    Also just adding you have lied on your staff application which shows that you haven't even checked if there was any, so well done to you

    Unless i see better behaviour in general in SWRP this -1 will stay the same.


  7. -1

    Im saying this in respect of what you did previously, when you were being a SOD you did a good job and was quick but really when it comes to what you did IC with staff powers its really bad,

    killing 74th with the night sniper which I believe before this happened during the weekly staff meeting reminded everyone not to do that sort of thing and give yourself them weapons. Also the yoda chair incident for you going around all of MB in yodas chair. Which might of been there to be humerus or what not but still. 

    When it comes to arguments hash is usually at he reciveing end.