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  1. -1

    When it comes to getting unpermabanned you really need to show your sorry. Looking at this first glance you don't seem like you are actually sorry for your actions, if it gets denied come again and actually sound apologetic 

  2. +1

    All my experiences with JH are amazing, he is friendly and socilable. 

    Hes has a good half life knowledge to already be accpeted into a faction(lambda), not alot of lambda staff aswell which there should be a fair few for each faction

    Already has alot of ULX experience from his ranks already

    He will be a good staff member without a doubt

  3. -1

    Using the Logging system that werwolf uses, it can show you how the person disconnected (e.g Clicking Disconnect shows as Disconnect by User, Network going down Connection Lost), If your game crashes it shows as Steam Auth Ticket Failed i believe so

  4. Manik a like you alot from 501st but if the thing solaire said was true then you did fuck up, you could have asked for a unban request on that topic and not join back on a ALT


  5. +1

    Good App

    The questions are answered correctly and in detail

    Idk about you staff experience because you really need it for how to staff on the server. 

    Also the same for the last app idk how many spots are left in staff

    Good luck though 

  6. 2 hours ago, Sogwas03/Unlucky said:

    First of all i had no idea a year ago i had the warns, second of all i was not aware you could ask to get them removed, third of all, yes they do make my applications for staff and EP look hella worse


    Mate, people got in as EP that had warns in 2019.I don't think that specific reason is holding you back.