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  1. LMFAO, can't believe you tried to appeal it.


    You had a weapon against your head and still turned around and took your weapon off safety, you then keep saying you weren't breaking FearRP when you clearly did. You had previous warnings and you got punished for it. Next time know what RP is then try to commit it.

  2. -1

    On 9/7/2021 at 8:15 PM, Nooin said:

    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 01w 4d 09h 18m 01s (uninstalled Gmod it reseted)

    This just isn't a thing, if thats the case I would only be on 4 days as I recently reinstalled GMOD. So thanks for lying, if you said that you had more playtime before they had a server reset I would of believed you.

    On 9/7/2021 at 8:15 PM, Nooin said:

    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: Obergefreiter (was Unterfeldwebel)

    Not even a NCO let alone a senior NCO, shows that when you came back, you thought of the idea of "LETS JUST APPLY", doesn't work .

    On 9/7/2021 at 8:15 PM, Nooin said:

    State the role of staff on the server: Mod

    Nice one, summarise every mod role within a community.

    On 9/7/2021 at 8:15 PM, Nooin said:

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Scheppert] on Steam? Have you added the Staff Manager on Discord? - KyleK#2874. If not, add him: Not finding him

    I can't believe what i've seen. Its a fucking hyperlink, can you simply not see the 1.different colour, 2. it underline.


    Obviously -1.


  3. -1

    Hello Karl,

    You were recently found affilating with a community that has a sole purpose to just playerpull to one community that has been in "beta" for now two months with no sign of it actually coming out, completely shit-talking WG because the new community was "better" also due to you being blacklisted from staff, you have done multiple attempts to actually beg to Harland himself with the sole intention to be unblacklisted which led to you being banned, from then you fucked off to Valkery. 

    Your event plan is simply mediocre and has a little bit of thought put into it which is nearly impossible to see. 

    You need to fully improve your behavior and dedication before applying for a server or a community that you talked shit on only 2-3 weeks ago.

  4. -1


    So you recently came back and instantly applying for staff, as said in multiple staff applications that it's stupid and should be more affilated within the server. Also to add with you being staff previously, you have been staff like 2 times, both time's you got a demotion and looking here, you were put lucky due to you getting yours only updated for more tierable things and didn't get another tier. You are simply not suited for staff, you were demoted from all your positions due to you not understanding your RP presence and abusing it for your friends and for your gain, you got unblacklisted from the Gaugericht and joined it, don't know how you didn't get BLed but carrying on, you tried to beg for a RP position through DM's meaning you have actually got no dedication and expect a rank to be given to you like candy. I didn't expect someone who fully chatted shit about the current SMT to apply for something.

    You are simply just incompetent.

  5. -1

    Don't need to say much as;

    On 8/19/2021 at 7:51 PM, ct rob said:

    Do you think your ban was justified:proberlly

    This says it all, you're a fucking idiot. Actually want's to play the server to minge and makes an unban appeal with more spelling mistakes than the taliban have conquered citys. Don't bother coming back 👍

  6. -1

    Gor the prop car, that wasent him and you have no way to prove as you cropped the image to show who spawned it meaning you have 0 evidence it’s him, also the RDM should be a tier 1 as he hasent had a warn in a year and he is just playing when there isn’t a mass server count 

  7. +1

    Falcon has been banned for now half a year, he has a clear intention to come back and properly RP, with it being a new update in serious RP in the coming what.. like days? This is the perfect opperunity to grant him a new light and show is side, in SWRP he reached a high rank and did fantastic with it. I think a 2nd chance is needed.

  8. -1

    Well yeah, going to explain as this is a weird one. You must of recently came back to the community as there is no way you are only a Gefreiter and 4W of playtime, i know promotion times are slow but yeah, you must of only came back 1-2 weeks ago and instantly went for the staff application option, that doesn't work here, yes maybe IFN but not here.

    Also you have more than 10 warnings, no matter what. You still inquire to SMT for approval to apply or at least attempt for them to be removed so you know, if its actually justified applying for staff or a waste of them. I personally have no clue who you are, so if you are planning on applying for staff at least try to get known, not by people who have only two posts on there forum account making it look more suspicous.

    You have good knowledge etc, which would of led me to be more neutral but simply saying that you just came back to the server and only a gefreiter and wishing to apply is bad, Lucas Kuhnt was a Hauptwachtmeister, and Obersturmfuhrer of SS-Gericht and didn't get accepted for the same issue i'm bringing up.

  9. +1

    Okay, i'll explain this because it is a weird situation, but naturally just by the clip itself no sound anything, yes i would personally class it as VDM, but simply by your reaction, by your general expression what happended you had simply no intention you murder them and you just got caught unlucky not seeing that they were there, as i've had the same fate murdering Alfred Fort by running him over in a Grand demerica, if thats the case. Should i receive a staff tier for BSR ???


    Simple human emotions is needed to see that he had 0 intention to actually VDM them two people and it was completely accidental, should of been a tier 1 warning for VDM at most.  Also

    On 8/14/2021 at 1:08 AM, Friederich v Lichtenstein said:

    like i said i was watching the orpo get stuck in the river, i wanted to see how they would solve the situation. Then i saw you speeding up al the way from BBG. You said that you wanted to escape the 1.ss horsh and other Reich i did not see them behind you, also if u wanted to escape you would not drive full speed knowing you will not be able to make that corner. You aimed straight for them and didn’t even try to slow down like the video showed. Then at the last moment you drift the car sideways to kill them both, when you did this u reacted very sarcastic to it. Making it clear that you did intent to kill them but you didn’t expected to get caught.

    This is breaking staff conduct, he is not staffing the actual server but watching while orpo commit RP, unless he had intention to have a staff presence there then it's fine, but he fully admitted to just vibing with Orpo, this is the third time he's just followed orpo and i've been getting concerned for it.

    Overall conclusion in my opinion is for a ban removal and change from a tier iI ban to a tier i ban.
