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  1. +1 Silent is a great choice because hes been EP/Staff past HOB and basically been everything. His demotion was stupid and the reason was more retarded. Hes probably one of the best choices for staff imo.
  2. -1 You are a extremely immature individual that doesn’t know where the line ends, this continuously happens within RP or OOC methods such as staff or Radio Tool etc. As O5 Council could be known as the “High Command” of SCP Foundation I don’t trust you with this position.
  3. Pending, We will wait a bit for the new applications etc. We will give a proper answer soon
  4. Denied, Application is similar to previous one and as such Marshall Carter and Dark applications have been closed due to a rebranding of the application . Once we republish it you may try again. Take note copying the application and having it extremely similar will lead to a blacklist from salesman.
  5. +1 Alex Magus is a good meber of the community, for when he first joined the community for where he is now. Hopefully shows his dedication for it, seeing him grow from when he started was something incredible but to see him go for staff makes my belief of him instantly go up, I believe he would be a good staff member personally.
  6. Your in-Game Name: Ewan Bartmann Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255 Your Age:17 Your In-Game Playtime: 1 week 4 days Your Warns: 0 Warns. Rate Your RP Skills: 9/10 What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: 05-11 “The Masked Genius” Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Yes I do, being a previous staff member proves that I have a good memory of the rules. Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): There are multiple reasons for why I believe I would be a good member of the O5 Council. The first reason is my experience throughout all my time being a roleplayer, I have been a roleplayer for coming upto 2 years now. Being within low ranks and high ranks, I know how to act and keep an experience best of what it can be. The second reason I believe I would be a good O5 council member is that, In my opinion and the opinions of others. I am an extremely good leader, this being the aspect of leader MCnD or leading the site temporarily as a Site director. This can link into multiple communities of reaching Colonel in W-G SWRP, NCO in 1.SS on the NRP server and multiple high ranks throughout other communities. I’m a naturally born leader with the determination to lead to the best of any scenario, to put this in a real life perspective. At the moment I am planning on applying for the Royal Navy as an officer, having military workshop and work experience prepared me to apply for an Officer role which has leads in it. The last reason for why I believe I would be a good O5 council member is that, I am extremely well prepared to have certain issues come up compared to what others face, this could be facing orders under pressure from threats unheard of, to what to make as a decision to further push the chance of getting the successful ending to which we win. Hopefully this shows all the reasons why in my opinion I would be the perfect candidate to be a part of the O5 council. Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?: O5 Council mainly observes what actually happens. They ensure quality throughout the whole operation. They could also be known as the “Overseers”, which means they look for any bad issues and they bring it back to the council to either fix or remove it. With this I wish my O5 character to be more on the operations side to ensure all MTF Units know how to be good situational wise. What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council are basically the “Leaders” of the Foundation, they oversee all things going and ensure all operations are running smoothly. They use the site administration(Site director) to ensure the quality of the work ethic should be at when they are there. They are Clearance Level 5 personal so they can make some of the biggest changes to the foundation and decide the fate of the site or company as a whole. The O5 council are known to be there, but they aren’t known as people. They could be anyone in disguise, but no details about the council have been found. Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: I am a Site Director under the name of “Micheal Tackinlose” but I am also a job manager of “Marshall Carter and Dark LTD”. What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): If I got accepted I wish to focus upon the militarisation side of the foundation, so I would prefer working in the Mobile Task Force department. More Information: I will be getting alot more active with me finding it more enjoyable and alot more time is came to me with schools coming back slower than expected.
  7. Denied, Improve your actions in game and you may reapply. Since I feel generous. You have 1 week.
  8. Accepted Request your role within the discord and contact me or Admin+ for the whitelist. (Also read all info)
  9. +1 Honestly one of the best Unban requests I’ve ever seen in any community, you genuinely are sincere and seem like a amazing person. I’m sorry but you actually getting immortalised in the community with ISD shows the connection you had with it. If you get unbanned and come back the community would be having back a amazing rper.
  10. -1 Going on as ST to minge and continously just wasting staff time calling it "RDA" when what you done was a valid thing for a arrest is not allowed and in my opinion jendo if he was not as nice could of made it quite abit longer. I would consider yourself more lucky.
  11. +1 When dealling with a droid in RP thats malfuntoining, the worst that happens is that CG blasts it with a stun blaster rendering it useless or there is the point of CE doing RP to either fix it or to destroy it in general. The situation around it is pretty scuffed and to be honest better wait for a response by the banning admin. I don't understand why you would cuff a droid in the first place.
  12. -1 Going rogue as a guard is failrp. You as a new player should have the role of one of the most basic things which is !rules. You can find all rules there simple.
  13. Accepted. Ask for the WL in game, i'll give you the discord tag. (Can someone with the Job Mangaer role on the forums lock this please)
  14. Accepeted Why not, you don't seem like a bad lad and you have good RP intentions. Given you the role on discord and the whitelist in game so no need to ask.
  15. +1 Yeah, you were a retard. You can at least admit that, that ban for a permanent was quite quick and excessive to permaently ban you. At most, reduce the ban for 3-4 months so he can actually grow up, with the GAT shit this literallly was random and i actually don't think Lando made the accounts against Synergy. But Xunt can double check the IP's on the account so... Anyway he should at least receieve a 4-5 month ban and put on a last warning basis, you get a warning you get permaed again.
  16. Accepted Request your role on the discord, your in game whitelist has been given also.
  17. Pending Going to give you 1 week to get better gametime and more aware of the gamemode. The thread will be locked until then. If someone has both positive or negative feedback, dm me on discord Ewan#0822
  18. Sorry but you admitted for you breaking the rules. You literally just got permabanned today... Give it 2-3 months then try again.
  19. Seriously lol... You proceeded to change your name then randomly flame all of one room which there was no RP reason due to all of them making a sit on it. You then broke fearrp after someone cuffed you so. Also your warnings are so recent so it came to my decision that you simply aren't trusted to play on the server so.
  20. Neutral You are a good person and when interacting with you. You sounded nice but mature for someone your age. The issue is that it is severly underdetailed. I recommend adding at minimum 3-4 more lines for each question. Ewan Bartmann