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  1. this thing just gives me aids lol Genunily that retarded to think a structured government is a bad ideas, saying go back to nrp are you a retard. Also nice new forum account, i guess getting permabanned wasen't good enough for you lando.
  2. 3rd attempt lol. You literally are a OG and you aren't that retarded to realize this.
  3. This simply needs said, the mingery and the general pathetic RP experience, i recieve when someone plays mayor makes me want to hang myself. So I am making this suggestion to improve it greatly. Make Mayor whitelisted or atleast Level 50 PlatVIP with more of a government and not a simple "Lets make USSR" or "Lets make Nazi Germany". Similar to what Nazi Roleplay have. Add offices in government to actually authorise certain things. You can make a new job called Buisness owner which a government office(chosen by SMT) approves of the buisness and it can be legitamate. I haven't fully thought it through, but actually make the Government Structured and not similar to DarkRP. If it gets accepted or pending i'm willing to talk to SMT about it privately on discord about how to make it better.
  4. +1 good lad good luck if viktor recommends you i agree completly
  5. +1 kINQU was retarded(still is) but a good roleplayer. Frankly quite stupid to say hes aminge.
  6. When you get shit on by community feedback you remove everything
  7. -1 This application is so small its not a improvement from last time. Actually put effort into this then doing the absoutloute minimum word count.
  8. To be completly honest, +1 Evidence shows this and i was there. Honestly hasent changed
  9. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Work Amazing in-game actions good application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.
  10. Denied ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD has denied this. Already Bad Community Feedback Application is poorly written ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may reapply in 1 week if you wish.
  11. -1 lol tbf well done on 288 bottles tho
  12. You were banned for "Mass RDM - Perm ban" by Ludwig Ahgren in May 2020 I believe you have changed so i'll hit this with a +1 On a simple one of basis, you break the rules again you get repermabanned
  13. Denied ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD has denied this. It isn't just a vendor job, it also has RP if PEOPLE RP WITH IT Terrible Community feedback ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may reapply in 1 week if you wish.
  14. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good work, already given stuff so yeah Will be on a extended trial of 1 week -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.
  15. o god no pls pls no no -1 YOU Geunily are a massive minge so its deserved
  16. Just to add before anyone says you just applied and got denied, I gave her an exception due to info being invalid from what I was told.