Platinum VIP
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  1. RP Character name/s: Ewan Bartmann, Heinrich Von Bartmann, Ewan Jager


    Steam Name: B A N S H E E


    Steam ID (https://steamidfinder.com/) 😞 STEAM_0:1:427293255


    Age when applying: 17


    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: Scotland, United Kingdom. GMT / BST


    Can you speak and type English fluently?:Yes, i’m fluent in english.


    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):


    3w 5d 11h




    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP:


    Wehrmacht Kompanie “Caesar” Oberfeldwebel, Wehrmacht Generalstab Hauptmann ( Chef d. Heeresverwaltung. ), NSDAP Gaustabsamt Obereinzatsleiter


    GoldVIP + Radio Tool


    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?:


    I usually use my microphone to communicate unless they can’t hear me for then I usually type.


    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?:


    I joined back in December, took a small break and now playing a lot more regularly. 


    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?:


    I look at the forums every once in a while but that can easily change to be more active, but i use the teamspeak about everyday talking with my friends, or communicating with In-game issues.


    List of all previous RP server staff experience:


    HL-RP : Moderator + Discord Staff Manager


    ImperialRP : Moderator + Game Master Manager


    SCP-RP : Moderator + Senior Discord Support


    DarkRP : Superadmin 


    SkyrimRP : Staff Member


    W-G WW2RP : Moderator, Event Planner, Deputy Discord Staff Manager


    All of this staffing experience leads upto 2 years on Garry’s mod.




    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify):


    Vogel - Admin + Senior Event Planner


    Bettinstedt - Senior Admin


    Eddie Hallgren - Senior Moderator


    Wilhelm von Straus - Moderator


    Strasse - Executive Admin


    Hendrik Scheppert - Super Admin


    Josef Brienfielf - Moderator


    Aiden Mertz - Senior Moderator


    Stern - Senior Admin


    Hendrik Scheppert - Super Admin


    Josef Brienfielf - Moderator


    Aiden Mertz - Senior Moderator


    Stern - Senior Admin


    Heinz von Papen - Senior Moderator


    Helmut Hezroch - Moderator + Event Planner


    Jonas Hoffman - Moderator

    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to http://imgur.com/ or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen:



    - (Someone had to give me the SS, proof can be given via DMs. If SMT wish to verify )




    State the role of staff on the server:


     A staff member on the server should be a role model and should always show how you should be acting most of the time during RP situations. As a Staff on Duty you should always be keeping your eyes on people and should act professional during admin situations no matter how the person you're dealing with is acting, you should always be clear, loud and transparent. If someone is confused with the rules you are there to help him understand the rules and tell him how to avoid it in the future.  When it comes to rule breakers you must be open minded due to it could be a simple issue such as a misclick or miscommunication. But when it comes to people joining the server just to minge and is NH2RP the staff member should be extremely strict on them and should be harsh on the punishment (e.g verbal warning,Kick then ban). In situations where it's a RP situation, the staff member should never intervene in RP situations, unless it is extremely important such as MRDM or MRDA, if it’s RDM or RDA you must wait until that RP is over


    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+):


    The server is based in 1943 during the world war. It’s based in Berlin during the middle of the war, after the Russian army started to launch attacks against the german troops(started in Ukraine). This led to Germany getting attacked from both sides. With this the americans increased the bombings of german areas. This became the turn back from Hitlers success but still pushing against. The Axis started to be pushed out as Italy declared war on Germany after Mussolini got removed from power. This getting included as the Japanese were slowly getting driven out by the americans put the Axis in a shit corner.




    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them?


    Yes, I have read through all the server rules and am quite familiar with them. To ensure I don’t break the rules, I read through them regularly.


    Have you read the punishment list ( Punishment List v3.0 ) and are familiar with it?


    I am extremely familiar with the Punishment List and understand it perfectly.






    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):


    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?


    I was a staff member for around 2 months from the 05/02 to 26/05


    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?


    Moderator + Event Planner


    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?


    I initially left due to me not having the same amount of time from what i had back in lockdown, with school catching up etc. This being a major issue. I didn't think properly and I just resigned.


    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?

    I personally would have been more leitnant when it came to punishing a user as I believe i was a bit too strict sometimes.


    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Yes, I personally believe I have improved greatly from the last time I was staff even though the resignation wasn't that long ago.






    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:


    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:


    I would first find out who RDM someone, if the person isn’t in a RP scenario i would then go to them or bring him somewhere safe and excluded from anyone else. I would then ask why they killed him, if it was an accident such as a misclick i would remind them to make sure it doesn’t happen again, if it’s not an accident and they did it on purpose i would give them a warning for RDM and remind them not to do it again.


    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official:


    I would first tell the person on how to join as a anwarter excluding 1.SS as they need PlatVIP. I would inform them about how each of the regiments work and what they mainly focus upon. For example; Orpo mainly contribute on the Police side of the SS and ensure the safety of Berlin doing this by Patrols etc. I would then explain about what Bruno and Caesar does, also explaining how to join Caesar(Platnium VIP) and tell them how it is mainly based upon trainings and actual army itself. If they wanted to know about the NSDAP I would attempt to explain in detail on what they are and what offices are avaiable the the requirements to join said office. Once explaining that. If they asked about certain groups like the SD or Gestapo, you would have to be handpicked to because a candidate to join.


    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around:


    If i am on duty and notice someone not RPing and just messing around or wasting peoples time, i would then go to the person, ask him to stop messing around and carry on RPing. If they stop and start taking it seriously I would leave it there, if they continue to minge about it I will go to the person again and warn them one more time saying if you don't stop wasting people time and ruining their RP experience. For which I would warn him for the rules he broke. If they then continued. I would then go to a ban for NITRP[Tier II] Perma ban. 

    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly


    If the person is not new to the server I would give them a warning and if it was really serious, report to their hierarchy. If it was a new player i would ask them to look over the rules and give them a warning and if need be and he has different warnings for the same thing. I would then potentially ban them.


    5) A player is prop spamming:


    I would go to the person Prop Spamming ask them politely to remove the props and refrain from doing that again, if they carry on it, i would personally delete the prop if my rank allows it then return myself, after i have sorted out with that situation i would then use ULX Spectate that person for abit to make sure they aren't prop spamming, if they are i would then remove the props again and warn him for Prop spamming. If they carry on I would then freeze them and  kick them from the server for NH2RP/Prop minge/spamming.






    Answer the following questions in detail:


    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:


    Tier I rule breaking, breaking the rules with no intention of breaking them/doing it on accident. Tier I rule breakers are usually to most of the time new players joining the server for the first time.Most examples of Tier I rule breakers would be FailRP or RDM. There really shouldn’t be a punishment for a Tier I rule breaker, A fair punishment for Tier I rulebreaking would be a verbal warning and then after talking to them about the rules.


    Tier II rule breaker, is when someone is breaking the rules intentionally, most examples of Tier II rule breaking could be MRDM, FailRP and meta gaming, The correct punishment depends on the situation, if it was FailRP  and Meta gaming, they should receive a warning as punishment but if it comes to MRDM it should inherit a instant ban from the server.




    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:


    In character is when you are roleplaying and you are in the NRP universe, when you are IC, you follow what your hierarchy says and do your job. If you are in IC you do not say anything OOC. IC should be character development about your character. An example of IC action on WW2-NRP is like getting killed ic means you are PK’ed, you should not be talking at all and act like you're gagged. OOC(Out of character) : Is for everything out of RP, it shouldn’t affect your status or character at all, an example of OOC, could be an admin situation and you should be acting like yourself during that situation.


    Metagaming is abusing an out of character action for a RP advantage against someone, an example of meta gaming is that someone in the OOC chat mentions that they are going to take the police armoury, then a police officer goes to the armory with no RP intentions for why they went there.


    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:


    SeriousRP is when the actions you do and say affect your IC character, you are meant to stay IC until you are done with that RP situation. 


    Semi Serious RP is when you are able to talk OOC, usually you are in Semi Serious RP, unless there is an event. YOu can talk OOC without getting a IC punishment




    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:


    PassiveRP is using a RP situation to usually build on a character's development and should help other factions look for new players, a passiveRP event in the eyes of WW2-NRP is like doing an interview for NSDAP or doing a weapon inspection, even opening a business.


    CombatRP is RP situations that are revolving combat events happening, in a WW2 server, its dealing with either or committing a mass raid and attacking a reich building or dealing with a mass invasion 


     PassiveRP and Combat RP are both equally important as each other in the WW2 universe, even if one faction is more CombatRP, they should still act like they would if they were doing combat RP during a PassiveRP situation




    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:


    Combat baiting is doing actions to instigate combat, a way of combat baiting is having your weapons out, another way of combat baiting in the sense on WW2-NRP is like saying your going to have a raid in front of people, saying i'm going to bomb somewhere or having there gun out without a reason and not a reich job.




    Have you added the Manager [Varem] on Steam? If not, add him:

    Added Varem




    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Baron von Keller] on Steam? If not, add him:

    Cannot add due to account being privated.




    Have you added the Staff Manager [MIchael] on Steam? If not, add him:






    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):


    The reasons I believe that I am a good fit for the staff team, is due to my dedication I can have in the community. When I joined the Werwolf community I instantly started giving my dedication to SWRP, I really enjoy the servers that Werwolf has released.  I believe that is one of the reasons I should be picked for staff. 




    Another reason I should be picked for staff is my experience. I have been a staff member for about two years. This experience has taught me how to act during a Staff Sit, the mentality you have to be, Being open minded as well. I know and understand all the ULX commands that mods should be using in most of the situations.




    I would like to become staff, so people that want to enjoy playing WW-NRP can have a good and fun experience. I want to make sure people don’t have their RP experience ruined by someone screaming down the microphone or saying unneeded unrp friendly questions at people. The reason i started to become a staff member in general is so people can calmly play and have fun without some MRDMer coming and ruining it for everyone because i was that person. I see a lot of potential for the server and the concept is there, and I want to make that concept clear to people.




    Another reason i should be picked for staff is my knowledge around WW2 i think that knowing the historical context around the World War, as I love to get more into the NSDAP and the Nazi party history, it should give me a better grasp during admin sits to understand it more on a admin side of things but helps me in game aswell.




    I want to help make this server a fun enjoyable experience and that is the reason i think i should be chosen for staff.










    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:


    Yes, I understand and will respect the decision as it was made with proper consideration.










    - You must be 15 years in age or older.


    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.


    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.


    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.


    - You must not be banned when you apply.


    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.


    - You must not advertise your application in any way.


    - You must not copy anything from other applications.


    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.


    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.


    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)


    Thank you for reading the application, permission to use my old application was granted by Varem.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Krueger said:


    Sorry banshee, but you harassing and continuing to insult me, and straight up calling me a fag is something i wont forget. aswell as you balantly telling me to hang myself.

    Ok, to properly respond to this. You were acting so retarded, I couldn't be bothered dealing with you. I was talking to someone and you didn't know the basics of social respect. I called you unfit because me and Ethnics were having a laugh and you couldn't understand it. You also had a biasy throughout the whole interaction between me on SCP, you are unfit for CSB and i still beleive it. You decided to arrest me but not HoEA because it was me. Next time if you have something VALID to say you do it with not a clean slate yourself.

  3. In-Game Name: Ewan Bartmann

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255


    In-Game Time [Proof Required]: 1 Week, 4 days

    Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: E-11 Commander, CI Delta, Site Director, MCnD Owner ( 4-5 months), ISD member, alot from NRP including Hauptmann ( Chef d. Heeresverwaltung ) Generalstab, Hauptstellenleiter of Finance, Obereinzatsleiter of Gaustabsamt.

    Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I think I would be a good site director as all my past history within and out of the community even including IRL scenarios where i've had to take a leadership position. This includes me having to make quick thinking dicisions , actual strategized goals etc. This makes someone a good leader in general but my past experience was literally a Site Director so i know i did good to not get demoted before i left for NRP and got demoted for inactivity. 

    What role does the Site Director have on the site? A Site Director is the main man on site, this includes having a leadership within the site while the O5 members are not there, all major decisions will be based of him and he mans the Foundation site of that area, he will order the administration and ensure peace within the foundation.

    What is the O5 Council?:

    The O5 Council are the leadership within the whole Foundation, they watch everything from the side and only interfering if need be. They come as anyone, even an engineer to ensure everything is going on like it should be. They are a observer but with a leadership position rather than a observer.


    BTW, i'm offically coming back to SCP. Meaning i will be active asf.

  4. Hi !

    So looking throught moderation controls that I have access to, you seem to have no warnings within the YAGPDB config which you would of been warned so that ban time back then in correct, looking through the replys, the only reasonable one is actually from which Kraz has said, you can inform the Discord Staff Manager through DMs if you wish to (Cephei#4896). Since this is a bigger offense then others, this might have to be given to SMT or CAT to decide as going to a competitive community can result in community ban for which it has in the past.

    Personally I will leave a +1 on this request due to the duration of when you were banned and also you seem sincere.

    By the way, this is the Discord ID, if anyone needs it 437274890903617536


  5. -1

    You left this server due to you getting warned by me previously. You left the community for you getting warned. In NRP you were one of the biggest retards i ever met in the server and you couldn't stay due to you not getting promoted and thats the reason you left, you left finance as I actually let you in myself, you left because you didn't want to use Teamspeak for some issue when we have seen you on it previously

  6. -1

    If he replys fuck me but ill explain in detail for why,


    You firstly had about 3-4 staff abuse threads on you with VALID evidence, this alone makes you untrustworthy to me let alone SMT, every time I have seen you on the discord or in-game ( which im rarely on ), you seem to be immature and thinking that you will get staff again when Xunt himself said not to bother applying again.

    You don't understand the basic's of thinking so I'll explain, Xunt is saying and he means. You are shadow blacklisted from Staff meaning there is no point applying but it isn't offical.

  7. -1

    Even though he trolls a little bit, no actual evidence is given to provide towards C.A.T as this is just screenshots. This type of report has to happen if actual VIDEO evidence is present due to the rank he is within W-G ( Not IRL, Get a fucking life ). Also to add, what punishment can be given? Simple ULX removal when console access is a thing, as he is an actual developer. If something fucks up, he deals with it unless Auster can fix the mistake made

  8. this hurts my brain, just shut the fuck up for god sake. 


    If this nigga trys to avoid it while not reporting it of course staff will deal with it, this evidence is shit and reminds me of hermann stellman's DMs with minors. 

  9. @Johan Schneider

    Ramzu l-wi’ām
    Dustūruhā ‘ālī ‘l-makānati wa-l-maqām
    Mītāquhā nahgu s-sarī‘ati wa-l-‘urūbati wa-l-qiyam
    ‘Āshat mamlakatu al-Baḥrayn
    Baladu ‘l-kirām
    Mahdu ’s-Salām
    Dustūruhā ‘ālī ‘l-makānati wa-l-maqām
    Mītāquhā nahgu s-sarī‘ati wa-l-‘urūbati wa-l-qiyam
    ‘Āshat mamlakatu al-Baḥrayn