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  1. Which Rank/tag do you need: SCP-RP Moderator What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Ewan Bartmann Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:https://prnt.sc/x1ow3r as said before can i keep secondary group amnager tag
  2. -OOC Section - Steam Name: Banshee RPname: Ewan Bartmann SteamID:STEAM_0:1:427293255 In game level:50 Playtime(At least one week):1 week Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0 Warns Proof: - IC Section -
  3. Denied ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply saying, i had to ban your cousin for NH2RP. You letting him on the server just to minge shows that you can't be trusted. Bad Community Feedback Terrible in-game actions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. +1 Great App Amazing roleplayer Trusted by smt just accept him
  5. i said sorry because you couldnt carry on your breach, not because i admin abused. You in RP couldn't carry on because you were caught and you went away in a wall. i tped you back, you were able to move away then you were caught
  6. First of all, a admin sit was created due to you being stuck on the wall and you said i was stuck. I brought you from the last place you were during the RP. It isnt "abuse" carrying on the RP from where it last left off, even if you got yourself out. You would of been taken to containment due to them looking at you in the face. Also i TPed you to the middle of the room, where they wernt standing and you moved away. They gives you more than enough time to escape if you can move yourself. This "abuse" thread is nothing else from me making sure the RP carried on from where it left off. Also that isn't evidence, it shows in ooc your messages.
  7. Who remembers the days when you would talk to your MANAGEMENT about suggestions you have for THEM to go to hierarchy about it. But if its a training to decide talk to management
  8. -1 tbh ur lucky you don’t have a perma ban in my opinion keep the ban lol
  9. Neutral/+1 you do play SA quite a lot and also you also have a great all the main issue is that sometimes u can go over the top when it comes to being a dafty so just calm it down a little
  10. +1 went over the mark a lot to show his knowledge into the rules which I have nothing for except respect been active good person Isn’t a retard good luck
  11. -1 simple been banned for a week by me for o toxic The answer to the O5 council question is wrong and also terribly written. not even seen him play a foundation administration job ( when I’m on which is usually all day as schools cancelled) app has poor grammar and word choice which shows no actual effort put into app
  12. +1 @Rustyzack wood +1’s mean nothing!!!!! to be real security need them comms, to get orders in a good flowing manor compared to the Lt and the HoS spamming orders over Foundation comms
  13. Of course, just wait until they reply for more evidence and eyewitnesses to come out.
  14. As the staff member who banned you, i will go into why I made my decision of banning you and why i chose those reasons over others. 1) Major Toxicity; This was something the whole staff team picked up on, me being the first on your report against purple for which I then gave you the warn for DTP. This then led after telling you I'm warning you for that . This then continued as I watched you cuff a Scientist and try and "have fun". This fun was stupid and I could of warned you for cuffing of Foundation Personeel, under deserting it. Then other members of the staff team started to pick up on your toxic behavior which then when I had the sit and you were going to Nathan Dixon under his alias of "Joe Bixon" or something of the sort that you were going to get him unwhitelisted from ISD, that could of been me warning you for metagaming and using this knowledge for stuff. The final thing that came ot the mind of me banning you is the staff sit I had between Me, Berg and You. You RDM'ed Berg, knowing he was a delta for which I explained to you why and you still didn't listen. 2) Lying to staff member; This bit was completly justified with the sit against you from berg, you lied about the scenairo and when I was saying that you were a veteran to the community(someone who has playing for a while). You followed up with "No, i'm not". This was a complete lie due to the fact you have tons of warnings from Cale and vetro. This then led to me knowing you as a liar in that scenario for which I decided not to punish due to you might haveing a change of heart, but no it continued for which I added that reason in the ban. Also to add with the last sit before your ban, you attempted to lie out of a situation telling me the reported harmed someone when there was no proof in the damage logs of so called "combat event". 3) Going rogue This part of the ban was issued due to multiple times, you decided to go rogue from the job you were playing in, for example bergs event of you Rdming him while you both were CI, then after the event of you cuffing the scientist and then last but not least you doing something that ISD had to interupt it and deal with you which shouldn't be happening from someone who 1). is a veteran and 2) playing a field agent. I would like to add that during that whole time of us being in a sit , i continously kept in contact with either Senior Server Staff or Management themself to ensure im doing whats exactly righy Today showed me that you can't act serious even in the eyes of this server of some of the basics of rules. Hopefully you seem my thought process Banshee / Ewan Bartmann
  15. Which Rank/tag do you need:SCP-RP Trial Moderator What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Ewan Bartmann Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please: Also can you make Group Manager a secondary tag so i still have access to whitelist applications
  16. -1 Being in-game for when these warnings were given, i can say with 100% confidence, you aren't ready to try out for 096, getting 2 warns in a week span for the same thing proves this.
  17. this kid wants the become a wizard. He wants to fight voldemort
  18. +1 Great Guy Good Event SMT from other servers below a you have a shot so yeah
  19. -1 Was there and i can say and also dimmy and norra can agree, you were being a utter retard. Deserved
  20. +1 Great Guy known throughout the community Good event idea and execution good luck
  21. -1 Didn’t even read everything Not got minimum requirements Not included everything that you need
  22. +1 isiot man leaving 74th good event fucking sound and nice guy
  23. +1 great guy got So much better and is a great player good event