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  1. +1

    local romanian needed

    Deșteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte,
    În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani,
    Acum ori niciodată croiește-ți altă soarte,1
    La care să se-nchine și cruzii tăi dușmani.
    Acum ori niciodată să dăm dovezi în lume
    Că-n aste mâni2 mai curge un sânge de roman,
    Și că-n a noastre piepturi păstrăm cu fală-un nume
    Triumfător în lupte, un nume de Traian.3
    Priviți, mărețe umbre, Mihai, Ștefan, Corvine,4
    Româna națiune, ai voștri strănepoți,
    Cu brațele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
    „Viață-n libertate ori moarte” strigă toți.
    Preoți cu crucea-n frunte, căci oastea e creștină,
    Deviza-i libertate și scopul ei preasfânt.
    Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
    Decât să fim sclavi iarăși în vechiul nost' pământ.
  2. 8 minutes ago, Grau said:

    I have no clue as to what you have gathered from the whole situation but this is not what happened.

    Please state what exact Staff Conduct I broke, If you believe so strongly about it then make a Staff Abuse report

    Please learn to spell.


    To whomever reviews this post. Essentially, I took a sit from a member of the training regarding a keybind not working. I then helped them out and it still would not work. Due to it being a client side issue (being a keybind) he suggested and I agreed on the fact that they should try to relog, after he had done so I would bring him back and see if the issue persisted.

    Whilst still trying to talk to the person who called the sit, Ewan Bartmann (Banshee) decided to essentially take it upon himself to do the sit and took the guy away into the corner of the compound to talk privately. As my part of the sit was over, I was back in noclip. I then flew away down to the river and checked the logs as I could tell there was some whispering going on and I wanted to check if any rules were broken, which as I suspected, they were.


    Above shows the screenshot of you speaking clearly out of character in an in character text chat, Without being in a sit or actually involved in it.

    You took it upon yourself to involve yourself in a sit and then tried to do it yourself. You are no longer staff, you cannot just turn something into a sit, call staff when you have the issue.


    Obvious -1 from me.


    Quick Edit:

    Where you have said "still wathcing over us which he means the thing was ooc." I just want to state, as I was taught by my Staff Mentor and have warned and banned people for before. Just because a Staff member is around you does not make it ooc. If someone interracts with a Staff member because they can see their name in chat or their floating pac etc, it is FailRP. So you using an excuse of "he was still around therefore it is ooc", is completely invalid.

    Reading through this "reply" simply shows the lack of competence you have, breaking staff conduct just upon this thread itself with unprofessionalism, quoting upon something I said to say, "learn to spell" shows to the community itself that you seem to not respect the conduct you were taught to use, reading through it multiple lies upon something, you didn't complete a job, so a ex-staff member finished it for you, looking at it. This reply seems to be something of what a baby may write after being called something stupid in nursery.


    Also the reason you said wasen't the reason it was messed up, you just wished for the sit to be over. If you truely understood on how the vechile system works, relogging fixes nothing. Its saves upon a local database hosted with the addon to ensure it works across all servers, blaming it upon a client side issue due to you wanting more sits. But of course, you know this.


  3. Your In-game name: Ewan Bartmann

    Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:427293255


    Reason of the warning: Talking OOC ic

    Date you were warned on: 02/05

    Admin who warned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID):Grau


    Explain the situation of your warning from your point of view in detail:

    I was doing a BTT, simple. Some reason a person fucked up so they couldn't safety the weapon, a staff sit was called. This then led to grau coming, of course. He didn't fix it, apparently didn't try hard enough, so then i decided to knowing about , he then apparently "returned" himself for which I attempted to help out, it was still a staff sit still as he was watching me over, apparently he went away which is a lie, a staff member of HLRP can prove this. I may ask, how is helping out, a warning justified? The sit wasen't over, he was still there, actually breaking multiple staff conducts points. So...

    Do you think your warning was justified:No

    Why should you be unwarned: Apparently the sit was over, which it wasen't, he didn't fix the issue and went to a sutpid reason to return and still wathcing over us which he means the thing was ooc.


    Any kind of evidence:N/A

    Additional information: 


    Note: While evidence is not a must it will make your unwarn request more likely to get accepted.

  4. Just now, W.G.ttv.memeking said:

    this is swrp not NRP go back too NRP


    Unironically believes since you are from another server that you can't comment or play on SWRP, you have the braincells of a 5 year old ape and should of been gone like harambe.

  5. Usually wouldn’t reply to staff applications but looking at this application from a glance in itself,


    You seem to believe that having a IC medal is something that justifys you to be a staff member, yes it may show your dedication as someone being there for a long time but it still has no grounds on how you bare with out of charcater issues (sits and soding) , if already have the idea that rank means something and something to boast. You are a fucking degenerate for believing so,

    Carrying on, reading through Erichs of response towards this staff application, everything he said I believe throughly . If you recently boast about being an alcoholic and using it as a laughing matter you seriously think you can not make a fool of the staff team, if you continuously get drunk and fuck around you will probably fail in your trial week which in eaiser terms means we shouldn’t bother giving you a trial in the first place .

    You also seem to target Erich aswell for someone who which wants to apply for staff and disrespecting 1) an active player in the community, 2) more responsible and high ranking player within the server and 3) someone that actually has a brain, then you are seriously thinking it will work. I have never met someone who got into staff and they publically disrespected someone in there application. Also may I add, you are apart of the 1.SS , so you are in the SS? Something Kruger is a general of? Big brain move right there.

    You personally remind me of Jullian Heisler , some retard that tried to compare your “medals” to others and then disrespect them for it. You seem to focus on achievements such as gametime etc, need I remind you. I have lower playtime then most people in the community but I probably have/had a higher chance on getting staff, no matter the playtime or activity , if you are shit, you won’t get it. They won’t choose a old player but is retarded but they will choose a new player that has experience and actually is quickly known and respects others.

    I personally hate replying to forum posts but I had to for this one as you seem so unfit I had to voice my opinion on this one.


  6. Denied,

    This application is poorly written and mixing in lore, please rewrite this application to better standards.

    Contact me in DMs if you have any questions regarding your denial;
