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  1. +1 Nice guy Good event actually has a brain so
  2. +1 one of the best apps I’ve seen for 096 active asf good luck
  3. Accepted. Ill give you the Discord tag ask a Admin+ for whitelist
  4. [Awaiting More community feedback] just making sure that no one has any last minute remarks
  5. +1 amazing person great app active asf i trust him so much
  6. +1 best application here amazing event planner in the past, I enjoyed all his events when he did it just give it to him
  7. I’m just gonna lock this thread, there is a application here is link to said application
  8. There’s no such thing as downtime and if so there were still upto 80 players on the server as of the time of the ban
  9. +1 good app good guy been hella active on SA which is quite a positive to see
  10. He didn’t have it on safety, he had it pointed , so don’t get on your high horse for no apparent reason I’m giving my feedback as you are. if you have legitimate reason to be upset at me and want to discuss dm me don’t use the forums to find a way to nag. He took it off safety every time I passed
  11. +1 Jared is a great candidate for event planner, simply due to his event plan. It seems so enjoyable to play in on both sides. High rank and trustworthy Amazing Candidate
  12. -1 Immature All reactions and storys of you are just pure mingery. You are a lad but are aibt iffy when it comes to Roleplay
  13. +1 Yes, yes , yse. Victor is a great person and has such a good potential if he gets accepted, when he got ARC he was a ass but he improved so much, he is dedicated to the community so why not reward him to get others interested. good event
  14. +1 Honestly what else is there to say about the man. I have nothing else but respect for him, he is a extremly hard worker to the point of reaching battalion Major. He is a great person and passionate about helping people. Best candidate in my opinion so far
  15. +1/Neutral As aleks and clopter said the clone side is great but jedi in kind of bland and the same event we have all the time. I trust you as a good and hard working member of the community, after being told so much that you are irresponisble to change and look amazing, means something. Great candidate
  16. +1 Mort is a great member of the community, reaching the rank of Jedi Master gives me full confidence he will do great at making events, if he is able to dedicate himself so much to the point of getting a high rank within jedi. Great candidate in my opinion Good event aswell
  17. +1 Please Meep has changed so much for the better. He is actually sick to be around and funny. He has a good concept of lore and knows how to act. Great candidate for EP in my opinion
  18. +1 Applicant has a good understanding within the lore of the scp and the rules of our server around it. Past TSH expereince shows me you are more than ready to get the whitelist and be accepted
  19. -1 As muarice has said and me being a eye witness there i can 100% back the ban as being valid. You decided to use a OOC Deathmatch as a excuse for your mingery and breaking charcater which can go under FailRP aswell. I don't beleive you are ready for a unban due to it being so recent, wait a few months then apply. I don't beleieve your trusted enough to be unbanned.
  20. +1 Applicant is active within the server and community I have had some amazing interactions with you that leads time to a +1. Good Luck
  21. +1 applicant shows full understanding of how RP is done within the server, this is shown by his amazing application in my eyes. Showing the community support this already has shown me and hopefully Fixer you are more than ready for a Site Director position. Staff experience adds everything due to “not having more of a biasy” but if SMT trusts you with a position as high as Senior Admin. You are quite trust worthy
  22. I’m going to be completely honest from experience I’ve had with you. -1 This app is good and whatever but as playing CI one night having be able to sneak into foundation, I noticed you especially were metagaming me. Metagaming by having your gun out everytkme I was near you and you pointing it at me also following me. Following server rules is essential to be a SD so you don’t accidentally send a whole unit to break rules. also you did just recently join . I recommend getting used to how everything is run now compared to when you were your high role
  23. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since being put on trial, you have shown to me that you are ready to be a Salesman, well done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.