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  1. Hello!!!,

    As I banned you, I’ll explain why. I was hosting a Patrol, we passed RS to see you kidnapped someone. We all park up and then chase you , two men released the kidnapped and then the 4 other people chased you. We chased you for a solid 30-40 seconds then an FG member shot you, and fired a warning shot. I was at the situation and saw you broke it. You would of known if you got shot or heard warning shots from you. As you are a veteran player, and since the ban progression adds on it adds to 5 days.

    in the eyes of me and multiple high ranking members both saw it being FearRP I decided to put you on to it.

    Of course, I am in question so I will put it as a 


  2. 21 hours ago, Bread said:

    Dear Kabasch Cashew,

    I am writing to you today to talk about your applcation for SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) - 096 (Zero-Nine-Six) application to address my opinion regarding it. To start of I think that your incredibly low playtime of 4d (I presume the "d" is for days) 17h (I presume the "h" standards for hours) and 12minutes, this sort of playtime is deplorable for this sort of responsibility that you will hold. I really hope that this application is a joke, as I simply cannot believe that a man of your stature would be so ignorant to make such an abhorrant application. 

    In addition to that, by simply looking at your profile picture and IGN (In-game name) I can tell that you are a person to not uphold any responsibility or maturity once a member of staff has stopped watching over you, your first (roleplay) name is "Kabasch", which is uncommon as a first thing, reminds me of a crued spelling of the word "cabbage" which saddens me, the fact that you compare yourself to such a crude and dirty soil-grown vegetable makes me have serious doubts about your maturity. Secondly, your surname (roleplay) "Cashew" hints towards a link to the meme term to SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) - 173 (One-Seven-Three) as cashew as a form of nut and that can be promptly linked to said SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) as a form of pathetic joke, hilarious!


    You make such a bold statement about reading the rules, but you show no real evidence towards you knowing the rules. How frustrating!

    Again! How can you make such a statement without any real proof? S-M-H (Shaking my head).

    The first question has been answered correctly and I'll let you off this time, however I would like a page dedicated to that question, there are many ways in which you can expand your answer and fill in any necessary details.

    Aha! Got you! You've been had! Such a foolish answer, how can you possibly think I wouldn't let this one slide!? Your inactivity cannot be ignored and this is a downfall to your "neat" application. As stated before by W-G SCP-RP Forum user "Royal". (See below).

    You show no proof, and you receive no trust. If the proof arises that you never had this WL (Whitelist) I believe that you should be permanently BANNED for lying and BETRAYING my trust and friendship. (I am crying at this point due to your tomfoolery).

    In conclusion,

    I believe this user is not ready for this sort of whitelist, as stated above. I believe you should gain more experience both as SCP objects and MTFs (Mobile task forces) in this server.


    Kind regards,

    Famous forum user,
    Ex - senior admin,
    Ex - event staff,
    Ex - manager of MTF Ha-23,
    Ex - manager of MTF Z-0,
    Ex - manager of MTF A-1,  
    Current owner of MTF E-11
    Bread - Hanz Alexkrovich

    Shut it retard,


    Application is in good quality and shows u know the rules.

    don’t listen to hanz he literally has a type of autisim

  3. -1

    I’m going to be completely honest, you are just immature. You generalise a whole server for being bad without actually knowing the people within it. You got permanently banned on NRP for minging which if you were a staff member before hand, you would have probably been instantly demoted. 

    You are a high ranking but you are still new to the community and probably don’t understand the basics around events and how they are conducted. I recommend being a EC quite a few times to see how they handle it.


  4. +1

    Coming back to the Star Wars community and seeing how well victor was doing compared to his Arc days showed to me how much he improved as a person and how to hold power without abusing it. He has a good grasp of lore within Star Wars and shows it. He is a nice guy.

    The application itself is in good quality and shows to me that you are actually wanting to go for the position.

  5. -1

    First of all, can a SMT member please mute Evilgeif and ban him from the discord.

    Second , the applicant doesn’t take this type of things serious which is shown within the battalion applications but also in general forum usage and discord usage.

    You are a great person and liked within the community but you can’t just expect to apply for everything as a joke.

  6. -1

    To resign from a high ranking which you had some progression that could of happended is a weird decision if you wish to try get into a staffing position or EP. Taking experience from when I resigned from 501st Colonel. I became instantly inactive within the new regiment I was apart of which was a shame but it is what it is. It happens all the time unless your Corn. 

    The application itself is iffy and lacks quality compared to other applicants and I think the other applicants show better dedication towards the community.

  7. 2 hours ago, Evilgejf said:


    Shepard said it all he is very good boy 🙂

    You can't talk in communitys you been permabanned from


    He literally hacking in a gmod server to pass arc trials. then lied, multiple times infront of RC and still expects to get unbanned. lol

  8. -1

    You literally shot up a bus with No RP intention. Me, Mojave, Stamton, Taboo and Beckette( I think) was there. We adverted counter with the intention of running you over which is valid . We then got gunpointed for which we were under FearRP. We started to slow down the bus for which Orpo saw then they started to follow us to get us out to fine the driver which was in RP. Before all of us could get out you then tried to shoot at all of us with no RP towards the situation. I then take you to a sit for which you had 0 reply for why you did it. As you had previous ARDM warnings you had a ARDM x5  ban

  9. +1

    Razor is a good event planner and general Roleplayer on star wars. I would say, why would you get banned as a EP that irresponsible. But this was when you were new to the community and I beleive that in general with how much I've seen you in star wars. I beleive you should be given a second chance how everyone else has had one so why shoulnd't you

  10. Hello!

    As I banned you, i was informed by a Super admin(Stellman) that you broke RP twice, once stating you were RDM'ed IC and second that you died as of death. As i was told to warn you. You had multiple rule breaks for similar if not identical breaks so you were placed as a Tier II offense.

    Hopefully you see my reasoning,


  11. +1

    Stack is a extremely polite and kind individual that does extremely well within battalion but also as the GC supervisor, as having a experience with you first hand as a GC PVT, I can fully support that you would be a good staff member.

    Looking at the application within itself is good quality and all answers are correct(but for RDM it’s Best to go to the logs first) . You have stated that you in no way should interfere with RP to the best of your ability which is explained the the arrest question as well as the Trainer question. Also your reason to join staff is of good quantity and quality. You would be a good staff member in my eyes and I support you 100%.


  12. +1

    Within my small amount of experience I’ve had with Ron . It has shown me that he is more than ready for staff. He has a amazing IC rank of being a colonel as well as a ARC member. You seem to be known throughout the whole server etc. You have past ULX knowledge which is always good to know as it makes it easier for your trial phase to understand it.

    The application itself is amazing, all the answers are brilliant and shows that you know your way around the server and how it runs with the rules.

    Good Luck