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  1. +1 ”oh your MCnD goodbye “ *proceeds to get massacred
  2. why is it a neutral lmao -1 To short No high ranking experience
  3. RP-Name:Ewan Bartmann SteamID:STEAM_0:1:427293255 Playtime (Must be 4 days or over): 23 hours and 33 minutes(Exception made by John Synergy) In-game Warnings (Reasons and amount, provide a screenshot. Type !warns to see a list, warnings may not exceed 20 [exceptions can be made]): I have 0 warnings, proof is here:https://prnt.sc/w8ovkp Have you read the rules of SCPRP and understand them?: Yes and to ensure I don’t break them, i continuously have a reread over them once in a while. Have you read the SCP-096 rules and understand them? Demonstrate your understanding with an example or two: Yes, i ‘ve read through the rules, 2 examples of these rules are. When you are in your containment chamber, you are to sit in the corner and face the wall, this can be done by doing -duck and +duck I believe. You are not to be facing the door or be attempting to force a breach to happen. You may not try to force people to look at your face. It is FailRP and staff punishment will be given as well as this would be combat baiting. Once you have killed your target, you must sit down as soon as you kill them and face the same orientation and spot you killed them.You are not allowed to after this roleplay situation. Are you able to play the job often and RP correctly?: Yes, I will be able to play the SCP job quite actively due to being on basically everyday. What is the containment procedure for SCP-096 if it has breached? Explain with as much detail as you can: 1st Step. Whenever the breach has begun with a containment breach failure due to malfunction with the door or someone looking at the face. Every foundation personal except for B-7 or E-11 must leave the room where the killing happened of course without looking at his face. 2nd Step. As soon as the room has been evacuated, B-7 or E-11 are to be called to deal with the situation. As soon as they arrive and enter the room they must face away from the SCP until they hit either an obstacle or feel the SCP behind him. 3rd Step. When they find themself near the SCP or near them. They can and they must begin the containment procedure. Remember to be careful due to it will be more successful. 4th Step. They are to then cover the SCP-096 face with anything that fully covers it (plastic bag or anything) and then they make it so fully covered and steady that it won’t come off easily. They then use containment cuffs or elastic cuffs to take it back to his containment chamber. 5th Step. As they are taking the SCP back to his containment chamber they have to be careful on where its located, if it's in the foundation . All the foundation personnel must follow procedure and no one is going near it except for the containment teams. If the SCP reaches the surface you may kill anyone trying to remove the bag. While in a test, the D-Class they have put in your Containment Chamber has run out and managed to get to the Entrance Zone after looking at your face. What course of action do you take and what do you do once your target is dead?: I would firstly ensure that the Class-D person has been killed making sure to avoid someone facing me, but if in RP they do, I would then go and kill them after i have finished the Class-D and sit at the last victim's body. While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? (Free form question.): Personally I believe it is a good RP scenario due to your dangerous SCP and is Euclid object class for the same reason. So if the lore for SCP-096 is to kill people who look at the face should die. The bad bit of the situation is that you might have to kill the other members who saw his face due to accidentally seeing it and it's still RP. A Group of Interest has entered the facility and is attempting to bring you to their base. While transporting you, one of the members sees your face, however says that it was an accident and that you should just ignore it. What should you do and why?: Simply kill the member who saw my face, he is in RP and SCP-096 doesn't change and the person in his face isn’t built differently. I would follow the conduct of killing him and staying at his body.
  4. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD Management has decided to accept your application. Well done. Great Application Amazing Community Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.
  5. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD Management has decided to accept your application. Well done. Great Application Amazing Community Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.
  6. Denied ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD Management has decided to deny this. Reason:Bad Community Feedback You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD Management has decided to accept your application. Well done. Good Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.
  8. Denied ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCnD Management has decided to deny this. Reason:No Detail You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Community Feedback Good Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may ask for the whitelist in game and the role in the discord.
  10. OOC Section Steam Name : haha bitch go brrrr Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:427293255 In-Game Level & Rank: Level 50, GoldVIP State what groups you are in(If you're in any): HoMD , Nu-7(PFC), MCnD Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made): 22 hours and 29 minutes (Exception given by Houston) Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 0 Warns - Proof - https://prnt.sc/w8ovkp What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: Within my 3 years of RP experience, I have one of the best experiences compared to other people. When it comes to CombatRP i have the same amount of experience within my PassiveRP.I have been on multiple seriousRP servers but also semi serious so i know how to act no in a RP situation. Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I personally want to join the GOC group because in my opinion it is one of my favourite groups within the SCP universe. I like how it's different to the actual foundation's goals to use combat rap and others to get rid of the anomaly compared to the foundation just wanting to contain it. It means that you can implement a lot more RP than the foundation. So that’s why I’m wanting to attempt to apply for it. Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes, I fully understand and will accept the group hierarchy decision. Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Seventh Occult War was an Occult War that happened during the Second World War, this war started because of the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps and the Thule-Gesselschaft. Their job was to get the higher advantage then others of the destruction to LTE-0913-Ex-Machina, they wanted to gain more power by completing the Rite of Solomon. This then went into the Allied Occult Initiative to fight back to gain power so the Rite Of Solomon couldn’t continue. This was the way the GoC was formed as a group. What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition: Survival: The GOC is there and has to be there to protect against abnormalities and paranormal events and threats. This mission is the most important and has priority over the others. Concealment: All knowledge that the GOC learn about paranormal threats are to be kept confidential as this could lead to mass panic and unneeded issues forming , also could lead to massive unneeded casualties in the wider civilian population. Protect: The GOC is there and will be there to protect individual humans. This includes both operatives and civilians whenever they can, as long as they don’t block and prevent the last 2 issues. Destruction: The GOC should not take any risks when it comes to survival of paranormal threats, as the anomaly given could lead to the destruction could be a risk to the human race’s existence. Education: The GOC no matter what should expand all knowledge they have about paranormal threats and study those threats.As long as it doesn’t break the other statements or contradicts them. Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC was formed initially as a safeguard to be against rogue organizations that attempt to and finish was the SS couldn’t do and finish the Rite of Solomon and other actions that give the consequence of world ending scenarios due to this not even one nation is trusted to deal with these situations. After the continuous threat rising of paranormal activities and threats everywhere in the world needed a group or organization to deal with it. This then led to the United Nations Global Occult Coalition being created, which wasn't secret at all. Now a day the GOC are there to protect and destroy the paranormal threats or anomalous to prevent anything happening again. What is the difference between a KTE and a UTE: KTE: Known Threat Entity which means the entity has been fully identified and been established and are to be handled. UTE: Unknown Threat Entity which are paranormal threats which the entities have not been established with the GOC database that only know their existence but have no info on it. What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: GOC’s PHYSICS division specializes in investigations/observation and also the capture/neutralization of TE’s which is short of Threat Entities. The PHYSICS division splits into 2 teams, one is called the “assessment team”, they are the people that are to observe and investigate paranormal threats. The second is the “strike team”, which is then there so eliminate/capture the parathreats. ___________________________________ IC Section "Banshee" First and Last Name: [REDACTED] Serial Number: 43212353/1231 – Real Name: Ewan Johnstone Nationality: Scottish Gender:Male Date of Birth: 22/08/1985 Biographical Information Ewan Johnstone was born in Glasgow in 1985, being born near the centre of glasgow he has the brightest future within everything that was given to him possible, when he first went into Primary School, he then had the goal of going into the military as a Royal Marine Commando Officer, to lead troops which is his overall goal. When he got into high school, he was a straight-A student, getting A’s in all his higher which was a feat for this school he was at. After he left he went straight for the Royal Marine Commando Officer and past the admiralty test with flying colours, after 56 weeks of consistent training he then had a mission and operation in Iraq for 2 years, when he came back. They thought he was going to get PTSD due to the death of 5 men in his squadron that were his close friends, but luckily he didn’t after this, he wanted to do better for the community and joined as a few more military jobs. Realizing that he will never have the ambition he had, he went for the GOC Physics division. At first he failed but then the second time he passed. Career Service Vitae: Royal Marine Commando Officer (2 years) Army Highest Rank: Sergeant Major Infantry member ( 7 years)
  11. -1 imagine lying on a app that if you said the truth you would of been accepted retard
  12. +1 o no you can’t give your opinion without knowing th banning admin haha opinion go brrrrrr if it’s a year fuck it you’ll be on a final warning tho
  13. +1 This person has actually attempted to come back to the community and thrive through this, he has made a discord support ticket and seemed extremely genuine that he wants to come back.He has expressed he past quite well and seems like a nice person.
  14. +1 if GOC removed also since TSH there is only one GOI to play. I like the concept of AWCY? since Lando actually knows how the server plays and how it would work. Personally seems more passive rp based which we need more in the community in my opinion. Personally there is no reason to not trial this. Dr Micheal Tackinlose ~ Ewan Bartmann P.S I know it says I’m management and +1ed it. I would like to add I did this message before I discussed to lando about management
  15. +1 No a bad guy good application Ull do good
  16. hi how r u staff managerrrrrrrr nor rrrra

    i wisht to aply fogr staf member pls help

  17. -1 no detail i know you don’t need a lot but I recommend up to 5lines at least for all of the questions that are asked for in detail. my opinions can easily change just make it more nicer tae look at
  18. +1good guy correct answers and not mentally retarded so
  19. Hippity hoppity get ur ass out of frisbee porperty -1
  20. Sorry I just did it in case someone had a message that good both positively or negatively impact to get a full image so you get the best decision