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  1. +1/Neutral

    I agree with Ethan here, as you are really mature for your age-group. I believe you just need a little bit more maturity for being a staff member. I am in no way saying you aren't mature but you know what i mean. Ethan is right in this scenario, i recommend you start grinding up the ranks within battalion and when/if you receive Battalon Captain or Major then it would be the perfect time to apply as you shown the maturity needed for staff.

    Still the application is really good and you are extremely dedicated within the server so I think you will still be a good staff member.

  2. -1

    Hello Fixterman,

    You are a middleish ranks within The Orpo and seem somewhat competent ic. But unfortunately your warnings perceives you as quite a rule breaker, as you continuously get warned to accumulate so many in a short time span. You behaviour has had a great improvement I must say. Personally I don’t believe you would have a good stance when it comes to sits aswell.

    May I also add that if half the senior staff team doesn’t trust you. That’s something that will need fixing would it be acting more professional IC to ensure img you know and follow the ruleset

    Best of luck of course,


  3. Hey,

    As the staff member who witnessed the sit but didn't deliver the punishment, i'll explain the reasoning towards it in my eyes. You're base was a doom base which is against staff rules, as you said you didn't know about it, it would of been a tier i. But as you recently had the same warning there is nothing he could of done as you were counted as a veteran player and also that you recently had a very similar warning

    Unfortnately this is a,


    Have a lovely night,


  4. Hey Stampton,

    You are a competent member of Kompanie "Bruno" as well as a great CO for members to learn upon. The application upon itself is in good quality of course because of you have two weeks to learn upon everything you passed that mark perfectly. When it comes to activity, I see you on most to everynight which is good due to mainly its active in that time framne. For this i will leave it at a 


  5. Hello,

    So unfortnately this can't be a thing to happen. As you've said the warnings given were valid and led to this, this is usually here for unjustified warn the user has been given. I recommend checking over all RP rules( Penal Code and Laws ) as well as server rules to ensure you won't have this happen to you. 

    All the best wishes thought.



  6. IC





    *********Opening Creditentials Menu*********


     ---------Enter Username: AMarshall####---------


    ----------Enter Password: Nucle##########-------


    *********Welcome Mr Amos Marshall**********


    ********* You have ONE new message*********


    “Wait, who’s messaging me?”


    Looks at message and it reads;


    “Hello, we somehow have the weirdest situations right now, the anomalous activity that is happening is something that I haven’t seen since the last time there was a infestation from a zombie kind of anomaly. At the current moment we have a club secure in a city named “Ovis City” and we are attempting to get some routes getting set up here, we require your help though. Within this weird time, the United Nations was here… They recently left due to the Chaos Insurgency. Within the city it seems that the Insurgency are working with us in an alliance. We have learned a lot from them about operations that the SCP Foundation are holding and it is scary to be frank… They seem to continuously believe that capturing members of the general public and taking them into a subway for them not to be seen at all and they never come back. Anyway, if you are available to come and oversee the basics of what is happening it will be greatly appreciated.”

    Mr E.Bartmann


    Marshall looks extremely confused, he needs to start heading over


    “This is stupid, this idiot is acting like it’s something we need to concern about”

    “Nevertheless, I will see what's happening”

    ******New Message, Received “ One second ago”********

    “What now”

    “I forgot to mention that recently one of our own men recently fell into a trance. Believing in a “King”, recently talking with him and a member of the Foundation. He couldn’t pronounce Carter for some reason, he would refer to it by “Marshall, Kin… & Dark”. He seems to believe he owns over everyone, but he has the ability to create portals and wanted our neutrality with foundation. Don’t worry it will turn into a one sided glass if you will, and we will be able to turn this into a business profit.


    “Okay, now this might require my interest”


    Starts message


    “I will be visiting a city one of our men are stationed at, something isn’t right there and I will investigate. Inform Dark if you may. Thank you”


    Sends Email


    “Okay, we need to get to the city”


    Opens portal


    “Lets go, better get into more appropriate attire, wouldn’t want to look good there. The city sounds like a wreck”




    End Of IC







    Name: Banshee

    Steam Name: Banshee

    Discord ID: Ewan#0822

    SteamID : STEAM_0:1:427293255


    Equipment : 

    Anomaly Scanner

    Any Pistol/SMG ( Nothing big needed as its a PassiveRP idea



    Basic Suit model and nothing special


    Commuications devices;


    Marshall Carter and Dark ( If able to)



    Marshall Carter and Dark: Have a guess

    Chaos Insurgency: Friendly

    Foundation : Undecided

    TSH: Undecided


    This ??? character is to try to improve RP with the MCnD group as at the moment its looking quite bleak and boring at the moment, the RP Norra does I want to also mix in with this. It will be used to determine the relations between Foundation and potentially UIU if need be. I want to add RP within the Surface between this and Chaos Insurgency with having massive talks about the foundation. This job is not to have a saying over the salesman but also a chance to supervise it in RP and add some consequence RP if need be.



    End of OOC

    If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me



  7. +1

    I complete agree what Mattheus has said it’s hard to judge, since you seem like a nice person and apologetic for the things you caused as such I believe you should have it turn into a Tier 1 1 week reduction ban as this makes you aware of your actions but as well as allows you to still attempt to follow the community as such afterwards.

    Best idea is if it gets accepted to read over all IC rules (Penal Code and laws) well as general rules which you can find simple. This ensures the mistake won’t occur again

  8. Denied,

    Application is similar to previous one and as such Marshall Carter and Dark applications have been closed due to a rebranding of the application . Once we republish it you may try again.

    Take note copying the application and having it extremely similar will lead to a blacklist from salesman.

  9. Your in-Game Name: Ewan Bartmann

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255

    Your Age:17

    Your In-Game Playtime: 1 week 4 days

    Your Warns: 0 Warns.

    Rate Your RP Skills: 9/10

    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?:

    05-11 “The Masked Genius”

    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?:

    Yes I do, being a previous staff member proves that I have a good memory of the rules.

    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions):

    There are multiple reasons for why I believe I would be a good member of the O5 Council. The first reason is my experience throughout all my time being a roleplayer, I have been a roleplayer for coming upto 2 years now. Being within low ranks and high ranks, I know how to act and keep an experience best of what it can be.

    The second reason I believe I would be a good O5 council member is that, In my opinion and the opinions of others. I am an extremely good leader, this being the aspect of leader MCnD or leading the site temporarily as a Site director. This can link into multiple communities of reaching Colonel in W-G SWRP, NCO in 1.SS on the NRP server and multiple high ranks throughout other communities. I’m a naturally born leader with the determination to lead to the best of any scenario, to put this in a real life perspective. At the moment I am planning on applying for the Royal Navy as an officer, having military workshop and work experience prepared me to apply for an Officer role which has leads in it.

    The last reason for why I believe I would be a good O5 council member is that, I am extremely well prepared to have certain issues come up compared to what others face, this could be facing orders under pressure from threats unheard of, to what to make as a decision to further push the chance of getting the successful ending to which we win.

    Hopefully this shows all the reasons why in my opinion I would be the perfect candidate to be a part of the O5 council.

    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?:

    O5 Council mainly observes what actually happens. They ensure quality throughout the whole operation. They could also be known as the “Overseers”, which means they look for any bad issues and they bring it back to the council to either fix or remove it.

    With this I wish my O5 character to be more on the operations side to ensure all MTF Units know how to be good situational wise.

    What is the O5 Council?:

    The O5 Council are basically the “Leaders” of the Foundation, they oversee all things going and ensure all operations are running smoothly. They use the site administration(Site director) to ensure the quality of the work ethic should be at when they are there. They are Clearance Level 5 personal so they can make some of the biggest changes to the foundation and decide the fate of the site or company as a whole.

    The O5 council are known to be there, but they aren’t known as people. They could be anyone in disguise, but no details about the council have been found.

    Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?:

    I am a Site Director under the name of “Micheal Tackinlose” but I am also a job manager of “Marshall Carter and Dark LTD”. 

    What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...):

    If I got accepted I wish to focus upon the militarisation side of the foundation, so I would prefer working in the Mobile Task Force department.

    More Information:

    I will be getting alot more active with me finding it more enjoyable and alot more time is came to me with schools coming back slower than expected.