Platinum VIP
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  1. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Lorex Krato in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   
    He's not a bad guy.
    He doesn't go around to piss people off. 
    He doesn't stretch the limits of the rules. 
    He doesn't act like a jackass and hide behind the rules when people want revenge. 
    He's an a'OK guy. 
  2. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Qas in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   
    Name: Banshee
    What country are you from?: Scotland, United Kingdom
    How well do you speak and understand English?: I understand and speak english fluently
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255
    In-Game name(s): Ewan Bartmann, Director Tackinlose, Dr Micheal Tackinlose
    Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 3 days 10 minutes
    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: GoldVIP - Radio Tool As Well
    Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a working and good sounding microphone.
    Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Yes, I use teamspeak actively and mostly everyday.
    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):
    There are multiple reasons for why I believe that I should be picked to become a new SCP-RP staff member, the first reason I believe that I should be picked is because of my past experience, I’ve been staffing on gmod-rp server for coming up to 2 years now. This shows that I know how you moderate specifically for RP so I can tell the difference between someone minging or being on the server for the intent just to fuck around and someone doing something in RP for a reason e.g KIlling someone that didn’t follow your orders under gunpoint. This experience has also teached me how to act when you are faced with certain issues or if someone is lying. This means to keep yourself in a calm state of mind which you can only achieve if you're a staff member for quite a while and understand your way around the loopholes the player attempts to create. That’s one of the reasons I believe I will and am a good staff member.
    The second reason I believe I am a good staff member and a suitable candidate is because how I act IC, I personally believe that SeriousRP is enjoyable and fun but also I enjoy semi-serious RP, when it comes to me acting IC and OOC is quite clear that I try to keep everything IC. When it comes to RP in general I believe that I have probably one of the best experiences in roleplaying when it comes to playing certain battalions in star wars (74th) or being in a Imperial Naval job, RP is everything in those types of jobs and as 74th i haven’t reach a high rank but as a Imperial Navy member i was able to reach the rank of Midshipmen on one community and Commordore(EXO) on another. Showing that I can RP probably,efficiently and knowing how others should be RP even if they are just starting off. This is another reason I believe I would be a good candidate for being a staff member.
    Another reason I believe that I will be a good staff member is the relationship and dedication I have within this community. I know I recently left and then joined another community just to leave and rejoin but since rejoining I've put all my dedication to show for it if this is attempting to help RP groups out, to being a Senior Discord Support member helping out whenever I can if my rank allows me to. My relationship with the community was shown since day one, when I first joined SWRP going through all the ranks in 501st to Colonel then coming to NRP and meeting every from there then coming here as well. In my opinion this is one of the best communities to be in compared to others that higher rank’s refuse to talk to low ranks because they aren't a part of their “Chain of command” which I never see in this community at all. This hopefully shows my relationship I have with the community. This includes the relationships i’ve gained within this making mates people that are there not just to fuck around but there to just talk and have a good laugh. Hopefully this shows why I am a good candidate for being a staff member.
    How long will you be able to play per day?:
    If I'm playing on a weekend or holiday I can achieve upto 5-6 hours per day on the server and SODing , if it's on the weekday I will only probably achieve upto 3-4 hours a day. 
    Any past experience as staff?: 
    Werwolf Gaming: HL-RP - Moderator + Discord Staff Manager
    ImperialRP - Moderator
    PrisonRP - Moderator
    DarkRP - Superadmin(Server has gone brrr)
    SkyrimRP - Staff Member
    All this staff time equals coming up to 2 years of staffing on Garry’s Mod.
    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.):
    I have no warnings at all
    Proof : 
    Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No:
    Yes, i know basic and advanced ulx commands, these include;
    [How to warn]!warn [player] [reason]
    [How to ban]Either !xban ( then follow gui) or !ban [player] [steamid] [time]
    [How to kick] !kick [player] [reason]
    [How to spectate] !spectate or !spectate [player]
    [how to HP] !hp [player] [amount of hp wanting to give]
    [How to tp to someone] !goto [player]
    [How to return your a player] !return [player]
    [How to check a players warnings] !warns (then find the player on the popup)
    [How to Jail] !jail [player] [time]
    [How to mute in voice chat] !gag [player] [time]
    [How to mute in chat] !mute [player] [time]
    [To cloak(which is essential for SOD] !cloak [player]
    [To Godmode] !god [player]
    To do the opposite of the ULX command done is by adding a un before the actual command for example !ungod [player]. Note this is for most of them, some don't.
    Server Side ULX commands which affects all players are 
    [How to stopsound on all players] !stopsound
    [How to clear all decals for all players] !cleardecals
    With ULX commands there is prefixes to quickly target someone they include
    @ - Targeting the player in front of you(don’t use, can be inefficient tping someone it should of)
    To target a certain steamid then name  - $ e.g !ban $STEAM_0:1:427293255 0 SMT Orders    All ULX commands that are not server side can be used with doing it by steamid and not names.
    % - Targets a certain ULX usergroup - example could be . !bring %tmod
    Targeting yourself for a ULX command - ^ - example. !hp ^ 100
    Targeting everyone below your ULX usergroup is - * - example. !bring *
    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):
    SCP-RP gamemode and game initially started and was heavily inspired  due to the Wiki, within the game and gamemode you are in the foundation with a role of some sort (scientist, MTF, class D or SCP) and you have a certain task, this is the same in the gamemode in garry’s mod. As you are RPing as the task you have in everyday SCPRP. The setting is pretty simple, you are in a foundation which is owned by the SCP (Secure, Contain and Protect). This is filled with endless testing going on. In the game your task is to either protect or escape. In the gamemode its similar but with more of a twist. In our community, we are based in a site named site - 19 under ovis city.
    There are 2 sides if you will to our version, the surface and the foundation. The goals of both of them are different to whatever GOI is there. The Foundation's main goal is to get anomalies and contain it to avoid the hostile or potentially people at war getting it and having a massive advantage over the foundation. On the surface, it is split between GOI’s(group of interest), and they have separate goals. As one can be for selling items to capturing and investigating Anomalies to see if it can be used for better use , also could be a group that’s goal is to destroy the foundation.
    In the actual Foundation all is not what it seems, to have leaders that are our gods and can’t die due to this and aliens. They split into MTF, military and researchers and high command really. MTF are containment, they come to assist if the SCP breaches out and ensures its containment of anomalies, lore known groups of MTF are E-11 and Beta 7. Nu-7 are the military of the foundation, in our server they do operations against hostile GOI’s to ensure they don’t become a high threat. Researchers then researched said anomaly to find out anything about it and used it to ensure they knew everything about it.
    In Oviscity the foundation ensures that the members of the city are safe and don’t get attacked by potential SCP’s that get breached and somehow escape.
    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: 
    Yes I do. Including the new ruleset these rules split upto. RP rules, Combat rules, Building rules and job rules.
    Combat rules orientate all around combatRP within the RP server and one of the most important bits of RP within a server, the rules surrounding CombatRP is as normal in any other community is not to randomly kill a player for no RP intention, this is known as Random Deathmatch(RDM), which can lead to a warn and potentially a ban if the user has done it multiple times before. One way minges do RDM which would account for most communities is an instant ban with no questions asked if you see it. In this community it mainly leads for a Permanent ban depending on the severity. For example if someone mass kills 9 people with all accounts having no RP intention and was just sitting around he would be then perma banned from this server. Into detail CombatRP is more job specific which is usually found on said job spreadsheet or in the application itself.
    RDM - Randomly killing a player for no roleplay intention or gain.
       Mass RDM - Killing multiple players for no intention  and no gain
    -Combat Baiting - Attempting to start combat for no reason
    Roleplay rules;
    Roleplay rules are the cement and the foundation for any good and well made roleplay server, this is the essence of the server and should be followed to the period. Roleplay rules on SCP-RP are based around the job you play, for example a SCP has the roleplay mind of following for which the character they play, so if your SCP-096 you roleplay intention is to chase down for whoever looked at your face and neutralise them, or play security guard and your RP intention a rule is to guard d-block and ensure safety for foundation. Some Roleplay rules are apparent so breaking NLR which is FailRP as you are saying your somebody for who has died. This is usually met with a warning as well as all information given is invalid. Another RP rule which is heavily enforced is metagaming. This rule and rule break is meaning by the definition of using an OOC action to get a IC advantage, for example saying in OOC you are going to raid the PD then when no fortresses or barricades are built, but after saying that. Having a fully built base and ready for an attack.
    -Metagaming Using OOC information for IC advantage
    -FearRP - FailRP - Not listening to orders in cuffs
    -FailRP Name - Name chosen is either failrp due to it being a famous name or just not a name in general
    -NLR - New life rule. Not returning or retaining any information past death
    Building Rules;
    Garry’s Mod by itself is a sandbox game, so building is a thing. Building within RP should be to improve or add to the RP as such With this, there are a lot of rules to follow with this. There isn’t much to say for the building rules as they are not really specific. But the thing to go by is to follow RP Building rules and only build something to improve RP and make it better. Another way of a user breaking a rule with props, is by prop killing which falls under RDM as well as Propkill 
     Prop Spam/ Attempting to crash the server - Attempting to crash the server or prop spam
    Prop Kill - Using a prop to kill a player. 
    Job Rules;
    When it comes to Job Rules, this is the most important ruleset to have as it is the main set of rules that have a different changes from others, all unique GOI’s that have a job manager will follow the same rules as the server but have unique rules to enforce rules that differs between a GOI for another, if these break server rules then its a punishable offense its more of a IC punishment e.g strikes etc but most of the time it wouldn’t be unless its FailRP specifically for SCP jobs such as  -096 where you can combat bait and not face the right way.
    -FailRP Forced Breach
    Reading through the rules multiple times, i understand them and ensure i follow it at all times for the SCP-RP server.
  3. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Nathan Kennedy in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   
    In before everyone starts -1ing as a joke then actually gives there +1 reasoning.
    Good experience
    Decent app
    knows stuff
    we need more staff
    Low playtime but still reaches the minimum requirement.
    Overall +1
  4. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Nell in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   
    +1 for the reasons above and quote from Norra:
  5. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Lando Lovelace in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   
    Literally one of the most competent people on the server
    Bullies me
    (Child Abuser)
    Also just a nice guy in general
  6. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Dimmy in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   
    Name: Banshee
    What country are you from?: Scotland, United Kingdom
    How well do you speak and understand English?: I understand and speak english fluently
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255
    In-Game name(s): Ewan Bartmann, Director Tackinlose, Dr Micheal Tackinlose
    Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 3 days 10 minutes
    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: GoldVIP - Radio Tool As Well
    Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a working and good sounding microphone.
    Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Yes, I use teamspeak actively and mostly everyday.
    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):
    There are multiple reasons for why I believe that I should be picked to become a new SCP-RP staff member, the first reason I believe that I should be picked is because of my past experience, I’ve been staffing on gmod-rp server for coming up to 2 years now. This shows that I know how you moderate specifically for RP so I can tell the difference between someone minging or being on the server for the intent just to fuck around and someone doing something in RP for a reason e.g KIlling someone that didn’t follow your orders under gunpoint. This experience has also teached me how to act when you are faced with certain issues or if someone is lying. This means to keep yourself in a calm state of mind which you can only achieve if you're a staff member for quite a while and understand your way around the loopholes the player attempts to create. That’s one of the reasons I believe I will and am a good staff member.
    The second reason I believe I am a good staff member and a suitable candidate is because how I act IC, I personally believe that SeriousRP is enjoyable and fun but also I enjoy semi-serious RP, when it comes to me acting IC and OOC is quite clear that I try to keep everything IC. When it comes to RP in general I believe that I have probably one of the best experiences in roleplaying when it comes to playing certain battalions in star wars (74th) or being in a Imperial Naval job, RP is everything in those types of jobs and as 74th i haven’t reach a high rank but as a Imperial Navy member i was able to reach the rank of Midshipmen on one community and Commordore(EXO) on another. Showing that I can RP probably,efficiently and knowing how others should be RP even if they are just starting off. This is another reason I believe I would be a good candidate for being a staff member.
    Another reason I believe that I will be a good staff member is the relationship and dedication I have within this community. I know I recently left and then joined another community just to leave and rejoin but since rejoining I've put all my dedication to show for it if this is attempting to help RP groups out, to being a Senior Discord Support member helping out whenever I can if my rank allows me to. My relationship with the community was shown since day one, when I first joined SWRP going through all the ranks in 501st to Colonel then coming to NRP and meeting every from there then coming here as well. In my opinion this is one of the best communities to be in compared to others that higher rank’s refuse to talk to low ranks because they aren't a part of their “Chain of command” which I never see in this community at all. This hopefully shows my relationship I have with the community. This includes the relationships i’ve gained within this making mates people that are there not just to fuck around but there to just talk and have a good laugh. Hopefully this shows why I am a good candidate for being a staff member.
    How long will you be able to play per day?:
    If I'm playing on a weekend or holiday I can achieve upto 5-6 hours per day on the server and SODing , if it's on the weekday I will only probably achieve upto 3-4 hours a day. 
    Any past experience as staff?: 
    Werwolf Gaming: HL-RP - Moderator + Discord Staff Manager
    ImperialRP - Moderator
    PrisonRP - Moderator
    DarkRP - Superadmin(Server has gone brrr)
    SkyrimRP - Staff Member
    All this staff time equals coming up to 2 years of staffing on Garry’s Mod.
    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.):
    I have no warnings at all
    Proof : 
    Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No:
    Yes, i know basic and advanced ulx commands, these include;
    [How to warn]!warn [player] [reason]
    [How to ban]Either !xban ( then follow gui) or !ban [player] [steamid] [time]
    [How to kick] !kick [player] [reason]
    [How to spectate] !spectate or !spectate [player]
    [how to HP] !hp [player] [amount of hp wanting to give]
    [How to tp to someone] !goto [player]
    [How to return your a player] !return [player]
    [How to check a players warnings] !warns (then find the player on the popup)
    [How to Jail] !jail [player] [time]
    [How to mute in voice chat] !gag [player] [time]
    [How to mute in chat] !mute [player] [time]
    [To cloak(which is essential for SOD] !cloak [player]
    [To Godmode] !god [player]
    To do the opposite of the ULX command done is by adding a un before the actual command for example !ungod [player]. Note this is for most of them, some don't.
    Server Side ULX commands which affects all players are 
    [How to stopsound on all players] !stopsound
    [How to clear all decals for all players] !cleardecals
    With ULX commands there is prefixes to quickly target someone they include
    @ - Targeting the player in front of you(don’t use, can be inefficient tping someone it should of)
    To target a certain steamid then name  - $ e.g !ban $STEAM_0:1:427293255 0 SMT Orders    All ULX commands that are not server side can be used with doing it by steamid and not names.
    % - Targets a certain ULX usergroup - example could be . !bring %tmod
    Targeting yourself for a ULX command - ^ - example. !hp ^ 100
    Targeting everyone below your ULX usergroup is - * - example. !bring *
    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):
    SCP-RP gamemode and game initially started and was heavily inspired  due to the Wiki, within the game and gamemode you are in the foundation with a role of some sort (scientist, MTF, class D or SCP) and you have a certain task, this is the same in the gamemode in garry’s mod. As you are RPing as the task you have in everyday SCPRP. The setting is pretty simple, you are in a foundation which is owned by the SCP (Secure, Contain and Protect). This is filled with endless testing going on. In the game your task is to either protect or escape. In the gamemode its similar but with more of a twist. In our community, we are based in a site named site - 19 under ovis city.
    There are 2 sides if you will to our version, the surface and the foundation. The goals of both of them are different to whatever GOI is there. The Foundation's main goal is to get anomalies and contain it to avoid the hostile or potentially people at war getting it and having a massive advantage over the foundation. On the surface, it is split between GOI’s(group of interest), and they have separate goals. As one can be for selling items to capturing and investigating Anomalies to see if it can be used for better use , also could be a group that’s goal is to destroy the foundation.
    In the actual Foundation all is not what it seems, to have leaders that are our gods and can’t die due to this and aliens. They split into MTF, military and researchers and high command really. MTF are containment, they come to assist if the SCP breaches out and ensures its containment of anomalies, lore known groups of MTF are E-11 and Beta 7. Nu-7 are the military of the foundation, in our server they do operations against hostile GOI’s to ensure they don’t become a high threat. Researchers then researched said anomaly to find out anything about it and used it to ensure they knew everything about it.
    In Oviscity the foundation ensures that the members of the city are safe and don’t get attacked by potential SCP’s that get breached and somehow escape.
    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: 
    Yes I do. Including the new ruleset these rules split upto. RP rules, Combat rules, Building rules and job rules.
    Combat rules orientate all around combatRP within the RP server and one of the most important bits of RP within a server, the rules surrounding CombatRP is as normal in any other community is not to randomly kill a player for no RP intention, this is known as Random Deathmatch(RDM), which can lead to a warn and potentially a ban if the user has done it multiple times before. One way minges do RDM which would account for most communities is an instant ban with no questions asked if you see it. In this community it mainly leads for a Permanent ban depending on the severity. For example if someone mass kills 9 people with all accounts having no RP intention and was just sitting around he would be then perma banned from this server. Into detail CombatRP is more job specific which is usually found on said job spreadsheet or in the application itself.
    RDM - Randomly killing a player for no roleplay intention or gain.
       Mass RDM - Killing multiple players for no intention  and no gain
    -Combat Baiting - Attempting to start combat for no reason
    Roleplay rules;
    Roleplay rules are the cement and the foundation for any good and well made roleplay server, this is the essence of the server and should be followed to the period. Roleplay rules on SCP-RP are based around the job you play, for example a SCP has the roleplay mind of following for which the character they play, so if your SCP-096 you roleplay intention is to chase down for whoever looked at your face and neutralise them, or play security guard and your RP intention a rule is to guard d-block and ensure safety for foundation. Some Roleplay rules are apparent so breaking NLR which is FailRP as you are saying your somebody for who has died. This is usually met with a warning as well as all information given is invalid. Another RP rule which is heavily enforced is metagaming. This rule and rule break is meaning by the definition of using an OOC action to get a IC advantage, for example saying in OOC you are going to raid the PD then when no fortresses or barricades are built, but after saying that. Having a fully built base and ready for an attack.
    -Metagaming Using OOC information for IC advantage
    -FearRP - FailRP - Not listening to orders in cuffs
    -FailRP Name - Name chosen is either failrp due to it being a famous name or just not a name in general
    -NLR - New life rule. Not returning or retaining any information past death
    Building Rules;
    Garry’s Mod by itself is a sandbox game, so building is a thing. Building within RP should be to improve or add to the RP as such With this, there are a lot of rules to follow with this. There isn’t much to say for the building rules as they are not really specific. But the thing to go by is to follow RP Building rules and only build something to improve RP and make it better. Another way of a user breaking a rule with props, is by prop killing which falls under RDM as well as Propkill 
     Prop Spam/ Attempting to crash the server - Attempting to crash the server or prop spam
    Prop Kill - Using a prop to kill a player. 
    Job Rules;
    When it comes to Job Rules, this is the most important ruleset to have as it is the main set of rules that have a different changes from others, all unique GOI’s that have a job manager will follow the same rules as the server but have unique rules to enforce rules that differs between a GOI for another, if these break server rules then its a punishable offense its more of a IC punishment e.g strikes etc but most of the time it wouldn’t be unless its FailRP specifically for SCP jobs such as  -096 where you can combat bait and not face the right way.
    -FailRP Forced Breach
    Reading through the rules multiple times, i understand them and ensure i follow it at all times for the SCP-RP server.
  7. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Herman Stellman in Seth's HOMD App   
    Idiot Head
  8. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Herman Stellman in my MC&D salesman application   
    As much as I would like to already accept this, the salesman that have been accepted are giving bad feedback towards you. Seemingly others have different opinons, you will have a 4 day period to show to me and the other salesman that you are ready for this position.
    This includes being active within the game and the teamspeak and showing your potential.
  9. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Herman Stellman in Callum.P's Staff Application   
    who tf r you never heard of you
  10. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Norra in unban for scp roleplay   
    here is the copy paste 
  11. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Engel in Seth's HOMD App   
    Idiot Head
  12. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in SCP 096 Application   
  13. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to John Synergy in SCP 096 Application   
    shut the fuck
  14. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    No exception no accepted
    you need th minimum gametime
  15. Haha
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban Request #2 (hoping for new year miracle)   
    Honestly, Fuck Off. Enjoy the 3 Month Forum Ban.
  16. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from CarJuice in Unban Request   
    if it’s a while back why not fuck ittt dood.
    just don’t make the Same mistake again my friend because you won’t be in unpermabsnned twice 
  17. Confused
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Nathan Dixon in can a be MTF nu-7 NCO   
    you made an identical thread like a couple days ago, actually read your replies and do what we say
    if you are gonna keep doing this shit you'll be blacklisted
    this thread can be locked, should not exist 🙃
  18. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Norra in Website Rank Request - SCP Job Manager   
    Tag given.
  19. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Nathan Kennedy in The Best 096 Application You Will Ever Read   
    You stole my boyfriend for gods sake
    You should try jumping into traffic, do everyone a favour.
  20. Haha
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Dach in Random ban   
    The banning admin will be issued with a reminder that he is a massive fucking brainlet. Deepest apologies for the issues caused. 
  21. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Asteria Silver in Alacastus Alastair's Staff Application 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    I’m actually going to hit this with a fat 
    coming back to the community and gaining all that game time is extremely impressive and shows commitment to the community your willing to grow in.
    the app itself is pretty well made and I’ve got really no issues with it except the font but that’s my preference to others
    Good Luck Lad
  22. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Exiled in Security Command Chain rework suggestion. ~Josh Nixon   
    The main idea I like from here is making HoS WL,whenever there is one person minging on HoS I keep a mental note to stay as fair as I can away from them to avoid them. But if you made it a whitelist thing and made someone a job manager I would 100% back it up
  23. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to John Synergy in Banshee - SCP-096 Application   
    Ewan Bartmann
    After giving a time exception, I fully trust this individual due to his knowledge of the rules and his current community support, including that of SMT.
    Please contact a member of staff or myself in-game to receive your SCP-096 whitelist.
    Ensure you show them a screenshot of this post or link it.
  24. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Norra in Wrights Event Team Application.   
    Because Plague just refuses to do it, I am denying this application.
    You may reapply in 2 weeks.
  25. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    OOC Section
    Steam Name : haha bitch go brrrr
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:427293255
    In-Game Level & Rank: Level 50, GoldVIP
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any):
    HoMD , Nu-7(PFC), MCnD
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):
    22 hours and 29 minutes (Exception given by Houston)
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made):
    0 Warns - Proof -  https://prnt.sc/w8ovkp
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition:
    Within my 3 years of RP experience, I have one of the best experiences compared to other people. When it comes to CombatRP i have the same amount of experience within my PassiveRP.I have been on multiple seriousRP servers but also semi serious so i know how to act no in a RP situation.
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?:
    I personally want to join the GOC group because in my opinion it is one of my favourite groups within the SCP universe. I like how it's different to the actual foundation's goals to use combat rap and others to get rid of the anomaly compared to the foundation just wanting to contain it. It means that you can implement a lot more RP than the foundation. So that’s why I’m wanting to attempt to apply for it.
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked:
    Yes, I fully understand and will accept the group hierarchy decision.
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War:
    The Seventh Occult War was an Occult War that happened during the Second World War, this war started because of the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps and the Thule-Gesselschaft. Their job was to get the higher advantage then others of the destruction to LTE-0913-Ex-Machina, they wanted to gain more power by completing the Rite of Solomon. This then went into the Allied Occult Initiative to fight back to gain power so the Rite Of Solomon couldn’t continue. This was the way the GoC was formed as a group.
    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:
    The GOC is there and has to be there to protect against abnormalities and paranormal events and threats. This mission is the most important and has priority over the others.
    All knowledge that the GOC learn about paranormal threats are to be kept confidential as this could lead to mass panic and unneeded issues forming , also could lead to massive unneeded casualties in the wider civilian population.
    The GOC is there and will be there to protect individual humans. This includes both operatives and civilians whenever they can, as long as they don’t block and prevent the last 2 issues.
    The GOC should not take any risks when it comes to survival of paranormal threats, as the anomaly given could lead to the destruction could be a risk to the human race’s existence.
    The GOC no matter what should expand all knowledge they have about paranormal threats and study those threats.As long as it doesn’t break the other statements or contradicts them.
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?:
    The GOC was formed initially as a safeguard to be against rogue organizations that attempt to and finish was the SS couldn’t do and finish the Rite of Solomon and other actions that give the consequence of world ending scenarios due to this not even one nation is trusted to deal with these situations. After the continuous threat rising of paranormal activities and threats everywhere in the world needed a group or organization to deal with it. This then led to the United Nations Global Occult Coalition being created, which wasn't secret at all. Now a day the GOC are there to protect and destroy the paranormal threats or anomalous to prevent anything happening again.
    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE:
    KTE: Known Threat Entity which means the entity has been fully identified and been established and are to be handled.
    UTE: Unknown Threat Entity which are paranormal threats which the entities have not been established with the GOC database that only know their existence but have no info on it. 
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?:
    GOC’s PHYSICS division specializes in investigations/observation and also the capture/neutralization of TE’s which is short of Threat Entities. The PHYSICS division splits into 2 teams, one is called the “assessment team”, they are the people that are to observe and investigate paranormal threats. The second is the “strike team”, which is then there so eliminate/capture the parathreats.
    IC Section 
    First and Last Name: [REDACTED]
    Serial Number: 43212353/1231
    Real Name: Ewan Johnstone
    Nationality: Scottish
    Date of Birth: 22/08/1985
    Biographical Information
    Ewan Johnstone was born in Glasgow in 1985, being born near the centre of glasgow he has the brightest future within everything that was given to him possible, when he first went into Primary School, he then had the goal of going into the military as a Royal Marine Commando Officer, to lead troops which is his overall goal. When he got into high school, he was a straight-A student, getting A’s in all his higher which was a feat for this school he was at. After he left he went straight for the Royal Marine Commando Officer and past the admiralty test with flying colours, after 56 weeks of consistent training he then had a mission and operation in Iraq for 2 years, when he came back. They thought he was going to get PTSD due to the death of 5 men in his squadron that were his close friends, but luckily he didn’t after this, he wanted to do better for the community and joined as a few more military jobs. Realizing that he will never have the ambition he had, he went for the GOC Physics division. At first he failed but then the second time he passed.
    Career Service Vitae:
    Royal Marine Commando Officer (2 years)
    Army Highest Rank:
    Sergeant Major
    Infantry member ( 7 years)