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  1. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from kenopsia in Smooth's Unban Request   
    I don’t know why the fuck Billy Glen is having a go at you, literally minges on on thee forums all the time,
    Smooth is a Master in Jedi now , one of the highest ranking and close to getting similarity of Admirality within Jedi . He is a good rper and I would trust him back on the server
  2. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Victor in Victor's Event planner application   
    Coming back to the Star Wars community and seeing how well victor was doing compared to his Arc days showed to me how much he improved as a person and how to hold power without abusing it. He has a good grasp of lore within Star Wars and shows it. He is a nice guy.
    The application itself is in good quality and shows to me that you are actually wanting to go for the position.
  3. Confused
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Mr Denny's Event Planner Application   
    Your event application is a lot better compared to others, you have an amazing concept of the lore and the type of events you can potentially do as a EP on the lore side. I trust you (letting you into salesman) and you seem to understand the basics.
    Just don’t do a bread and make yourself a lamp
  4. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Mr Denny in Mr Denny's Event Planner Application   
    Your event application is a lot better compared to others, you have an amazing concept of the lore and the type of events you can potentially do as a EP on the lore side. I trust you (letting you into salesman) and you seem to understand the basics.
    Just don’t do a bread and make yourself a lamp
  5. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Harvey_ in Rez's First EP Application   
    To resign from a high ranking which you had some progression that could of happended is a weird decision if you wish to try get into a staffing position or EP. Taking experience from when I resigned from 501st Colonel. I became instantly inactive within the new regiment I was apart of which was a shame but it is what it is. It happens all the time unless your Corn. 
    The application itself is iffy and lacks quality compared to other applicants and I think the other applicants show better dedication towards the community.
  6. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Ron in Little John's 2nd Unban request   
    I wasn't here when the incident happened, however I've done a little research to give my opinion on the situation. You cheated. Its blatant, as I've seen the videos. That's all that really needs to be said, if you're cheating and lying in a community you clearly don't deserve to be part of it and you cannot be trusted. 
  7. Confused
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Survey Results Part 2!!!!!   
    wow who said i was unwholesome.
    I'm crying right now
    hope your happy
    you know who you are.......
  8. Confused
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Ace Rews Staff Application Attempt Two   
    Ace is a good member of the community and was extremely close of getting staff before hand but he couldn’t get it due to activity which he’s increased in by dramatically.
    The application itself is good and you have all quality’s to be a staff member. Good Luck.
  9. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Ace Rews in Ace Rews Staff Application Attempt Two   
    Ace is a good member of the community and was extremely close of getting staff before hand but he couldn’t get it due to activity which he’s increased in by dramatically.
    The application itself is good and you have all quality’s to be a staff member. Good Luck.
  10. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Eric Godman in unban request   
    As I banned you, i was informed by a Super admin(Stellman) that you broke RP twice, once stating you were RDM'ed IC and second that you died as of death. As i was told to warn you. You had multiple rule breaks for similar if not identical breaks so you were placed as a Tier II offense.
    Hopefully you see my reasoning,
  11. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Eric Godman in unban request   
    yeah i only got warned for the talking when dead thats when i said i was RDMed but yeah i see where your coming from but yeah it was late and i could see the server staff where dealing with alot of stuff so i see they where under alot of pressure
    thanks for being nice about it  banshee i wont make those mistakes again if this gets accepted or denied
  12. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Nathan Dixon in ???   
    The Broken Church

  13. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Maxwell Williams in Unban Request   
    Pretty much been said, if someone breaks the rules you call staff you don’t then rebreak the rules. 
  14. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Dr Edward Rijktofen in Unban Request   
    I was a witness to this and Barberi got there before you, you broke it and I even saw it. You continously crossed the line and it ended with a permaban. I recommend trying to actually RP then come back in a few months.
  15. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Ron in Ron | Staff Application   
    Within my small amount of experience I’ve had with Ron . It has shown me that he is more than ready for staff. He has a amazing IC rank of being a colonel as well as a ARC member. You seem to be known throughout the whole server etc. You have past ULX knowledge which is always good to know as it makes it easier for your trial phase to understand it.
    The application itself is amazing, all the answers are brilliant and shows that you know your way around the server and how it runs with the rules.
    Good Luck
  16. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Maxwell Williams in Ron | Staff Application   
    Within my small amount of experience I’ve had with Ron . It has shown me that he is more than ready for staff. He has a amazing IC rank of being a colonel as well as a ARC member. You seem to be known throughout the whole server etc. You have past ULX knowledge which is always good to know as it makes it easier for your trial phase to understand it.
    The application itself is amazing, all the answers are brilliant and shows that you know your way around the server and how it runs with the rules.
    Good Luck
  17. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Maxwell Williams in Johann von Wolfsburg Site Director Application.   
    That’s it
    This will be reviewed at a later date until then you’ve proved that you can’t listen to  what others have said.
    Until then Thread will be locked.
    Permission to do this was given by
    O5-5 “The Survivor”
  18. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Naught in Johannes Grau Abuse report   
    Everyone seems to be valid here, you seem to lack the understanding of that if you break a rule. A staff member is fully entitled to deal with it as they should be. You refused to change your name and got the consequences for it.
  19. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Vinny Calora in Fixterman's Staff Application   
    Hello Fixterman,
    You are a middleish ranks within The Orpo and seem somewhat competent ic. But unfortunately your warnings perceives you as quite a rule breaker, as you continuously get warned to accumulate so many in a short time span. You behaviour has had a great improvement I must say. Personally I don’t believe you would have a good stance when it comes to sits aswell.
    May I also add that if half the senior staff team doesn’t trust you. That’s something that will need fixing would it be acting more professional IC to ensure img you know and follow the ruleset
    Best of luck of course,
  20. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Maxwell Williams in Sarkic cult app   
    You are to apply under the job suggestion page for the Sarkic Cult. As the application is using an actual template. I don't think the job managers would mind you just copying and pasting it over to the appropriate area.
    Link to the Job suggestions is Here
    Adytum's Gate - The Sarkic Cults
  21. Haha
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to Dach in Ban request to Jakob Hausen   
    Hello there! I am Stv. Gauleiter Dach, the one you so graciously mention in the screenshot my staff member provided. We do not like people creating drama on WW2, not at all. In the evidence given you are purposely attempting to disrespect other players, creating drama surrounding everything you have done in the NSDAP. That is why I allowed your removal, based on your previous actions in the NSDAP and your performance not being up to par. This in addition to your little outburst from you and your friend means that both of you will be permanently blacklisted from the NSDAP (and possibly from other parts of the server as this really is not a good look on you) as well as both of you receiving bans for DTP [Tier 2]. If you are found partaking in or creating drama of any kind again you and your associate will be issued with an unappealable permanent ban from WW2 and all associated platforms, as well as the possibility of a community ban which will result in you being banned from all WG servers and platforms. 
    I hope you having your 15 minutes of fame was worth it. 
  22. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Dr Edward Rijktofen in Unban Request   
    As the staff member who witnessed the sit but didn't deliver the punishment, i'll explain the reasoning towards it in my eyes. You're base was a doom base which is against staff rules, as you said you didn't know about it, it would of been a tier i. But as you recently had the same warning there is nothing he could of done as you were counted as a veteran player and also that you recently had a very similar warning
    Unfortnately this is a,
    Have a lovely night,
  23. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from malnjayz in Malns Second and better than ever Staff App!   
    Maln has improved this application heavily since the last one, this shows his readyness, competence and general feeling of the server which shows postively. His role within Star Wars is to lead the CT's and does it well.
    He is a good applicant and shows it IC on Star Wars.
  24. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Josh Richardson in ???   

    *********Opening Creditentials Menu*********
     ---------Enter Username: AMarshall####---------
    ----------Enter Password: Nucle##########-------
    *********Welcome Mr Amos Marshall**********
    ********* You have ONE new message*********
    “Wait, who’s messaging me?”
    Looks at message and it reads;
    “Hello, we somehow have the weirdest situations right now, the anomalous activity that is happening is something that I haven’t seen since the last time there was a infestation from a zombie kind of anomaly. At the current moment we have a club secure in a city named “Ovis City” and we are attempting to get some routes getting set up here, we require your help though. Within this weird time, the United Nations was here… They recently left due to the Chaos Insurgency. Within the city it seems that the Insurgency are working with us in an alliance. We have learned a lot from them about operations that the SCP Foundation are holding and it is scary to be frank… They seem to continuously believe that capturing members of the general public and taking them into a subway for them not to be seen at all and they never come back. Anyway, if you are available to come and oversee the basics of what is happening it will be greatly appreciated.”
    Mr E.Bartmann
    Marshall looks extremely confused, he needs to start heading over
    “This is stupid, this idiot is acting like it’s something we need to concern about”
    “Nevertheless, I will see what's happening”
    ******New Message, Received “ One second ago”********
    “What now”
    “I forgot to mention that recently one of our own men recently fell into a trance. Believing in a “King”, recently talking with him and a member of the Foundation. He couldn’t pronounce Carter for some reason, he would refer to it by “Marshall, Kin… & Dark”. He seems to believe he owns over everyone, but he has the ability to create portals and wanted our neutrality with foundation. Don’t worry it will turn into a one sided glass if you will, and we will be able to turn this into a business profit.
    “Okay, now this might require my interest”
    Starts message
    “I will be visiting a city one of our men are stationed at, something isn’t right there and I will investigate. Inform Dark if you may. Thank you”
    Sends Email
    “Okay, we need to get to the city”
    Opens portal
    “Lets go, better get into more appropriate attire, wouldn’t want to look good there. The city sounds like a wreck”
    End Of IC
    Name: Banshee
    Steam Name: Banshee
    Discord ID: Ewan#0822
    SteamID : STEAM_0:1:427293255
    Equipment : 
    Anomaly Scanner
    Any Pistol/SMG ( Nothing big needed as its a PassiveRP idea
    Basic Suit model and nothing special
    Commuications devices;
    Marshall Carter and Dark ( If able to)
    Marshall Carter and Dark: Have a guess
    Chaos Insurgency: Friendly
    Foundation : Undecided
    TSH: Undecided
    This ??? character is to try to improve RP with the MCnD group as at the moment its looking quite bleak and boring at the moment, the RP Norra does I want to also mix in with this. It will be used to determine the relations between Foundation and potentially UIU if need be. I want to add RP within the Surface between this and Chaos Insurgency with having massive talks about the foundation. This job is not to have a saying over the salesman but also a chance to supervise it in RP and add some consequence RP if need be.
    End of OOC
    If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me

  25. Like

    *********Opening Creditentials Menu*********
     ---------Enter Username: AMarshall####---------
    ----------Enter Password: Nucle##########-------
    *********Welcome Mr Amos Marshall**********
    ********* You have ONE new message*********
    “Wait, who’s messaging me?”
    Looks at message and it reads;
    “Hello, we somehow have the weirdest situations right now, the anomalous activity that is happening is something that I haven’t seen since the last time there was a infestation from a zombie kind of anomaly. At the current moment we have a club secure in a city named “Ovis City” and we are attempting to get some routes getting set up here, we require your help though. Within this weird time, the United Nations was here… They recently left due to the Chaos Insurgency. Within the city it seems that the Insurgency are working with us in an alliance. We have learned a lot from them about operations that the SCP Foundation are holding and it is scary to be frank… They seem to continuously believe that capturing members of the general public and taking them into a subway for them not to be seen at all and they never come back. Anyway, if you are available to come and oversee the basics of what is happening it will be greatly appreciated.”
    Mr E.Bartmann
    Marshall looks extremely confused, he needs to start heading over
    “This is stupid, this idiot is acting like it’s something we need to concern about”
    “Nevertheless, I will see what's happening”
    ******New Message, Received “ One second ago”********
    “What now”
    “I forgot to mention that recently one of our own men recently fell into a trance. Believing in a “King”, recently talking with him and a member of the Foundation. He couldn’t pronounce Carter for some reason, he would refer to it by “Marshall, Kin… & Dark”. He seems to believe he owns over everyone, but he has the ability to create portals and wanted our neutrality with foundation. Don’t worry it will turn into a one sided glass if you will, and we will be able to turn this into a business profit.
    “Okay, now this might require my interest”
    Starts message
    “I will be visiting a city one of our men are stationed at, something isn’t right there and I will investigate. Inform Dark if you may. Thank you”
    Sends Email
    “Okay, we need to get to the city”
    Opens portal
    “Lets go, better get into more appropriate attire, wouldn’t want to look good there. The city sounds like a wreck”
    End Of IC
    Name: Banshee
    Steam Name: Banshee
    Discord ID: Ewan#0822
    SteamID : STEAM_0:1:427293255
    Equipment : 
    Anomaly Scanner
    Any Pistol/SMG ( Nothing big needed as its a PassiveRP idea
    Basic Suit model and nothing special
    Commuications devices;
    Marshall Carter and Dark ( If able to)
    Marshall Carter and Dark: Have a guess
    Chaos Insurgency: Friendly
    Foundation : Undecided
    TSH: Undecided
    This ??? character is to try to improve RP with the MCnD group as at the moment its looking quite bleak and boring at the moment, the RP Norra does I want to also mix in with this. It will be used to determine the relations between Foundation and potentially UIU if need be. I want to add RP within the Surface between this and Chaos Insurgency with having massive talks about the foundation. This job is not to have a saying over the salesman but also a chance to supervise it in RP and add some consequence RP if need be.
    End of OOC
    If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me