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  1. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from basedmoselygamer in Unban request   
    +1 i guess on a final basis of a final wanring
  2. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Willrick in Bburgeng's Application   
    When you get shit on by community feedback you remove everything
  3. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Dim0n :| in Bburgeng's Application   
    When you get shit on by community feedback you remove everything
  4. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Bburgeng's Application   
    When you get shit on by community feedback you remove everything
  5. Confused
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Eric Godman in unban request   
    o god no
    pls pls no no
    YOU Geunily are a massive minge so its deserved
  6. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Fosse in Fosse | SCP-RP UnBan appeal | 1 / 20 / 2021   
    You were banned for  "Mass RDM - Perm ban" by Ludwig Ahgren in May 2020
    I believe you have changed so i'll hit this with a +1
    On a simple one of basis, you break the rules again you get repermabanned
  7. Haha
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Windows XP in DaftDevil12 1048 Application   
    Job is unwhitelisted.
  8. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Kian Raanvik in unban request   
    o god no
    pls pls no no
    YOU Geunily are a massive minge so its deserved
  9. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Erwin Krauser in Erwin Krauser's Staff Application   
    Application is made well and proper.
    isn’t stupidly long just to ensure you got a answer correct
    everything is correct
    perfectly competent for the position
  10. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Biergerstein in Unban Request - Banned for FailRP/FearRP   
    when your blindfolded you have to expect they have a weapon on you so you consistently have to follow what they are saying due to you not having a clue if they have a gun or not
  11. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Josef Kraz in I overdosed and got what I deserve and I expect nothing less   
    You are literally breaking SERVER RULES, if you have depression and if you are ahving to do those drugs DONT PLAY. if you know its gonna do shit like this. sorry but its justified
  12. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Willrick in Nu-7 Suggestion / Training / OCS Idea   
    Who remembers the days when you would talk to your MANAGEMENT about suggestions you have for THEM to go to hierarchy about it. But if its a training to decide talk to management
  13. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Windows XP in Nu-7 Suggestion / Training / OCS Idea   
    Who remembers the days when you would talk to your MANAGEMENT about suggestions you have for THEM to go to hierarchy about it. But if its a training to decide talk to management
  14. Sad
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Willrick in Staff Tag - Banshee   
    Which Rank/tag do you need:SCP-RP Trial Moderator
    What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Ewan Bartmann
    Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:

    Also can you make Group Manager a secondary tag so i still have access to whitelist applications
  15. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from br4ndy in Nikita's Ban Appeal   
    As the staff member who banned you, i will go into why I made my decision of banning you and why i chose those reasons over others.
    1) Major Toxicity;
    This was something the whole staff team picked up on, me being the first on your report against purple for which I then gave you the warn for DTP. This then led after telling you I'm warning you for that . This then continued as I watched you cuff a Scientist and try and "have fun". This fun was stupid and I could of warned you for cuffing of Foundation Personeel, under deserting it. Then other members of the staff team started to pick up on your toxic behavior which then when I had the sit and you were going to Nathan Dixon under his alias of "Joe Bixon" or something of the sort that you were going to get him unwhitelisted from ISD, that could of been me warning you for metagaming and using this knowledge for stuff. The final thing that came ot the mind of me banning you is the staff sit I had between Me, Berg and You. You RDM'ed Berg, knowing he was a delta for which I explained to you why and you still didn't listen. 
    2) Lying to staff member;
    This bit was completly justified with the sit against you from berg, you lied about the scenairo and when I was saying that you were a veteran to the community(someone who has playing for a while). You followed up with "No, i'm not". This was a complete lie due to the fact you have tons of warnings from Cale and vetro. This then led to me knowing you as a liar in that scenario for which I decided not to punish due to you might haveing a change of heart, but no it continued for which I added that reason in the ban. Also to add with the last sit before your ban, you attempted to lie out of a situation telling me the reported harmed someone when there was no proof in the damage logs of so called "combat event".
    3) Going rogue
    This part of the ban was issued due to multiple times, you decided to go rogue from the job you were playing in, for example bergs event of you Rdming him while you both were CI, then after the event of you cuffing the scientist and then last but not least you doing something that ISD had to interupt it and deal with you which shouldn't be happening from someone who 1). is a veteran and 2) playing a field agent. 
    I would like to add that during that whole time of us being in a sit , i continously kept in contact with either Senior Server Staff or Management themself to ensure im doing whats exactly righy
    Today showed me that you can't act serious even in the eyes of this server of some of the basics of rules. Hopefully you seem my thought process
    Banshee / Ewan Bartmann
  16. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Norra in Nikita's Ban Appeal   
    As the staff member who banned you, i will go into why I made my decision of banning you and why i chose those reasons over others.
    1) Major Toxicity;
    This was something the whole staff team picked up on, me being the first on your report against purple for which I then gave you the warn for DTP. This then led after telling you I'm warning you for that . This then continued as I watched you cuff a Scientist and try and "have fun". This fun was stupid and I could of warned you for cuffing of Foundation Personeel, under deserting it. Then other members of the staff team started to pick up on your toxic behavior which then when I had the sit and you were going to Nathan Dixon under his alias of "Joe Bixon" or something of the sort that you were going to get him unwhitelisted from ISD, that could of been me warning you for metagaming and using this knowledge for stuff. The final thing that came ot the mind of me banning you is the staff sit I had between Me, Berg and You. You RDM'ed Berg, knowing he was a delta for which I explained to you why and you still didn't listen. 
    2) Lying to staff member;
    This bit was completly justified with the sit against you from berg, you lied about the scenairo and when I was saying that you were a veteran to the community(someone who has playing for a while). You followed up with "No, i'm not". This was a complete lie due to the fact you have tons of warnings from Cale and vetro. This then led to me knowing you as a liar in that scenario for which I decided not to punish due to you might haveing a change of heart, but no it continued for which I added that reason in the ban. Also to add with the last sit before your ban, you attempted to lie out of a situation telling me the reported harmed someone when there was no proof in the damage logs of so called "combat event".
    3) Going rogue
    This part of the ban was issued due to multiple times, you decided to go rogue from the job you were playing in, for example bergs event of you Rdming him while you both were CI, then after the event of you cuffing the scientist and then last but not least you doing something that ISD had to interupt it and deal with you which shouldn't be happening from someone who 1). is a veteran and 2) playing a field agent. 
    I would like to add that during that whole time of us being in a sit , i continously kept in contact with either Senior Server Staff or Management themself to ensure im doing whats exactly righy
    Today showed me that you can't act serious even in the eyes of this server of some of the basics of rules. Hopefully you seem my thought process
    Banshee / Ewan Bartmann
  17. Like
  18. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reacted to The Enigma in Ewan Bartmann - Banshee - SCP Staff APP (   

    3 days not really much but the past staff experience should cover that easily, Overall decent app
  19. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Razor in Razor's EP Application   
    good event
    EP man now!
  20. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from MS. in MS' First Event Planner Application   
    Great Guy
    known throughout the community 
    Good event idea and execution
    good luck
  21. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Hazel in Hazel's Event Planner Application   
    great guy
    got So much better and is a great player
    good event
  22. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Rock in Rock’s Second Event Planner Application   
    isiot man
    leaving 74th
    good event
    fucking sound and nice guy
  23. Like
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from Dish in Dish's Third EP App   
    Nice guy
    Good event
    actually has a brain so
  24. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from [W-G] JH in JH's Event Planner Application   
    best application here
    amazing event planner in the past, I enjoyed all his events when he did it
    just give it to him
  25. Thanks
    JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ got a reaction from br4ndy in Brandon Low's HOMD Application   
    amazing person
    great app
    active asf
    i trust him so much