
Platinum VIP
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  1. Like
    Chev reacted to Josef Kraz in Completely exaggerated warnings   
    Not really wasting staff time as you volunteer your IRL hours to do janitor duties on the server, at any moment you could of ended the staff sit and left rather than staying there wasting your own time.
  2. Haha
    Chev got a reaction from Bill Pill in Kouats Beghemot & Fredrich Scharl Community Ban request   
  3. Like
    Chev got a reaction from Fabian Otto in Kouats Beghemot & Fredrich Scharl Community Ban request   
  4. Haha
    Chev got a reaction from The Beghemot in Kouats Beghemot & Fredrich Scharl Community Ban request   
  5. Like
    Chev reacted to Josef Kraz in Kouats Beghemot & Fredrich Scharl Community Ban request   
    Your In-Game Name:  Kraz
    Your Steam ID: I don't know  
    Offenders In-Game Name: Kouats Beghemot (Anime and Manga Lover#1332  ) Fredrich Scharl ( HRe_ktD#0023 )
    Offenders Steam ID: Not sure I can't get it
    What the offender has done:  Justified paedophilia and are confirmed nonces 
    If Herman Stellman got banned for being a nonce why aren't these two not getting banned. Does the Server Owner Harland Justify being a nonce or even better is he a nonce ?

    Note: It is highly unlikely for a ban request to be accepted without evidence.
  6. Haha
    Chev reacted to ᛉ Algiz ᛣ in Moaning is illegal   
    no bitches + L + Cope + 3 crowned
  7. Haha
    Chev got a reaction from kanye west in Unban me bruv   
    Get off your alt account you fat gimp 
  8. Like
    Chev reacted to kanye west in Event planner me bruv   
    Event Planner Application
    Event Planner applications are only needed for people that are currently not staff on SWRP

    - Being a staff member isn't a requirement ✓
    - Must have atleast 2 week playtime ✓
    - You must have TS and be active on it ✓
    - You must be able to speak and understand English ✓
    - Must be atleast 14 years old ✓
    - You must have good lore knowledge ✓
    - Type "W-G E-Planner" in the "Anything else" section ✓
    Basic Information
    Steam Name + Profile link: Sexy Offender
    Roleplay Name: freddy or allah if i'm feeling exotic 
    Teamspeak Name: freddy
    Playtime on the Server: The server is not currently out, but my playtime on SWRP is 11 weeks.
    SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:184604498
    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: 
    W-G DarkRP - superadmin
    W-G Jailbreak - superadmin
    W-G SWRP V1 - superadmin
    W-G PurgeRP - Senior Admin
    W-G MilitaryRP - Senior Admin & Mod (I was staff twice)
    W-G VietnamRP - superadmin & lead mentor
    W-G SWRP V2 - Security Staff
    W-G SCP-RP - Secuirty Staff
    W-G WW2-NRP - Security Staff
    Current Age: I am 19
    Warns/Bans: I do not have any warnings or bans. (subject to change)
    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, I have a very nice microphone and I can speaking very nice English ! 
    Event Plan
    Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original
     I am currently unaware of the Imperial RP map rotation, so my event plan will be a vague outline which may be executed on any map
    (most likely RP_Kabulairport_v2)
    Enemies, HP, Amount
    Gay Batty Bum Boys  -  5000  -  5     ||     Non Believers  -  100  -  50     ||     ISIS Rebels  -  Default  -  Everyone Else
    Imperial Execution
    Fleet inform the ISIS Rebels that there has been an outbreak in non believers running through the capital state. He then instructs all of the ISIS Rebels to run into the control tower screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" (which in their native language of retard means "i love god"). After the control tower has been taken over, the Fleet will then notify all of the rebels that that their leader Al-Arland Qearney has been captured by the US (American) SWAT team. Following this, they will demand radio silence whilst they negotiate for the life of Al-Arland Qearney.  
    Event Character Execution
    Run around screaming mumbo jumbo whilst AK-47 shots suppress the sounds of the non believers screaming.
    a good one
    Event Information
    I think I have been pretty clear, no need for further information
    Have you ever Done an Event Before?: I have done countless PMEs
    What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Ran around as a Chewbacca blowing shit up, yes.
    Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: You spelt responsibilities wrong, I've changed it, I believe that makes me exempt from this question.
    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yeah
    Anything else?: W-G E-Planner 
  9. Like
    Chev reacted to Fusion365 in Ban Erich von weigland   
    Camps the fourms sweaty bastard
  10. Like
    Chev reacted to Hanky201 in "Breaking NLR"   
    Honestly the afk wall protectors are getting more retarded by the day, literally uploaded a video of yourself breaking NRL and taking part in a situation which you have NLR from
  11. Like
    Chev got a reaction from Hanky201 in "Breaking NLR"   
    You returned to the same Roleplay situation after dying. Textbook NLR 
  12. Like
    Chev reacted to Erich in Dr Erwin Krauser again!   
    As per usual, a Staff Abuse thread turns into utter shit because everyone demonstrates an utter inability to moderate themselves and stick on topic. Jimbo has developed such a cult "fanbase", they'll bring up his name to get him in trouble even when the thread doesn't concern him (Seriously, get a life, for Christ's sake).
    3rd Person Abuse is obvious to anyone with a working brain. Breaking FearRP is very likely obvious to anyone who isn't intentionally dishonest. He didn't even turn around and start blasting on reflex. Took him a solid 2 seconds before he started shooting.
    Caught in 4k, third time in the past month.
  13. Sad
    Chev got a reaction from Jamessssss in Yet another Jimbo rule break thread   
    cry more retard 
  14. Haha
    Chev reacted to Norra in Yet another Jimbo rule break thread   
    darn that jimbo! not again!

  15. Like
    Chev reacted to Der Larp Goblin in Yet another Jimbo rule break thread   
    I will add more evidence:
  16. Like
    Chev got a reaction from Hanky201 in Yet another Jimbo rule break thread   
    cry more retard 
  17. Like
    Chev reacted to Jamessssss in Unban request   
    As the leader of the BLM movement I have personally  unbanned you from the server. Sorry for issuing the false ban this will never happen again
  18. Like
    Chev got a reaction from Hanky201 in Breaking Fear RP   
    Your In-Game Name: Axel Von Hohenstein
    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:234387675
    Offenders In-Game Name: Johan Soost
    Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101271146
    What the offender has done: Broke Fear RP against 2 people who had him gun pointed.

    At 5 seconds into the video Johan is gun pointed as I am on his right and he is gun pointing my associate placing him under Fear RP. 

    At 7 seconds,  Johan  sprints backwards rendering his gun point invalid meaning he is now gun pointed by 2 people continuing to run breaking fear RP simultaneously. Which he then proceeds to shoot people dead. 
    Note: It is highly unlikely for a ban request to be accepted without evidence.
  19. Like
    Chev reacted to Erich in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
    Also, this entire reply makes no sense. What that hell do you mean "We could not do anything because of his status"? The fuck is he going to do, rape you in real life? He's a Community Developer not a fucking Mossad agent.
    Some people in this server really need to get a reality check and stop taking this community too seriously.
  20. Like
    Chev reacted to Erich in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
    You know its going to be bad when the group that always pushes the rules to their limits goes head to head with one of the biggest unironic retards on the server. An unstoppable force against an immovable object. 
    In all honesty, the server should just revert to the 2016 format of CasualRP, since no one (other than the no-life Staff Members who waste away on the server 24/7) really gives a fuck what the rules say anymore. I don't give a shit. Don't see why he should be punished for something as miniscule and vague as this. Probably would have done the same in his place.
    He did nothing wrong in the eyes of Jesus.
    Psalm 91: 9-11: Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place — the Most High, who is my refuge — no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
  21. Sad
    Chev reacted to Jamessssss in Dylan McF - Staff Applications   
  22. Like
    Chev reacted to Weene in Dr Erwin Krauser admin abuse   
    Clear evidence, pretty sure this could be classified under the "1.4.5: FearRP, and being under gunpoint does apply through fences, gates, and other non-bullet proof material" rule, and as the car was in motion there was no reason to stop.

    Just gotta call this a classic 1.SS moment
  23. Like
    Chev got a reaction from Hanky201 in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
    You don't know if there was a warning given there is no video and I don't know if you know but there is voice chat in the game which isn't logged. 
    If you read the thread you'd have seen that he was trespassing in the base where he walked past a fading door so he was considered a raider since he had no reason to be there is that so hard to understand? 
    Yeah man I'm talking about real life mafia in Nazi Germany but to make them beg the donny trespassing to leave the building is fucking retarded. He was trespassing during a raid and was killed hardly abuse 
  24. Like
    Chev got a reaction from Hanky201 in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
    Pretty sure the mafia wouldn't let some random donny walk into their gaff and start poking around then let him go just to call the police and have the base raided cause he saw that illegal activities occurred. 
  25. Like
    Chev reacted to Der Larp Goblin in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
    just to add because seemingly the majority of active players on NRP that have commented on these are munching on concrete in their spare time, the individual was in a property owned by Jimbo and was shot - no evidence to show malpractice from Jimbo and it seems that the person who made the report just needs to cope and perhaps seethe.