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  1. Thanks
    Chev got a reaction from Jamessssss in Staff Application   
    -1 Lied in staff application
    Just joking, Man is very articulate clean bright and a nice looking guy +1
  2. Confused
    Chev reacted to Jamessssss in admin abuse   
    you've read the whole situation wrong.
    Noclipping around and "making sure the server blah blah blah" is the job of Staff On Duty. He was not staff on duty.
    He was alt walking down the street (ignoring the sit) and then as soon as he got approached by a group of people, who were most likely going to kidnap him, claims it.
    Rather then returning to his previous position after he had dealt with the sit, he noclipped into the PD and went "AFK"
    wtf does this even mean? this part of your reply doesn't make sense. The sit he claimed had nothing to do with the people around him
  3. Like
    Chev reacted to Adolf Seidel in Jaydns Unban request again   
    People who ban for DTP are either
    1) Insecure about themselves irl
    2) Bullied in school
    3) Just want to get the person banned for something (Feels like this one) 
    Honestly, DTP is probably the criengiest thing to exist. And i (Ye, not a person of any importance sure but meh) personally loose respect for this type of niggas.
    Regardless, mudslime man got banned. Thats funny.