
Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Defrexx

  1. +1 An old SEP who surely will breathe fresh air into events.
  2. If Reg is serious about coming back and learns to change his attitude his skillset can be put to use.
  3. +1 Rob would be a great asset for the Staff team.
  4. Looked like a genuine missclick. Honestly an uncessary warn. Janko's hand was forced because a claim was made. Should be unwarned imo
  5. Is this a Junior Developer or Developer Application?: Jr Dev. Server(s) within WG you have played/currently play:(include your highest IG rank for each/any and estimated time played) Deathrun DarkRP (Mod) (Played for the short time it existed) SWRP (Sr Admin, Kit Fisto) (3 months of playtime) Discord Name: Defrexx Steam Name: dofiggle Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:0:75192297 Age when applying: 19 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Netherlands (UK+1) What is your coding knowledge?: (i.e do you know LUA, have been a dev previously on gmod, work in a job in real life that involves coding, self taught etc. Please be as detailed as you can be.) I’ve recently started my bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. In my course I’ve gained experience mainly in MatLab and Python. Here are some examples of my coding: 1. A thermodynamic optimization of a dual turbine power plant. Using input variables to optimize for efficiency. This code mainly runs on a nested for loop and multiple anonymous functions to find powerplant efficiency. By looping through pressure values and finding the max efficiency in a matrix I was able to achieve optimal efficiency. This code was also further developed for triple variables which involved slicing through 3d matrices. 2. Simulation of a dynamic spring system This code also runs on nested loops in combination with anonymous functions. It simulates the displacement of 2 masses with initial velocities. My coding courses have mainly taught me to be creative and the process of problem solving. In addition to Matlab/Python I’ve familiarized myself with the basics of GLua and made an entity to show off my progress so far. This entity is a jedi datacron which asks the user a randomized question pulled from a table. 4 answers are then randomly selected from the answer table (correct answer is always in these 4 answers) and the indices are randomized. After the user selects an answer a networking message sends data to the server and checks if the answer is correct/wrong. My idea was to spawn these in the Jedi caves and award Users XP for correctly solving questions. Here is a short video of the addon working: After creating this entity I’ve learned how to use DermaPanels, Networking messages, hooks, tables, randomization and how to initialize entities. I'd love to learn more! Why do you want to Dev for Werewolf Gaming?: I recently rejoined the SWRP community after resigning in 2021. In these past years I unfortunately deleted some documents off of my google drive which resulted in me getting permabanned. I’d like regain trust and move forward from this. Since my unban, I’ve risen to the rank of SPL in Jedi, remade documents that I deleted and regained a lot of motivation to play the server. Id like to put this motivation to good use and add content/improve server health. I see a lot of potential in the new saber system and would love to assist the development team in (not only) this area. If accepted, is there a server you would want to primarily work on?: (If you have no preference, leave as N/A) SWRP If Accepted, Is there a developer you would prefer to learn from?:(Only relevant for Junior Dev apps, remove if applying for full developer) Unbothered, but Lars is a pretty chill guy Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: I have a microphone.
  6. My In-Game name: Defrexx STEAMID: ( STEAM_1:0:75192297 Steam Name: Dofiggle What is the reason for your ban: NH2RP How long were you banned for: Permanent Name of the staff member who banned you: Wanted (I believe) Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Hello again, I am writing to appeal my permanent ban from the server for entering the generator room after being unbanned. Admittedly, at the time, I was not aware of being on a one-warning basis, and it had been a significant period since any warnings had been issued. I should have been more careful. Before my ban I had made my way up to Knight again in Jedi. I had invested time and effort into the server and was genuinely enjoying the experience. Events, fellow Jedi, Trading, everything. While I acknowledge that my actions might not have been the smartest, I want to make it clear that I did not intend to disrupt anyone's role-playing experience. In the six months since the generator incident, I have had time for reflection and there has been change. I genuinely regret any unintended consequences of my actions. To add onto this, I've been informed of a possible update to the Lightsaber system on the server. This peeked my interest and as such is my sole reason for returning. I wish to try it out and have some fun. Finally, the original reason for my ban was refuted. I am focussing on what I did afterwards. Keep in mind, the deletion of the Jedi library had no impact on the Order as a whole nor did it have any connection to my ban. I had contacted the former GMOTO (Solaire) and verified that there were backups. Yours Truly, Defrexx (Also for the discord)
  7. My In-Game name: Defrexx / Bingus STEAMID: ( STEAM_:0:0:7519229 Steam Name: dofiggle What is the reason for your ban: NH2RP How long were you banned for: Permanent Name of the staff member who banned you: Originally Lewis (18/11/2021) then Wanted (later on, current ban doesnt state it) Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I was re-permabanned for running into the generator room. (I was also not informed of the fact that I was on a 1 warn basis, it had been a fair few months and I had reached Knight in Jedi) At the time no AOS was posted in the chat and I stood still in the generator for at least a minute without anything happening. I assumed nobody was after me, I walked out of the generator and left the game. In hindsight, not that smart but I didn't ruin anyone's rp experience. I'd like to play the server again. (also an unban request for the discord, I got banned off of it due to the permaban) -dofunkle/defrexx/bingus
  8. Name: DefrexxTS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: 5BAkepuGqB1ltvEd4DYNamlweEw=Requested Medal: 2 Year Medal (Upgrade 1 year to 2 year - Join date 10/05/2019) Requesting medals back due to ts reset that happened a while back. See picture for my other medals.Evidence: , evidence for 2 year medal included Got accepted but put in the wrong identity last time, should work now
  9. My In-Game name: Defrexx STEAMID: ( STEAM_0:0:75192297 Steam Name: Defrexx What is the reason for your ban: NH2RP, Deleting documents How long were you banned for: Perm Name of the staff member who banned you: Lewis Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Hello, I already thouroughly apologized for what I did in the past in my previous unban requests. Senior staff agreed that I am fine to come back but due to actions of people that I am associated with I did not get unbanned. But here it is again for those who have not read it, I made a long journey slogging through the ranks and building a reputation for myself on CWRP. I ruined it by minging on several occasions on my prestige job and insulting people. I recognize the impact of my actions in the past and I would like to apologize to all community members playing CWRP at the time that I got banned. I am now asking for a second chance. I would also like to further clarify my intentions on what I will be doing on the server. I plan on occasionally participating in events and doing some trading on the Jedi job if I manage to get unblacklisted from it. If that does not work out I plan on playing on and off on RP jobs. SMT Agreed I could post another unban request so soon if my friends do not shitpost on it, I have asked them not to do so. I also recognize that this unban request may be short for some people's standards but there is literally nothing to add from me. Evidence: N/A
  10. Name: DefrexxTS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: UTmzojMw9tloUnlJfO5qsB3O7gs=Requested Medal: 2 Year Medal (Upgrade 1 year to 2 year - Join date 10/05/2019) See picture for my other medals.Evidence: , evidence for 2 year medal included
  11. Another thing I'd like to add on: It has been 8 months, I have had time to reflect upon my actions.
  12. My In-Game name: Defrexx / Honour Guard Bingus STEAMID: ( STEAM_0:0:75192297 (STEAM_0:1:192569440 My 2nd Steam account which probably got autobanned due to IP bans) I have multiple steam IDs due to CSGO Vac bans lol Steam Name: Defrexx What is the reason for your ban: NH2RP, Deleting documents How long were you banned for: Perm Name of the staff member who banned you: Lewis Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Hello CWRP community, I made a long journey slogging through the ranks and building a reputation for myself on CWRP. I ruined it by minging on several occasions on my prestige job and insulting people. I did the following: RDM my friends and others Insult players of this community Abuse powers that I had been trusted with I recognize the impact of my actions in the past and I would like to write an apology to all community members playing CWRP at the time that I got banned. I would like to apologize for all acts of rulebreaking that I commited in the past, I am asking for a second chance, for the CWRP community to forgive me. I would also like to add on that the documents that I originally deleted were not of importance and had little to no impact on the functioning of Jedi as a whole. I never meant to damage the operations of Jedi, a part of the server that I worked so hard to improve as Initiate, Apprentice, Padawan, Knight, Ace, Specialist, Battle Master and Kit Fisto. I deleted the documents as I knew that Solaire and other Jedi members had made copies that were ready to replace my documents. At the present time I am trying to make a return to talk to my old friends and perchance try out the other part of the server: clone. I completely take responsibility for the acts of mingery and other rulebreaking that I commmited. If I do get unbanned I am ready to be placed under a 1 strike warning which would obviously warrant into an instant permaban. Again, as an Ex staff and High Council member: I am sorry, humans make mistakes. Evidence: The fact that the documents had no impact can be confirmed with current Yoda, Mace Windu and other High Council / High ranking Jedi (Solaire & Smooth)
  13. My In-Game name: defrexx / dofingus / bingus / boingus STEAMID: ( STEAM_0:0:75192297 Steam Name: defrexx What is the reason for your ban: constant not here to roleplay How long were you banned for: permanently Name of the staff member who banned you: lewis "big teeth" hales Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: It has been quite a while, i am reformed. st pfc ferrari is a prominent member of WG IRP. Also I believe my ban was quite harsh, i simply got under lewis hales' skin which he got a little mad at. In my 11 month staff career i've never seen anyone get permabanned for what i did. bingus is sorry for what he did, i simply want to say hello and larp with my fellow swrp friends Evidence: My honest word (real)
  14. +1 I love huge fat balls bobby abns is a really cool guy experience good 有效的社会信用评分 ^ 不喜欢鲍比的普通人 average bobby abnds enjoyer ^
  15. hello can i be le monke scp much obliged xxxx

  16. based

    1. Nathan Kennedy

      Nathan Kennedy

      Defrexx: How old are you?

      Nathan: 9

      Defrexx: Me too


    2. Defrexx
  17. You dont delete forum posts, then you would be breaking forum rules.
  18. I banned you for LTARP which you admitted to doing in your post. It is a short ban and SMT will most likely not even respond because of the short duration. Ban is valid from my POV. Here is proof for anyone that might ask.