
Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Defrexx

  1. I highly doubt what you've said is true, we check logs each time we ban someone. And a 1 week ban for just saying you're going to rdm? Something isnt right about your story.
  2. From what Pie and others said, +1. Deserves a 2nd chance
  3. Which Rank/tag do you need: SWRP Senior Administrator What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Kit Fisto Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please: Image attached
  4. Neutral/+1 Half is a very active, friendly and competent person. He makes a very good master and I do believe he can be trusted. However, this application seems very rushed to me and I believe he could've done better. Good luck
  5. +1 Bongo is a very nice guy and easy to talk to. His ep rank shows competence and that he can be trusted with ULX powers. :sunglasses:
  6. I shall agree with Solaire Mort has definitely improved over time. At first I thought he was quite mingy, over time he has shown that he can be serious and competent. But wtf he's spanish
  7. +1 Will make a great staff member.
  8. In Game Name: Ben Defrexx SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75192297 Age: 17 Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: None in SCP-RP as of now. However, I am a member of the Jedi High Council on SWRP. Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: While I do understand that I am not very well known on SCP-RP, I do very much enjoy playing it. My experience roleplaying on SWRP helps me greatly on SCP-RP. My role as a High Council member helped me gain good leadership skills and other qualities that will assist me as site director. I have played Site Adviser for a bit and I understand how the site functions/how it should be ran. \ I also know when to admit that I am wrong, not just overruling everyone. What role does the Site Director have on the site? The Site Director plays a crucial role to ensure that the Site is operating smoothly and without issues. The Site Director holds alot of power and uses it to make sure the Site is operating without Issues. Basically making sure everyone is doing their job and is doing it correctly. The SD is also responsible for making a lot of the big descisions on the site. SD Descisions can only be overruled by the O5 Council. What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council are the highest in command on the site. They are responsbile for managing the entire site and can overrule anyone. The O5 Council consists of 12 - 13 individuals. They also make the biggest descisions on the site. (Its basically similar to the Jedi High Council) Feedback would be appreciated. Also understandable if I get denied because I am new.
  9. 15 jedi EC? we dont even have 15 sub path members lmao
  10. I mean i do believe that people can have second chances. But not this quickly -1