[AS] Eagle

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About [AS] Eagle

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  1. 1 You were a SG i had full reason to cuff you if you dont do your job
  2. Not meta or RDA you ddint help the said Nu7 units when a GA was being hacked, i told them to cuff you for breaking laws i didnt think they would run after you during a raid, Law 1.2(i think still trying to learn the new law book) i got told that you were just standing around during a raid and not helping so i told them "Get him to help if he donest cuff him"
  3. OOC Section Steam Name : [AS] Eagle Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:76866999 In-Game Level & Rank: Plat VIP, Lvl 50 State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Nu7 Cmdr Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):2W 2d 5h Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 9warns What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I Can bring my Skill in combat and i have some experience with using the kit, and i know some stuff about the lore of G.O.C Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I would like to join as i would feel like the job would be fun to play as Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Obskuracorps on one side and the Allied Occult Initiative, which happened to coincide with WW2,I think, tbh i dont really know) What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition: 1. Survival 2. Concealment 3. Protection 4.Destruction 5. Education Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC Was Initially founded to act as a failsafe to prevent rogue units from making a XK class event (world ending class event) What is the difference between a KTE and a UTE: KTE Is Known Threat Entities are those paranormal entities which have been clearly identified as Threats and slated for response. UTE is Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established. What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: Investigate and capture or neutalization of parathreates/tes ___________________________________ IC Section "Agent Cain" Serial Number: 41212342/1102 – Real Name: Ethan Hunter Nationality: Scottish Gender:Male Date of Birth: 16/11/1987 Biographical Information Ethan was born in a place called Fife, in Kelty. He had a deep history of military career when he was 21 he joined the SAS 22nd Battalion with his dad he later joined the SRR to follow his sniper training. Later his dad left and joined the marines, he later left the SRR to follow in his dad foot steps in joining the marines after his dad died in a base attack killing the Support element at the base. Career Ex 22nd SAS, Ex SRR, 40th Royal Marine Commandos