[AS] Eagle

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  1. Thanks
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from James Whisper in MC&D Application   
    Fucking capitalist
  2. Like
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from PinkSupra in jason haze's request to ban/warn 1st sgt winter spc vonswolfburg   
    Imagine not
  3. Like
    [AS] Eagle reacted to Nell in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    - OOC Section -
    Steam Name: Nell
    RP Name: Adlactor "Nasuki" Nell
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:221843075
    In game level: Level 50 
    Playtime(At least one week): 7 Weeks and 5 Days
    Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 
    (Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 
    - IC Section -
    [Insert your CV here] 
    From: Nasuki.Nell@SCPFoundation.INET
    To: RecruitmentCenter@SCPFoundation.INET
    Subject: ISD CV
    Basic Information:
    Name: Nasuki Nell, Known Alias: Ahmad Al Baghdadi
    DOB: September 21st 1990 | 21/09/1990 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    Nationality: Egyptian
    Sex: Male
    Contact Information:
    Home Address: 165 Beyer Road, Texas
    Phone Number:+1 409 956-592-1182
    Email Address: Nasuki.Nell@SCPFoundation.INET
    Long Term Senior Researcher in the Foundation specializing in Research & Development, formerly was in the Biology Department before being transferred, He is fluent in Arabic and English and is currently learning French and Python. Previous roles within the Foundation included IT Technician, Engineer and Junior Researcher.
    Skillset Highlights:
    Bilingual Specialized in Surveillance and Monitoring Trained in CQC and Armaments Usage. Knowledgeable in regards to SCP's, anomalies, their effects and the preventative measures. Logical Thinker Friendly --------------------------------------------
    Engineer (From 05/07/2011 to 01/11/2013)
    Performing regularly scheduled checks on Site-19. Troubleshooting technical issues. QC & Quality Assurance. IT Technician (From 02/11/2013 to 27/04/2015)
    Setting up and activating Terminals and CCTV Equipment around the site. Troubleshooting technical issues with the server and site equipment. Junior Researcher (From 28/04/2015 to 15/09/2017)
    Assisting Senior Researchers and HR's Conducting tests on anomalies whilst being supervised. Senior Researcher - Biology (From 16/09/2017 to 02/03/2018)
    Conducting tests on SCP-049 to find out the extents of his capabilities. Assisting in the research and development of            under Project N        Senior Researcher - R&D (From 03/03/2018 till now.)
    Researching and Developing equipment and structures. --------------------------------------------
    West Lake High School: Passed with distinction
    University of Houston: Computer & Information Science Bachelor's Degrees
    US Army 7th Infantry Regiment: Specialist, Honorably Discharged.
  4. Confused
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Joe Conner in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    - IC Section -
  5. Like
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Nathan Dixon in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    - IC Section -
  6. Like
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Kolaćić in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    - IC Section -
  7. Sad
    [AS] Eagle reacted to qaef_wrqefw in Ban for no reason   
    So i was on Surface as E-11 and was chased by this stupid CI 1 guy keep try taze me like 10 times and missed. Also the 1 Guy Named Hanz smothing got voice like virgin and keep Repeating me over and over again + got shit roast. I spend 100 Real Life money on this stupid Plat Vip to get banned by some 1000 h+ gamer. When the Friend of The Menager server get's ban for Reason and he got un ban any way haha. This Server is Joke! Sorry this guy Hanz Somthing is an Joke! Now he probobly now siting in this shity room corner and making his shity victory. Fuck this server and fuck that guy who snich on me! I got reason to be mad at this fool i dont care i am not gonna be un banned but i feel better now texting this message here. Its better then get Angry on people who i know IRL then some Stupid as motherfucker who think its own evrything! 1 BAN OF MONTH! FOR NO FUCKING REASON!
  8. Sad
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Jack Wasza in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    OOC Section

    Steam Name : [AS] Eagle
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:76866999
    In-Game Level & Rank: Plat VIP, Lvl 50
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Nu7  Cmdr
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):2W 2d 5h
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 9warns
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I Can bring my Skill in combat and i have some experience with using the kit, and i know some stuff about the lore of G.O.C
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I would like to join as i would feel like the job would be fun to play as
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Obskuracorps on one side and the Allied Occult Initiative, which happened to coincide with WW2,I think, tbh i dont really know)

    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:

    1. Survival 2. Concealment
    3. Protection
    4.Destruction 5. Education
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC Was Initially founded to act as a failsafe to prevent rogue units from making a XK class event (world ending class event)

    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE: KTE Is Known Threat Entities are those paranormal entities which have been clearly identified as Threats and slated for response. UTE is Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established.
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: Investigate and capture or neutalization of parathreates/tes  
    IC Section 

    "Agent Cain"
    Serial Number: 41212342/1102
    Real Name:  Ethan Hunter
    Nationality: Scottish
    Date of Birth: 16/11/1987

    Biographical Information Ethan was born in a place called Fife, in Kelty. He had a deep history of military career when he was 21 he joined the SAS 22nd Battalion with his dad he later joined the SRR to follow his sniper training. Later his dad left and joined the marines, he later left the SRR to follow in his dad foot steps in joining the marines after his dad died in a base attack killing the Support element at the base.
    Career Ex 22nd SAS, Ex SRR, 40th Royal Marine Commandos
  9. Confused
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Windows XP in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    OOC Section

    Steam Name : [AS] Eagle
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:76866999
    In-Game Level & Rank: Plat VIP, Lvl 50
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Nu7  Cmdr
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):2W 2d 5h
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 9warns
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I Can bring my Skill in combat and i have some experience with using the kit, and i know some stuff about the lore of G.O.C
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I would like to join as i would feel like the job would be fun to play as
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Obskuracorps on one side and the Allied Occult Initiative, which happened to coincide with WW2,I think, tbh i dont really know)

    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:

    1. Survival 2. Concealment
    3. Protection
    4.Destruction 5. Education
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC Was Initially founded to act as a failsafe to prevent rogue units from making a XK class event (world ending class event)

    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE: KTE Is Known Threat Entities are those paranormal entities which have been clearly identified as Threats and slated for response. UTE is Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established.
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: Investigate and capture or neutalization of parathreates/tes  
    IC Section 

    "Agent Cain"
    Serial Number: 41212342/1102
    Real Name:  Ethan Hunter
    Nationality: Scottish
    Date of Birth: 16/11/1987

    Biographical Information Ethan was born in a place called Fife, in Kelty. He had a deep history of military career when he was 21 he joined the SAS 22nd Battalion with his dad he later joined the SRR to follow his sniper training. Later his dad left and joined the marines, he later left the SRR to follow in his dad foot steps in joining the marines after his dad died in a base attack killing the Support element at the base.
    Career Ex 22nd SAS, Ex SRR, 40th Royal Marine Commandos
  10. Haha
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from popbob in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    OOC Section

    Steam Name : [AS] Eagle
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:76866999
    In-Game Level & Rank: Plat VIP, Lvl 50
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Nu7  Cmdr
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):2W 2d 5h
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 9warns
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I Can bring my Skill in combat and i have some experience with using the kit, and i know some stuff about the lore of G.O.C
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I would like to join as i would feel like the job would be fun to play as
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Obskuracorps on one side and the Allied Occult Initiative, which happened to coincide with WW2,I think, tbh i dont really know)

    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:

    1. Survival 2. Concealment
    3. Protection
    4.Destruction 5. Education
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC Was Initially founded to act as a failsafe to prevent rogue units from making a XK class event (world ending class event)

    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE: KTE Is Known Threat Entities are those paranormal entities which have been clearly identified as Threats and slated for response. UTE is Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established.
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: Investigate and capture or neutalization of parathreates/tes  
    IC Section 

    "Agent Cain"
    Serial Number: 41212342/1102
    Real Name:  Ethan Hunter
    Nationality: Scottish
    Date of Birth: 16/11/1987

    Biographical Information Ethan was born in a place called Fife, in Kelty. He had a deep history of military career when he was 21 he joined the SAS 22nd Battalion with his dad he later joined the SRR to follow his sniper training. Later his dad left and joined the marines, he later left the SRR to follow in his dad foot steps in joining the marines after his dad died in a base attack killing the Support element at the base.
    Career Ex 22nd SAS, Ex SRR, 40th Royal Marine Commandos
  11. Sad
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    OOC Section

    Steam Name : [AS] Eagle
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:76866999
    In-Game Level & Rank: Plat VIP, Lvl 50
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Nu7  Cmdr
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):2W 2d 5h
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 9warns
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I Can bring my Skill in combat and i have some experience with using the kit, and i know some stuff about the lore of G.O.C
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I would like to join as i would feel like the job would be fun to play as
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Obskuracorps on one side and the Allied Occult Initiative, which happened to coincide with WW2,I think, tbh i dont really know)

    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:

    1. Survival 2. Concealment
    3. Protection
    4.Destruction 5. Education
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC Was Initially founded to act as a failsafe to prevent rogue units from making a XK class event (world ending class event)

    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE: KTE Is Known Threat Entities are those paranormal entities which have been clearly identified as Threats and slated for response. UTE is Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established.
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: Investigate and capture or neutalization of parathreates/tes  
    IC Section 

    "Agent Cain"
    Serial Number: 41212342/1102
    Real Name:  Ethan Hunter
    Nationality: Scottish
    Date of Birth: 16/11/1987

    Biographical Information Ethan was born in a place called Fife, in Kelty. He had a deep history of military career when he was 21 he joined the SAS 22nd Battalion with his dad he later joined the SRR to follow his sniper training. Later his dad left and joined the marines, he later left the SRR to follow in his dad foot steps in joining the marines after his dad died in a base attack killing the Support element at the base.
    Career Ex 22nd SAS, Ex SRR, 40th Royal Marine Commandos
  12. Confused
    [AS] Eagle got a reaction from Kvisten in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    OOC Section

    Steam Name : [AS] Eagle
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:76866999
    In-Game Level & Rank: Plat VIP, Lvl 50
    State what groups you are in(If you're in any): Nu7  Cmdr
    Playtime (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):2W 2d 5h
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 9warns
    What can you bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I Can bring my Skill in combat and i have some experience with using the kit, and i know some stuff about the lore of G.O.C
    Why do you want to join the Global Occult Coalition?: I would like to join as i would feel like the job would be fun to play as
    Do you understand that if you break any GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes
    Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: The Obskuracorps on one side and the Allied Occult Initiative, which happened to coincide with WW2,I think, tbh i dont really know)

    What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition:

    1. Survival 2. Concealment
    3. Protection
    4.Destruction 5. Education
    Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: The GOC Was Initially founded to act as a failsafe to prevent rogue units from making a XK class event (world ending class event)

    What is the difference between
    a KTE and a UTE: KTE Is Known Threat Entities are those paranormal entities which have been clearly identified as Threats and slated for response. UTE is Unknown Threat Entities are those parathreats whose existence can be inferred, but whose identity has not been positively established.
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: Investigate and capture or neutalization of parathreates/tes  
    IC Section 

    "Agent Cain"
    Serial Number: 41212342/1102
    Real Name:  Ethan Hunter
    Nationality: Scottish
    Date of Birth: 16/11/1987

    Biographical Information Ethan was born in a place called Fife, in Kelty. He had a deep history of military career when he was 21 he joined the SAS 22nd Battalion with his dad he later joined the SRR to follow his sniper training. Later his dad left and joined the marines, he later left the SRR to follow in his dad foot steps in joining the marines after his dad died in a base attack killing the Support element at the base.
    Career Ex 22nd SAS, Ex SRR, 40th Royal Marine Commandos