CT 5568 Komet

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About CT 5568 Komet

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  1. My In-Game name: Was ages ago not sure STEAMID: (https://steamcommunity.com/id/komet9/) Steam Name: Komet9 What is the reason for your ban: Minging alot and getting demoted too many times How long were you banned for: Forever Name of the staff member who banned you: No idea Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Because it has been about 5 months and I was on the server with someone I met on there who I was minging with, I want too come back and play it proper this time. Evidence: none
  2. Fair enough mate, what we did in a lot of incidents was wrong over the last few months obviously. Its not up to me if I'm ever unbanned, like I say are actions deserve a perma ban, its up to you lot if we ever will have another chance. Whitehill too. Have a good one.
  3. I suppose I should give my side to all of this to make you realize me and my friend "Whitehill" and "Zebb" are not at all bad people. So I mean fair enough mate, I enjoyed my time on the server overall and maybe messed around a bit too much, but to be honest, I just did what me and my friends found funny, I mean games are here to have fun at the end of the day and distract yourself from the world, have fun right? Maybe I shouldn't have "minged" as much as I did at the end of the day but it was funny and I sometimes couldn't help it, however, I do like the concept of RP and suppose I should have tried it more than I did, maybe one day I will because its quite enjoyable going through the ranks and I completely respect how you do things, if I ever get back I will RP and not "minge" on your server or any other, but I completely understand your reason if its never because a lot of the time we minged as you said and I apologize to you and your staff for this I was just trying to enjoy myself like you, I completely get the RP side of it I wish I gave more of a go than I did like I said. I and my friend/friends meant no harm or disruption to your server we simply just hopped on in the hope of having fun, I met some really cool people on this server and made good friends like Zebb, I met Zebb 4 days ago and I promise you he is really cool dude and rps a lot, he will get unbanned soon and I hope you can see him in a new vain of light because it would completely be unfair to judge him off messing around with us a few times. Also, I suppose before I explain this video I should talk about a particular member of the Server CE MAT, ever since we first joined MAT was Whitehill's first trainer 3 months ago, he gave me permission to spectate the training and he seemed to be a pretty cool guy, Whitehill was being his classic bit of troll in the training because it was his first time RP but nothing malicious, he never was. Ever since then MAT has hated us and whenever he saw he would swear at us, call us names, etc, but to be honest it was probably our fault and of course we are massively in the wrong here, not MAT, however, his reactions made were to funny and had us coming back for more each time, I apologise this was probably the biggest reason we minged or got into to trouble, we never meant any harm to the guy and we hope he did not take it too seriously it is just a game at the end of the day and I hope he took no offence to it or whatever. However this was ages ago and I did speak to MAT again for about a month until last night when I said hello to him, or tried too... again probably took it too far with going up to him three times saying hello, was just trying to have a laugh, Zebb was just interested in his reaction that was all. As for the video, this took place and recorded apparently about a month and a half ago, on that particular night I and Whitehill had just completed our training for the CE regiment and was enjoying it, however because of our wrong doing we decided to start trying to talk to CE MAT. We talked to him and especially when no one was around he would also talk back and get really mad, I could never actually tell if he was joking or not but it had me laughing every time he shouted, however, this was definitely a massive problem and caused most of our "minging". So we talked to MAT and to our surprise he kicked us out of the CE and had us blacklisted, we were pretty mad as we had just trained all night to become part of this regiment. Then this conversation happened in the video, just after we were kicked out, I suppose I just wanted to explain to MAT that it was funny, and you did not need to get upset over us saying hello to him and why we did it, I hold no grudges in being blacklisted from any of the regiments because we deserved it, I don't regret any of what I have done because its a game and I'm enjoying myself like everyone else. I understand why I'm banned and of course, I get it, why Whitehill is banned also, he cant help himself obviously but is just having a laugh, I again apologize and if we ever were to return you could keep as many tabs as you want on us, we wouldn't be perfect rpers but we would definitely try and take it more serious and stop everything like minging, but again we probably do not deserve a 3rd or even 4th chance but that's not up to me and I'm not going to salty if I never do return because we do not deserve too. Zebb however does Finally, I just wanted to say it's a great community you guys have even if the whole concept is a bit strange from the outside but I get it lol, I and Whitehill are not BAD people at all and meant absolutely 0 harm to anyone and I apologize to MAT, the staff or anyone who found us to be disrespectful or was offended, but nothing we did like your trying to say was "completely fucked" its a game mate, called Garry's mod, chill, we are all here for the same reason, to have FUN, I realize our way of fun is not allowed on these servers now, sorry we was totally in the wrong but it is not "fucked up". I do not regret my previous actions because its a game, I was here to enjoy myself and succeeded, would I go about this a different way next time when I RP on here or anywhere else, yes. Would it be perfect and would I troll from time to time, Obviously, I don't remember half the stuff you said I did but I am sorry. We are not bad people and for you to say that over trolling or trying to get a reaction out of someone in a game is a terrible thing to accuse. Just wanted to clear my name, I probably won't be back because of the way we were, but if I am I will be different, and follow the rules. Some legendary things happened on this server, what you do is cool I hope you continue to enjoy it, I enjoyed my time and so did Whitehill I thank you like I said we are certainly not bad people, but in the context of your server rules, we broke a perma ban is probably justified, again I apologize to any offense or problems we may have caused to you, but have 0 regrets. Komet
  4. I was there, we was granted a tour of the Jedi Temple and he went in a room he was not supposed to be in but he did not realise and came out immediately when I told him, however he got arrested for it and then perma banned for it which is completely unfair, he has been trying to rp tbf lately and enjoying the server and has just joined regiment and is doing rp seriously, I think one more chance is fair especially when this is not perma ban and he only got the perma ban from his previous bad rep...
  5. Can i have it reduced or something i cba waiting 5 days
  6. And don't you think 5 day ban is a bit much for this. Going to Jail is part of the roleplay no other server i play on does this.
  7. I had permission to go in? From MAT to assist with my friends training
  8. I would love another chance because i really like this server and roleplaying on it.
  9. Got banned for going to jail too many times in 3 days (8) a few of them were not even worthy of going to jail. Did i mention it was a 5 day ban for this? Think it was uncalled for got VIP and everything admin was abusing his powers just kept saying shame.