Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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    Joe Conner reacted to Richard Mann in ???   
    [Login required]

    [Username: Dr. Seehoven]

    [password: ************]

    ...Booting up                               
    \/\Greetings Dr. Seehoven/\/
    Archon Labs has been waiting for you
    Announcement:  "Dear Personal of Archon Labs  or for that matter what remains of us this is your CEO speaking, i hate to inform you that another Research facility has been destroyed. This is the 40th Research facility destroyed after the incident in Ukraine, we have now only 4 Facilities remaining. I will not give up or compromise our mission of saving Humanity through bringing them Progress, we have to finish our studies on Alien Tech no matter the cost. We will have to work with the SCP Foundation to have even a chance of getting this solved before we're all dead. I understand most of you do not like them but this is necessary. If any more of you feel the need to leave, go ahead I won't stop you. For anyone still interested in saving Humanity , Let's do this!"

    Dr. Seehoven: "Archon i need an Update"

    right away
    Research facilities: [Status]

    RF 1 - RF 40: Destroyed

    RF 41 : Temporarily Displaced

    RF 42 : Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

    RF 43 - RF 51: Heavily Damaged

    RF 52: Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

    RF 53: Working on Finishing Project "Power Overwhelming"

    |||Project: "Chamäleons"|||

    [Decrypting Data]

    [Object: Alien-Alpha-6]
    The goal of Project "Chamäleon" is to Imitate the "Combined Alien Forces" short Combine Technologies which allows the units that our agents have dubbed "Cloakers" to go fully invisible. See [Incident Log #37A1] for further details. 
    V1-V2 were both defective and would kill the User after 5 minutes of active usage.
    V3 wouldn't work well enough at most time but it wouldn't overheat
    V4 Could fully Cloak but would again overheat but only to the point of not working rather then exploding
    V5 Works as intended and fully cloaks you

    Project "Chamäleons": [Operational]
    Materials: [Ready]
    Data: [Ready]
    Prototypes: [Ready]
    [V-1] [Failed]
    [V-2] [Failed]
    [V-3] [Worked]
    [V-4] [Worked]
    [V-5] [Fully Operational]
    [V-6] [Field Testing]


    |||Project: "Rift Walker"|||
    [Decrypting Data]
    Rifer Walker is one of our main tools, for Striking back against the Alien threat it will allow us to use their teleportation technologies to bring the fight to them. It is a phaseshift suit which is currently not past the "Theory" stage. We need a lot more data to be able to build it or before we can even hope to Dream of using it.

    "We have found out that the SCP foundation has gathered enough information to possibly help us in our research for the Suit, or at least provide some extra Data. As much as they have been very uncooperative the past few week we hope to change that by presenting them with our new stabilisers. We're also going to help their Research staff to build trust and to increase the chance of cooperation. I hope I made myself clear." 

    -Dr. Seehoven
    [Related Document]
    Project "Rift Walker": [In Testing]
    Materials: [Ready]
    Data: [Field Testing]
    Prototypes: [None]
    History: The Combine have been interacting with Earth for a short time but in that time Achon has been at war with them. We have had previously just researched any extraterrestrial beings and Technologies. But the Combine found out about our Laboratories and began to slaughtering our personnel and began blowing up our Labs. The currently destroyed Sites are proof of that and we have lost 4 Sites to the foundation raiding us. We have lost so much so, we need to begin to rebuild our Group back to it's old Glory.
    Update: "As of now we have agreed upon alliance with the foundation, we are going to be working close with each other. Agent Mann and Dr.Kyle were involved in fixing our "relations" and have given them enough Information about the Combine Threat. They wish to assimilate US, haha i am very sure that won't be happening. But we have other problems we need to recruit new people to your cause as part of Operation "New Blood". Anyways good luck Gentlemen and keep the good work up and make sure we get Rift Walker done soon."
    Daily Logs:

    [Daily Log Dr. Seehoven]


    [Audio log: 08:04:20(6:00)]

    [Audio log: 08:04:20(10:05)]


    RPName: Richard Mann
    Steamname: Richgun[NCR]
    Discordname: Richgun#8372
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20886763

    The Jobs Purpose is to make research Rp more interesting and to encourage Research Rp for any group able to do it and to make the HoEA have a few more things to do. His main goal is to help humanity but he doesn't care about the Foundation or any other GOI in general rather what they do and can't do to help his group accomplish their goal.  The job won't need any good Equipment since it's main and only purpose is to passive Rp with any GOI. 

    Name: Dr. Seehoven

    Model:  Suit with open jacket models/player/Suits/male_07_open_tie.mdl

    -M1911/M9 Beretta
    -Gen+2 Cloaking SWEP

  2. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Nell in ???   
    Interview Transcript
    March 20th, 2021

    Report on Ovis City, Incident Report Terma-I
    1102 "Vanguard"
    52915234/744 "Adam"
    40218523/744 "Eve"
    Agent Vanguard reports in for an interview by Assessment Team Member "Adam" and Assessment Team Member "Eve" after staying there for several months.
    *CCTV Footage of an African-American male in his thirties wearing a black suit with a red tie can be seen sitting on a table with a blonde female of Asian descent wearing baggy clothes, after a minute a man wearing an MK. II Combat Garment (White Suit) can be seen entering the room and taking a seat*
    Adam: Hello Ahmad, please take a seat.

    Eve: -Please state your codename and service code for the purposes of this interview.

    Vanguard: I am Agent Vanguard, Service Code 75914123/1102, pleased to meet both of you.

    Eve: Thank you Ah- Vanguard, can you start from the beginning?

    Vanguard: Sure, the beginning isn't interesting but I'll try to keep it short, I just got to the Quartermaster, got my equipment and stuff then headed to the drop ship for Ovis, when I reached it I was amazed since it looked like a normal small town, it had some some basic buildings like a hospital, the bank, the OCPD building alongside some small shops and a club, here take a look!

    *Vanguard proceeds to pull out his phone, showing a selfie of him and an unknown civilian*

    Adam: Sorry to interrupt, but please keep it short and clear.

    Vanguard: Ah yeah, sorry about that...

    Eve: So, what did you find in Ovis?

    Vanguard: Uhhh quite a lot actually, there's a [EXPLETIVE] of TE's and anomalous presence is skyrocketing here, the amount of Type Yellow's and Silver's, the civilian populous seems to be aware of their presence but doesn't know who they are or what they look like, oh yeah also there are a lot of organizations in here, ranging from the SCP Foundation & the Chaos Insurgency to The Serpents Hands, although that final one's presence has been completely eradicated according to what I was told.
    Adam: Aaaaand what did you do?

    Vanguard: Well I kinda just grabbed my m27 and my white suit and went to learn a bit more, I apologize in advance for my uh- questionable methods of questioning, but I made sure that all friendlies were amnesticated and released safely!

    Eve: Jesus, Vanguard we have standing orders and protocol, if this ever gets leaked out I swear to god...

    Vanguard: Calm down Eve, I got it under control, the worst that could happen is someone getting shot.

    Eve: Okay, status on Paradox and Scarlet?

    Vanguard: All good! They are sitting at our FOB, Paradox is probably taking another selfie with a dead Type Green and Scarlet is waiting for me to come back, worst any of us three got were some bullets that scratched us through the suits, Eve trust me, everything's fine.

    Adam: Okay, that'll be it for now, you may head back to your dormitory, we'll contact you with further information.

    Eve: Got anything else you wish to add?

    Vanguard: Actually, ya mind sneaking in some actual food in my bag? That canned stuff you guys make is going to make me die one day, oh and can I return back to Ovis? I really enjoy the town, even though it's small, it's really filled with fun exciting people!

    Adam: Your request will be taken into consideration, for now you are dismissed.

    *Agent Vanguard can be seen leaving the interrogation room*

    Eve: Hey Adam, do you still have the Terma Incident Report?

    Adam: Oh yeah, here's the report.

    *Adam shuffles through a large tower of paper and grabs a folder with the title "Incident Report Terma-I"*
    Do not click on the spoiler if you do not wish to spoil the ARG for yourself.
  3. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Bread in ???   
    Application is located HERE
  4. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in ???   

    The Wanderers' Library is a collaborative collection of stories that explore strange and fantastic corners of the world, hidden from ordinary eyes. Some of the stories take place in the distant past, taking the form of legends and fables. Others are from the modern day, hiding in the shadows just out of sight. The basic premise is that there are strange things that are not quite of our world. Some are dangerous, some are merely fascinating. They are all in some respect extraordinary.
    The Library is a place that exists outside of normal space, containing almost every book ever written, and many that never were. There are doors that lead to it all around the world, and in other worlds as well. If you climbed to the top of the shelves, you'd see more shelves as far as you could see. There are walls, there are limits to it, but it's far larger than any man-made building.
    The Library exists, so far as anyone knows, to collect and make available books and information. All are welcome to check out books or other materials. Much of the Library's workings are mysterious to its patrons. Some parts, known as the Archives, are accessible only to a select few, while others may only .be accessed by the Librarians.
    The Ways are connections between various worlds and realities. The Library is a nexus of ways insofar as almost every world is connected to it by at least one Way.
    Each Way is a door of sorts. It can be anything from a literal door to an arch to a mirror. To go through, you have to "knock" at it; that is, do a specific action or fulfil some specific criteria. Maybe whistle in the right way or bring a seven-leaf clover or unspool a VHS copy of Enter the Dragon. That sort of thing. You "knock" at the Way, step through, and find yourself in a new world.
    Not all Ways lead to the Library. Some lead to other worlds, some lead back to different places in the same world. The greatest minds, including those in the Serpent's Hand, have been unable to figure out how they work. If there's a logic to how they function, no one has been able to discover it yet.

    To anyone that may stumble upon this note...

    OOC Section

    ??? Character name: The Scholar

    -Neutral with everyone.
    -Probably somewhat a hostile/important target for Foundation however, seeing as this character frequents the Wanderers' Library where  TSH are mainly.(IF FOUNDATION DISCOVER OUT)

    Items: Oneiroi SWEP (Not finalized)

    Playstyle: Passive job

    This ??? has arrived in Ovis City after reading about it in different books that mention a prophecy that the end of human throughout every dimension is to arrive. After witnessing the events that unfolded after the combine invasion on Earth, it peaked his interest which caused him to come and stay for an undetermined amount of time to witness what events may unfold as well as to interact with the people of this world. 

    This ??? is to add RP to the many citizens and people roaming the surface as well as a unique experience as someone with access to the Wanderers' Library by knowing the location of many hidden Ways located throughout the city due to the long time he has spent trying to find them to observe what takes place on Earth that can let people read the wonderous things that the Library has to offer. 
  5. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from kenopsia in ???   

    The Wanderers' Library is a collaborative collection of stories that explore strange and fantastic corners of the world, hidden from ordinary eyes. Some of the stories take place in the distant past, taking the form of legends and fables. Others are from the modern day, hiding in the shadows just out of sight. The basic premise is that there are strange things that are not quite of our world. Some are dangerous, some are merely fascinating. They are all in some respect extraordinary.
    The Library is a place that exists outside of normal space, containing almost every book ever written, and many that never were. There are doors that lead to it all around the world, and in other worlds as well. If you climbed to the top of the shelves, you'd see more shelves as far as you could see. There are walls, there are limits to it, but it's far larger than any man-made building.
    The Library exists, so far as anyone knows, to collect and make available books and information. All are welcome to check out books or other materials. Much of the Library's workings are mysterious to its patrons. Some parts, known as the Archives, are accessible only to a select few, while others may only .be accessed by the Librarians.
    The Ways are connections between various worlds and realities. The Library is a nexus of ways insofar as almost every world is connected to it by at least one Way.
    Each Way is a door of sorts. It can be anything from a literal door to an arch to a mirror. To go through, you have to "knock" at it; that is, do a specific action or fulfil some specific criteria. Maybe whistle in the right way or bring a seven-leaf clover or unspool a VHS copy of Enter the Dragon. That sort of thing. You "knock" at the Way, step through, and find yourself in a new world.
    Not all Ways lead to the Library. Some lead to other worlds, some lead back to different places in the same world. The greatest minds, including those in the Serpent's Hand, have been unable to figure out how they work. If there's a logic to how they function, no one has been able to discover it yet.

    To anyone that may stumble upon this note...

    OOC Section

    ??? Character name: The Scholar

    -Neutral with everyone.
    -Probably somewhat a hostile/important target for Foundation however, seeing as this character frequents the Wanderers' Library where  TSH are mainly.(IF FOUNDATION DISCOVER OUT)

    Items: Oneiroi SWEP (Not finalized)

    Playstyle: Passive job

    This ??? has arrived in Ovis City after reading about it in different books that mention a prophecy that the end of human throughout every dimension is to arrive. After witnessing the events that unfolded after the combine invasion on Earth, it peaked his interest which caused him to come and stay for an undetermined amount of time to witness what events may unfold as well as to interact with the people of this world. 

    This ??? is to add RP to the many citizens and people roaming the surface as well as a unique experience as someone with access to the Wanderers' Library by knowing the location of many hidden Ways located throughout the city due to the long time he has spent trying to find them to observe what takes place on Earth that can let people read the wonderous things that the Library has to offer. 
  6. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Traviskill in 096 App   
    I will follow the rules ik everything about 096 I am on evry day there is almost never 096
  7. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Peter file in Change PME rules   
    Right now the PME rules are extremely vague and when you try to RP with certain jobs you are told " Just apply for ??? "

    1.13.1: PMEs are strictly forbidden and can range from starting a cult to making up an SCP object; ensure you contact staff if you are unsure if something is a PME.

    My suggestion is, allow people to PME as long as it complies with some set requirements.

    1. The PME doesnt require any new SWEPS or any modifications to the server be made.

    2. The PME isnt mingy in its nature, for example it isnt just civillians using /setjob to give themselves an ID that allows them to comply with CI or any other job. To give that job an unnessesary advantage in a certain situation E.G Recruiting Civillians because they used /setjob Chaos Insurgency Alpha or MTF Nu-7

    3. SMT is informed if a player plans to create a PME.

    4. The PME isnt malicious, E.G CI making a custom group that cooperates with Foundation and using that to gain access to the facility and to gain documents they wouldnt otherwise obtain would be considered a bad PME and not be allowed.

    Due to me trying to Passive RP with Foundation recently and being told that it was PME i decided to make this. Although technically it can be considered a PME, it was purely just to improve RP and in my opinion perfectly fine. I hope the PME rules change, as i honestly believe it would improve RP.

  8. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Traviskill in Why i should be 096.   
    I think that i should be scp 096 because there is never one im always on the sever and i know everything about him im a good roleplayer and i do not brake rules this is why i think i should be scp 096
  9. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Jack Wasza in Voyles' Staff Application   
    Lol wtf
  10. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in ISD getting removed   
    Do some R&D instead of being arrested for having a plastic shotgun pls tnx 😜
  11. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to Fn_ews in Application for the SCP-RP Staff Team   
    Name: Fynn Ewers

    What country are you from?: Germany

    How well do you speak and understand English?: Very good, I understand the Language very well and I train my spelling every day

    SteamID: 76561199169489645

    In-Game name(s): Most of the time, (LT, B7, etc.) Fox Rise/Wolf Nights

    Age: 18

    Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 1d 1h 20m

    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: No

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a microphone

    Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Currently no, but I can get it

    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): You should pick me because, I'd like to make sure that everything works fine and that everyone follows the rules. I play at late times where not much people are online too and I see several people breaking the rules because no mod, supporter, Admin etc. is there. I like things organized and I would be happy when you're picking me for your Staff Team so that someone can watch over the Server even when no Admin, Mod, Supporter etc. is here. I'm glad that I can help when someone has a problem. I try to stay neutral so everyone gets treated fairly. 

    How long will you be able to play per day?: 8-12 h

    Any past experience as staff?: No, but I'd be happy to get my first experiences here!

    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): Just 1 because I accidently snapped someones neck as 173 out of my CC.

    Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: No, but I'll inform myself about them soon.

    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):

    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: Yes, I understand the rules of SCP-RP and I will make sure that others will follow them too.
  12. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Norra in ???   
    The following has been accepted:
    John Killvel
    Kevin Wilson
    Applicants, DM me on Discord: Norra#0002
    Can all of you stop replying to this thread will ratings or general talking? I want apps only. If I see more I will be handing out forum warnings/mutes as it clogs the thread up.
  13. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Royal in Stephen Schmidt (Candyman) application SD   
    Tbh haven't really seen you on server
  14. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in Stephen Schmidt (Candyman) application SD   
    Tbh haven't really seen you on server
  15. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Brandon Viper in ???   
    You know what you did there.
  16. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in IS SCP RP democratic?   
    I dunno why, but something about this scp site seems off
  17. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Poe Edgar in 682 vs 173   
    A mix of both server side and actual lore side here xD So my opinion on this bullshit is a huge "fuck no" and as funny as it would be to do this for the funny minge, no.
  18. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Dr Wolfgang Fritz in Mass D-class breach   
    That too
  19. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to ✪Kanser CS.MONEY in Larry's report on Luke Ocasino   
    where evidence -1
  20. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from James Whisper in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    Welp, it's official boys, ISD has left the site ;-;
    ISD tag is removed from us and the channel deleted.
    It was a pleasure serving during the time it existed
  21. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    Welp, it's official boys, ISD has left the site ;-;
    ISD tag is removed from us and the channel deleted.
    It was a pleasure serving during the time it existed
  22. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Matthew Wickers in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    Welp, it's official boys, ISD has left the site ;-;
    ISD tag is removed from us and the channel deleted.
    It was a pleasure serving during the time it existed
  23. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to in ???   
  24. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Toriwarior٣٠٠٥٥ in ISD getting removed   
  25. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Bruno Woodston in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    ISD ;-;