Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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  1. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from John Stance in ISD getting removed   
  2. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in ISD getting removed   
  3. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Bread in ???   
    REAL and TRUE!!
  4. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Gary in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    No, Evan was the last agent
  5. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Bruno Woodston in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    ISD ;-;

  6. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Windows XP in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    CV Results  @Evan Dark Accepted - I think you mean anaesthetics instead of amnestics for medic

    Welcome to ISD - Your time will be limited here as we will be removed soon
  7. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Walter Alvarez in Being faster than others is sus?   
    Me: Highly trained soldier with amazing strength, stamina, and speed
    A random dude that drank bottle of coke or took cocaine: Haha legs go brrrrrrrr
  8. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to Kiran gaming in Site Director Application   
    In-Game Name: Peterson Ardock
    SteamID: 76561198317635750
    Age: 14
    In-Game Time [Proof Required]: 2d 08h 22m
    Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions:
    Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: Im active, a good listener and am smart
    What role does the Site Director have on the site?
    What is the O5 Council?: The highest Level of people in the foundation who is oversees everything.

  9. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in Bring back the best scp   
    2nd bump?
    This has been here since beginning of March, it's now the end of April.....
  10. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Titty Man in Black list some models   

    models/gta iv/burgershot_cup.mdl

    models/gta iv/fries.mdl

  11. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  12. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to JaWin911 in SCP-3523   
    Hey guys,
    I already posted this accidently in the "Job-Suggestions" Section, but now I posted it here again, this time correctly(I hope so).  
    I dont really know much about this SCP, I want to have it here, because I saw it on another Server and I liked it, so I just wrote the information down, I could gather about it.
    You can add this or not.. In my opinion it would be a great addition to the RP, because of additional manifacturing and laboratory RP and also funny, because watching people commit suicide xD             (I know... I am weird)
    Information I got from the other server:
    He tries to get people to commit suicide, but ONLY if he gets disturbed in his work! He works for the Foundation, because he sometimes creates things for them, but cannot move freely. His cell is equipped with 3 tables and laboratory stuff, because he sometimes creates things (like manifacturing and so on) for the foundation!
    Full Information (SCP-Wiki):
    Kind regards,
  13. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to balls in ???   
    what a unique character! no job like this on the server!!!!
  14. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in ???   
    What you suggested for a ??? is literally the Internal Security Department.....
  15. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to SniperMonkey in ???
    Heres my Document 🙂
  16. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Atomik in 682 vs 173   
    @Plaguepls do this
  17. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in Isaac Scott's event app   
    Yeah....only problem I see with your event is the practical part of society, where the Nu-7 shoot any and all unknown things they see
  18. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Fayne™ in SCP Meme Thread   
  19. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Vine - Luke Pothag in 682 vs 173   
    i think that a simultaneous breach of 173 and 682 would be cool so that we could have them both fight. please give me thoughts if you can. 
  20. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Bread in ???   
  21. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Bob Mcbeek in ???   
    ( Due to me not being experienced in typing on this type of format I'm just gonna make do with what I got )
    This is a ??? application as you can tell.

    << Accessing Foundation Files >>
    << Loading... >>
    << Loading... >>
    << Password Required >>
    << Password: ***** >>
    << Please Try Again This Is Your Final Attempt >>
    << Password: ******** >>
    << Accessing 914 Test Log >>
    << Sub-File Name: Dr. Bobo >>
    << This Sub-File Is Greatly Expunged ( For The Official Report And I'm Gonna Need A Lot Of My Imagination For This ) For  Dr. Bobo's Privacy But Has Been Un-Expunged By Dr. Bobo Giving You Permission >>
    Dr. Bobo is a researcher for the SCP Foundation. After an experiment with 2 chimps on SCP 914 ( The Clockwork ) read file for more info on 914, one of the Chimps ( Dr. Bobo ) went in on the option: Fine and after coming out of Output gained human like intelligence. Unfortunately for the other chimp  who was put on the option: Rough, dismembering the chimp with multiple laser like markings near the cuts. Dr. Bobo is currently stationed at Site-██ in his office in the Scientific Department working for the SCP Foundation. Due to Dr. Bobo's heightened intelligence he is able to speak like the average human speaking fluently in English.  The Species, Gender and Age of Dr. Bobo is his Species being Chimp, Bonobo, with his Gender being Male and Age being 13 Years in the Bonobo lifespan. 
    My Ingame Info
    Steam Name: The Chimp
    IC Name: Jim monkey
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526596502
    Ingame Level: 43
    Playtime: 4 days 15 hours
  22. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in SCP Meme Thread   
    Lik n soob for increased playtime

    Benny wickers shall receive 1 second less playtime for dislik
    Windows XP shall receive 30 seconds less playtime for dislik
    Philips Keter shall receive removal of Dupe creator tag for dislik
  23. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from NTF_ESPILLON11_COMMANDER in Question   
    Yes you will
  24. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in Mass D-class breach   
    Even then, you can just set up a firing line and shoot any d class that runs outside of D block 
  25. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Agent Ghost in Mass D-class breach   

    D class airlock doors open:

    >Closes doors from control room

    Event over