Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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  1. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Josh Richardson in ???   
    like three times a month i think 😛
  2. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Cal in My old ban.   
    Why 2nd unban request when first hasn't even been closed?
  3. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Gary in O5 “Mr Bean” application   
    O5 name - mr bean
    Time on server — around 5 idk forgot
    warn - I have 13 warn (the admins are stupid and gave me stupid warn)
    background info - (original do not steal thank)
    Mr. Bean lives alone in his small flat in Highbury, North London. He's almost always seen in his trademark tweed jacket and skinny red tie. Mr. Bean rarely speaks, and when he does, it's generally only a few mumbled words, which are in a comically low-pitched voice. He's been shown in the first episode to have a strong knowledge of trigonometry.
    His ingenuity often leads him to finding ridiculous and impractical solutions to these problems (such as painting a room by putting fireworks into a paint can). Bean will often get confused at the world, not understanding what's going on. He's also quite selfish — if someone is doing something he doesn't like, he gets very agitated. He also doesn't like people taking his things.
    Mr. Bean often seems unaware of basic aspects of the way the world works, and the program usually features his attempts at what would normally be considered simple tasks, such as going swimming, redecorating, or going to church. The humor largely comes from his original (and often absurd) solutions to problems and his total disregard for others when solving them, his pettiness, and occasional malevolence. He acts silly sometimes.
    department head - o5 council head of council 
    Do you know the O5 rules - yes I know that I can shoot anyone I want to (cos I am ceo of the site so I can do anything) a
    p.s thank you for reading, this took me a while Cos I did this on my Xbox One which is 7 years old (I got it from 2014) I hope you enjoy it’d 
  4. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Cal in Gromit Mug   
  5. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  6. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in SCP Meme Thread   
    Lik n soob for increased playtime

    Benny wickers shall receive 1 second less playtime for dislik
    Windows XP shall receive 30 seconds less playtime for dislik
    Philips Keter shall receive removal of Dupe creator tag for dislik
  7. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Zack Wood in SCP Meme Thread   
    can i get some likes on this comment plz
  8. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Peter file in Ban Request   
    Evidence is clear
  9. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to SCPeanutbutter in ???   
    My Character: Human Resources
    Human Resourses puts a desk in a certain place, maybe an office or in EZ big and anyone who wants to  file a complaint can go to the desk  and file the complaint and ten the HR person sends it through comms and then the person who is doing a certain thing to make the other eprson file a complaint, has a restraining order put on them or anything that fits what they done
  10. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Gavin ONeal in Bring back the best scp   
    So, I know we all know that SCP-1370 is the best scp on the server by far. It was amazing when we had it before on server but was then removed for no reason.

    So I suggest bringing back SCP-1370, the pokinator, and it can open up more RP to happen in the site, more action, etc.

    Of course it will be a free-roam scp like before, but make it have vip/platvip and like level 30-40 so we don't get something like the cursed thing 1048 is now(Fuck 1048 now so mingey and shit).
  11. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Cal in MC&D Application :D   
    Excuse me? Basically copy paste of my app??? Instant denied?
  12. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Not a player | in MC&D Application :D   
    Common Roleplay Name: Alexander Robert
    Steam Name: Not a player |
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169737837 
    Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum): 1w 3d 13h as of today [proof]
    Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.): 8 [proof]
    Why do you want to join MC&D?: Well first of all, how a wise man once said...  
    Besides that, I like how MC&D uses anomalies, they auction them and give them to the highest bidder, that's a hella good way to make money. Also I would really like to take part of their unique roleplay and experiences.  And the last thing is that I would really like to be the MC&D Salesman and to be the boss (cause who doesn't like to be the boss)
    What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum):  MC&D is a group composed of many wealthy people which goal is to collect anomalies and auctions them in order to make as much money as possible (that's what I like). They also have many locations around the globe, and originated from London. MC&D has many agents with a vast array of weapons to keep the cash flowing in.  All of their members have determination, loyalty and discipline. They mainly rely on teamwork and good equipment.
    Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?: Well, mainly because they can sell weapons, drugs, drinks and other items to other people and groups like the Chaos Insurgency, Sarkic Cultists etc. don't. Also MC&D mainly focuses on making money and I love money. They also have unlimited resources, that they wont spend on anything that the foundation would like containment/termination of the anomalies, instead they resort to auctioning those anomalies, increasing those resources.
    Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?: Well firstly I will send a agent to see what the person knows about MC&D, and if they know too much, ill send someone to silently take him out. If they don't know too much, I will just let them be.
    Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes, and I will be trying my best to not break any of them.
  13. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Josh Richardson in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  14. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Nell in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  15. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Cal in Kye Taylors Staff Application   
    So first off, strange how immediately after gettin your account,  you came right here to this specific post, did a +1, then disappeared, what people normally do after making a new account is look at all the tabs there are, and for SCP-RP, they look at what's going on in Whitelist Applications, etc. They don't immediately come straight to fuckin staff app and +1 some random dude, heck you didn't even look at the other apps, you came straight to this one only since this is the only one you replied to. So yes, I have the audacity to call out what doesn't look right in the slightest.
  16. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in Rockys Staff Application   
    It's gonna be a -1
    Personally, some of your strengths and weaknesses collide with one another. Some I find really hard to believe. 
    I've never met a  child, especially as young as you, that is never biased or doesn't holds grudges. You might be different but only time can tell. 
    I don't think you can be as "mature" as required when you're being staff on duty as I have seen you behave on the server many times.
    In your previous application, you mopped up all your warns to "when you were new" which shouldn't be an excuse no matter what, even a warn from around 12 days ago for micspam. This may be just had timing, but 80% of the time I encounter you, you're doing some form of micspam, whether it be you constantly exhaling and inhaling into your microphone loudly whenever you hold shift, making random noises constantly that get kinda annoying after 2-3 min, etc.
    Overall, I appreciate your effort to try to help the server by trying to be staff, but don't feel like it's the right time/way for you to do so.
  17. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Gary in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  18. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from GANGSTALKED BY XUNTS BF in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  19. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Kabasch in Ban Request by Kabasch Cashew   
    Your name in-game: Kabasch Cashew

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147357128

    Person's you report name: Big Floyd and Dababy less goo

    Person's you report SteamID: 
    Big Floyd: STEAM_0:1:560225541
    Dababy less goo: STEAM_0:1:512723148

    Why do you want him banned?: Both of them were constantly trying to cuff, kill and overall annoy people over and over. Most of them is self-explanatory in the Video that is available below. Later they tried to Crash the Server by propspamming / propkilling people. 

    Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.): 
  20. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Rusty - Ketero in ???   
    IC Section




    OOC Section

    This ??? character is to try to add some RP that some GOI lack/would like to have more of, as well as to the Foundation, a passive ??? that loves to learn, gain knowledge, and watch the show from the front seat. Rather than helping fight against hostiles and such, he can be used to gather information from others, as well as relay information and many other things. Since he isn't apart of any GOI, his relations with others can change depending on what occurs . He has arrived to Ovis City since he has heard of the numerous anomalous events that take place and wishes to witness them unfold first hand. His duration of stay is currently unknown but it can be concluded that it won't be short due to the amounts of anomalous activity the city experiences weekly. 

    Equipment/Abilities:    NOT FINALIZED
    - Oneiroi/Nobody SWEP
    - Regenerator SWEP for self use only

    - Foundation: Neutral
    - Chaos Insurgency: Hostile
    - GOC: Hostile
    - MCND: Neutral
    - UIU: Unknown
    - Sarkics: Unknown

    Male in trench coat

    ??? Character In-game Name: The Observer

    Steam Name: PleaseDontEatMe

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61146039

    Discord name and ID: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
  21. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Joe Drakan in Echo 14 | "Big brother"   
    -1  We dont need another MTF, especially not a failed one.
  22. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in Bring back the best scp   
    So, I know we all know that SCP-1370 is the best scp on the server by far. It was amazing when we had it before on server but was then removed for no reason.

    So I suggest bringing back SCP-1370, the pokinator, and it can open up more RP to happen in the site, more action, etc.

    Of course it will be a free-roam scp like before, but make it have vip/platvip and like level 30-40 so we don't get something like the cursed thing 1048 is now(Fuck 1048 now so mingey and shit).
  23. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in Echo 14 | "Big brother"   
    Why u hating on red ppl here too smh
  24. Thanks
    Joe Conner reacted to Atomik in What's a good free VPN?   
    I don't recommend getting a free VPN (as most just harvest data), and I would just recommend buying one, however, ProtonVPN is a good alternative as it isn't too slow.  But if you seriously need a good VPN, buy one, most have like 2 year subscriptions that are only a few bucks a month.
  25. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to John Goe in MTF RHO-9 "Technical Support"   
    RHO-9 „Technical Support“

    „Mobile Task Force Rho-9 handles computer security for the Foundation. When memetic kill agents can lurk throughout the data structure, this is no simple task.“
    Rho-9 assists in finding and containing web based anomalies and SCPs.
    Rho-9 Operatives are usually working closely together with MTF Kappa-10 „Skynet“ and MTF Mu-4 „Debuggers“ since they are related with their task of finding and finding and containing anomalous Software. However, to not add three taskforces at once, I propose that Kappa-10, Mu-4 and Rho-9 are made into a CMTF unit or Collaborative Mobile Task Force Unit.
    Ranks of MTF Rho-9:
    All roles will be whitelisted and will both be Invite and application. All roles can access the Foundation Database.
    Alpha: Alphas are the Commanders of Rho-9. They can command the MTF Unit and make the Important descisions. They can do everything that the other Units can too. They are the commander after all. The role will be given only to long term members since it is a very powerful job. (1 slot)
    Delta: Deltas are the main operatives of MTF Rho-9. They carry out most operations and are the hands and eyes of the MTF. Deltas can disguise into Civilian Uniform and are allowed to go to surface (Only with the allowance of the current Alpha or Site administration). They can also temporarily lockdown keycard doors and thus being able to lock people inside areas. They can command anyone below them and will act as Lieutenants. (1 slots)
    Phi: Phis are the Hackers and „Tech Support“ of Rho-9. They will stay back and do the Intelligence gathering for the unit and foundation. They can hack comms and jam them for a set amount of time. They will act as Sergeants and can order anyone below them. (1 slots)
    Omega: Omegas are new enlistees and can do basically nothing. They are an assistant and can rank up. They can assist Phis and Deltas in their tasks of hacking enemy comms and assist Deltas on surface scouting missions. Due to their low Rank, they cannot go outside. Equivalent to a Lance Corporal in the Military/NU7 (2 slots)
    The rank structure is as follows (Highest→ Lowest)
    Alpha→ Delta→ Phi→ Omega
    The Chain of Command in the site (in blue=no commander; green=when none are present, they apply)(Can be changed by Rho-9 Management (Me!))
     Any O5→ Site Director→Rho-9 Commander+ HoEA/ECM→ Any other MTF Commander*→ Rho-9 Delta→ Rho-9 Phi
    *Not the HoS or any other Security

    What role would MTF Rho-9 serve?/Why should Rho-9 be added?:

    MTF Rho-9 would play a major role in raid on and from the Foundation not because they have strong weaponry, but that they can disable any sort of communication between people. This this would not alert the entire GOI/Surface but only the people that see them, making it easier to keep the foundation hidden.
    Another important aspect that shouldnt be looked over is that MTF Rho-9 can also act as a Intelligence gathering Unit. Due to the Ability to Jam and Hack Comms, Communication between GOIs or the Surface could be monitored and shut off when the Veil of secrecy is about to break or someone leaks information about the Foundation. They will be a fresh change and it will be harder/easier to coordinate for the Different groups and raids.
    With the Addition of Rho-9, It will be easier to find out, if there is a comms Breach due to the Comms Jammer. Their Weaponry isnt the best as they arent a combative Unit like NU7 but more of a supportive unit and a true Gamechanger. There will also be the new change with the lockdown tool which would act as a Door Blocker that can stop anything.
    Another Reason to add MTF Rho-9 is, that due to the Weak weaponry, CI or any other raiding Group wouldnt be overwhelmed with gunfire and wouldnt die immediatly making it an unbalanced fight. In addition to that, since Rho-9 Deltas can only exit the Site with Commander Permission, there wouldnt be too many foundation Personell on surface. Lastly, the taskforce is relativly small and thus there wont be a giant swarm of people rushing a point/ raiding a base.
    MTF Rho-9 Management:
    Owner- John Goe; Hal-9000#0068
    If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask! (either under this thread or on discord!