Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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  1. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in Cal Reece - Site Director Application   
    Mans said "05"
  2. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Cal in Cal Reece - Site Director Application   
    Mans said "05"
  3. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in Cal Reece - Site Director Application   
    Mans said "05"
  4. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kinqu Kyle in Internal Tribunal Department   
    Good idea in THEORY.
    However, PRACTICALLY,  this idea will not work as everyone would be yelling at each other and do random shit which would never end well.
  5. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Gavin ONeal in Bring back the best scp   
    So, I know we all know that SCP-1370 is the best scp on the server by far. It was amazing when we had it before on server but was then removed for no reason.

    So I suggest bringing back SCP-1370, the pokinator, and it can open up more RP to happen in the site, more action, etc.

    Of course it will be a free-roam scp like before, but make it have vip/platvip and like level 30-40 so we don't get something like the cursed thing 1048 is now(Fuck 1048 now so mingey and shit).
  6. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kabasch in SCP-457 Improvement Ideas   
    Well the facility is made of non-flammable material and so non-flammable material can't catch on fire so fire can't spread cause it can't catch on fire in the first place and fire can't spread without anything to spread to and there is nothing to spread to so fire can't spread

    Hehe fire go brrrrrrr
  7. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to [AS] Eagle in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    - IC Section -
  8. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Windows XP in Bring back the best scp   
    So, I know we all know that SCP-1370 is the best scp on the server by far. It was amazing when we had it before on server but was then removed for no reason.

    So I suggest bringing back SCP-1370, the pokinator, and it can open up more RP to happen in the site, more action, etc.

    Of course it will be a free-roam scp like before, but make it have vip/platvip and like level 30-40 so we don't get something like the cursed thing 1048 is now(Fuck 1048 now so mingey and shit).
  9. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to JohannVonWolfsburg9 in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    Steam Name:
    Johann von Wolfsburg
    In game level:
    Playtime(At least one week):
    2 weeks, 1 day,  0 hours.
    Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

    Some of them are older warns and some of them were misunderstandings. However, all I have to say for the other warns is that I am sorry for the things I have done and I can say that I have changed. That s all.
    (Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 
    - IC Section-
         (Picture of candidate)
       Subject: Internal Security Department(ISD) Curriculum Vitae

       Name: Johann von Wolfsburg
       Adress: IdonotknowwhatadressshouldIaddhere, ,Germany
       Nationality: German
       Age: 36
       Date of birth: 1.05.1985
       Sex: Male
       Sexual orientation: Straight
       Foundation service time: 12 years
       Main goal: Given my experience(both outside the foundation and from the foundation), my training and my qualities,  I want to join the Internal Security Department to help maintain safety in the foundation, I want to know that everything is going well and that the foundation personnel is safe. 
       Studies: Elementary school, High school, Military academy
       Degrees: Bachellor`s degree in military logistics
       Languages I speak: German, English and a bit of French
       Experience outside the SCP foundation: I served 3 years in infantry and I reached the rank of captain(Hauptmann). 
       Experience inside the foundation:
       -Security Officer
       -Security Guard
       -Security Lieutenant
       -Head of Security
       -Nu7(Reached the rank of Private First Class and I obtained these 2 medals: "Containment Cross" ; "Fortification Certificate")
       -Cooking skills
       -Able to keep secrets
       -Know how to joke when necessary
       -Quick learner
       -Good in self defense, disarmament and protecting others
       -Good in repairing things
       -Quick thinker
       -Know how to give first aid
       -Good in spying without being noticed.
       -Good at teamworking
       -Good physical condition
       -Fast runner
       -Good in infiltration
       -Good in talking to people
       -Karate black belt
       -Interrogation knowledges
       -Good in immobilization, searching and arresting 
       -Good at driving
       Training(both inside and outside foundation):
       -Containment training(As I said I was awarded with "Containment Cross"
       -Combat training
       -Firearms training
       -Foundation laws course
       -First aid training
       -Disarmament training
       -Counter raid training
       -Building FOBs training
       -Gaining intelligence training
       -Negotating and hostage rescue training
       -Interrogation training
       -Close combat training 
  10. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Maxwell Williams in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    From HoS to Nu7?
  11. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Sir Rose in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    Just a general tip from a random agent. The app requirements suggest a CV format.
    It also means they’ll be treated as such, to an extent.
    I would look for examples of CV’s or see what accepted applicants have done to be unique, etc.
  12. Haha
  13. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Titty Man in Add more rules to 7.11   
    So first off, this is the current 7.11 rules.
    Do you notice anything wrong?
    Well do you remember during the time when 1048 was whitelisted, it could only take ears from people that crouch down to it?
    Yes exactly. Now people can just fucking hop on 1048, a SCP that is 33 centimeters with it's tiny ass arms, and be able to reach up to 6 feet magically and snatch 10 ears from you.

    So my suggestion is:
    - Add rules saying if 1048 wishes to obtain ears from anyone, that person must be crouched down so it would be in RP 1048 grabbing range,
    - Add another rule saying 1048 can't jump and grab your ear cause I know there are some people that are gonna go loophole and say "oh but I can jump and reach".
    -Add the other rules too that had to be followed when 1048 was whitelist

    Or another suggestion:
    - Make it wl entirely and solve all of it in 1 easy go
  14. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from The Storyteller2 in Add more rules to 7.11   
    So first off, this is the current 7.11 rules.
    Do you notice anything wrong?
    Well do you remember during the time when 1048 was whitelisted, it could only take ears from people that crouch down to it?
    Yes exactly. Now people can just fucking hop on 1048, a SCP that is 33 centimeters with it's tiny ass arms, and be able to reach up to 6 feet magically and snatch 10 ears from you.

    So my suggestion is:
    - Add rules saying if 1048 wishes to obtain ears from anyone, that person must be crouched down so it would be in RP 1048 grabbing range,
    - Add another rule saying 1048 can't jump and grab your ear cause I know there are some people that are gonna go loophole and say "oh but I can jump and reach".
    -Add the other rules too that had to be followed when 1048 was whitelist

    Or another suggestion:
    - Make it wl entirely and solve all of it in 1 easy go
  15. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Qas in Add more rules to 7.11   
    So first off, this is the current 7.11 rules.
    Do you notice anything wrong?
    Well do you remember during the time when 1048 was whitelisted, it could only take ears from people that crouch down to it?
    Yes exactly. Now people can just fucking hop on 1048, a SCP that is 33 centimeters with it's tiny ass arms, and be able to reach up to 6 feet magically and snatch 10 ears from you.

    So my suggestion is:
    - Add rules saying if 1048 wishes to obtain ears from anyone, that person must be crouched down so it would be in RP 1048 grabbing range,
    - Add another rule saying 1048 can't jump and grab your ear cause I know there are some people that are gonna go loophole and say "oh but I can jump and reach".
    -Add the other rules too that had to be followed when 1048 was whitelist

    Or another suggestion:
    - Make it wl entirely and solve all of it in 1 easy go
  16. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Nathan Kennedy in Add more rules to 7.11   
    So first off, this is the current 7.11 rules.
    Do you notice anything wrong?
    Well do you remember during the time when 1048 was whitelisted, it could only take ears from people that crouch down to it?
    Yes exactly. Now people can just fucking hop on 1048, a SCP that is 33 centimeters with it's tiny ass arms, and be able to reach up to 6 feet magically and snatch 10 ears from you.

    So my suggestion is:
    - Add rules saying if 1048 wishes to obtain ears from anyone, that person must be crouched down so it would be in RP 1048 grabbing range,
    - Add another rule saying 1048 can't jump and grab your ear cause I know there are some people that are gonna go loophole and say "oh but I can jump and reach".
    -Add the other rules too that had to be followed when 1048 was whitelist

    Or another suggestion:
    - Make it wl entirely and solve all of it in 1 easy go
  17. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from kenopsia in Add more rules to 7.11   
    So first off, this is the current 7.11 rules.
    Do you notice anything wrong?
    Well do you remember during the time when 1048 was whitelisted, it could only take ears from people that crouch down to it?
    Yes exactly. Now people can just fucking hop on 1048, a SCP that is 33 centimeters with it's tiny ass arms, and be able to reach up to 6 feet magically and snatch 10 ears from you.

    So my suggestion is:
    - Add rules saying if 1048 wishes to obtain ears from anyone, that person must be crouched down so it would be in RP 1048 grabbing range,
    - Add another rule saying 1048 can't jump and grab your ear cause I know there are some people that are gonna go loophole and say "oh but I can jump and reach".
    -Add the other rules too that had to be followed when 1048 was whitelist

    Or another suggestion:
    - Make it wl entirely and solve all of it in 1 easy go
  18. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Add more rules to 7.11   
    So first off, this is the current 7.11 rules.
    Do you notice anything wrong?
    Well do you remember during the time when 1048 was whitelisted, it could only take ears from people that crouch down to it?
    Yes exactly. Now people can just fucking hop on 1048, a SCP that is 33 centimeters with it's tiny ass arms, and be able to reach up to 6 feet magically and snatch 10 ears from you.

    So my suggestion is:
    - Add rules saying if 1048 wishes to obtain ears from anyone, that person must be crouched down so it would be in RP 1048 grabbing range,
    - Add another rule saying 1048 can't jump and grab your ear cause I know there are some people that are gonna go loophole and say "oh but I can jump and reach".
    -Add the other rules too that had to be followed when 1048 was whitelist

    Or another suggestion:
    - Make it wl entirely and solve all of it in 1 easy go
  19. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Avery Winters in Bring back the best scp   
    So, I know we all know that SCP-1370 is the best scp on the server by far. It was amazing when we had it before on server but was then removed for no reason.

    So I suggest bringing back SCP-1370, the pokinator, and it can open up more RP to happen in the site, more action, etc.

    Of course it will be a free-roam scp like before, but make it have vip/platvip and like level 30-40 so we don't get something like the cursed thing 1048 is now(Fuck 1048 now so mingey and shit).
  20. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Bill Pill in Bring back the best scp   
    So, I know we all know that SCP-1370 is the best scp on the server by far. It was amazing when we had it before on server but was then removed for no reason.

    So I suggest bringing back SCP-1370, the pokinator, and it can open up more RP to happen in the site, more action, etc.

    Of course it will be a free-roam scp like before, but make it have vip/platvip and like level 30-40 so we don't get something like the cursed thing 1048 is now(Fuck 1048 now so mingey and shit).
  21. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Maxwell Williams in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    Steam Name:
    Joe Conner
    In game level:
    50 (max)
    Playtime(At least one week):
    5w 6d 15h 48min
    Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 
    Received warns from like 2 years ago

    - IC Section -

    To: M████████
    From: J███████

    Subject for writing: CV for ██████████████████

    Date of Birth: ██/█/1979
    Age: 42
    Given name: Joe Conner
    Sex: Male
    Blood type: O+

    Family affiliations with Foundation:
    - Father: MTF Eta-10
    - Mother: Senior researcher specialized in anomalous material analysis at Site-██

    Family current status:
    - Father: Deceased
    - Mother: Retired and currently residing in ████████

    Experience from outside Foundation:
    - Graduated with degrees in Human Anatomy and Criminal forensics.
    - Worked on a farm growing up
    - Scored high on GCSE's

    - Served in military:
    - Trained in CQC, Medium-range, and Long-range combat
    - Use of medical equipment
    - Skilled in information gathering/interrogations
    - Was apart of a few spec-ops in █████████

    Experience inside the Foundation:
    - Security Officer
    - Security Lieutenant

    - Quick learner
    - Trained in usage of firearms
    - Medical equipment usage
    - Trained in information gathering
    - Tracking 
    - Animal care/wellbeing
    - Infiltration
    - Able to speak 3 languages

  22. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    Steam Name:
    Joe Conner
    In game level:
    50 (max)
    Playtime(At least one week):
    5w 6d 15h 48min
    Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 
    Received warns from like 2 years ago

    - IC Section -

    To: M████████
    From: J███████

    Subject for writing: CV for ██████████████████

    Date of Birth: ██/█/1979
    Age: 42
    Given name: Joe Conner
    Sex: Male
    Blood type: O+

    Family affiliations with Foundation:
    - Father: MTF Eta-10
    - Mother: Senior researcher specialized in anomalous material analysis at Site-██

    Family current status:
    - Father: Deceased
    - Mother: Retired and currently residing in ████████

    Experience from outside Foundation:
    - Graduated with degrees in Human Anatomy and Criminal forensics.
    - Worked on a farm growing up
    - Scored high on GCSE's

    - Served in military:
    - Trained in CQC, Medium-range, and Long-range combat
    - Use of medical equipment
    - Skilled in information gathering/interrogations
    - Was apart of a few spec-ops in █████████

    Experience inside the Foundation:
    - Security Officer
    - Security Lieutenant

    - Quick learner
    - Trained in usage of firearms
    - Medical equipment usage
    - Trained in information gathering
    - Tracking 
    - Animal care/wellbeing
    - Infiltration
    - Able to speak 3 languages

  23. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Sane in SCP 096 application   
    The reason the playtime exists is so that people have a proper understanding of how the server works and as well how the job works so that there isn't people that JUST joined the server, applying, and breaking all sorts of rules that exist on the server.
    Idk you answered the question but didn't as well, question was;
    "While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? "
    While your reply is acceptable since it is a 'Free form question', you said that they should all look away from you, which was opposite to what question already was stating.

    Besides that you seem to have a good understanding of 096's rules.
  24. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Dim0n :| in Lorex Krato's O5 Application   
    Lorex is a pretty good RPer, as many know and would be pretty good at being an O5
  25. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Lorex Krato's O5 Application   
    Lorex is a pretty good RPer, as many know and would be pretty good at being an O5