Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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  1. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from ediblechedder in Wolf`s ban appeal   
    You have been blessed with the knowledge you seek my M5 council child

  2. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Fricky Hecks in Fricky Hecks' Unban Request   
    Give this man a break from the weird shit like watching my little pony movies and binding of isaac
  3. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Max Livio in Max's Application   
    Mans still got his senior mod rank lmao

    +1 was a good staff and person
  4. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Bread in Bread O5 app   

    "The Official Cocaine Sniffing Retard"
  5. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Yukiwoski in Adam Baker - Head of Manufacturing Department WL   
    Get role on discord FIRST @Yukiwoski then get them in-game from either me, keter, or a member of staff that is able to whitelist you

    Just a suggestion, it's better you build a store in EZ, you're not a manufacturer that exists specifically for security guards to stop d class escaping
  6. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Yukiwoski in Adam Baker - Head of Manufacturing Department WL   
  7. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Micheal Hayden in Adam Baker - Head of Manufacturing Department WL   
  8. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kaneki Fujimoto in John Nilox's Staff Application   
    Jobs or job, doesn't matter, if you get blacklisted from Nu-7 that says a lot about the player you are
  9. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from James Whisper in ???   
    Mfw a janitor with a CLEARANCE 3 goes around site with a a knife and cig to do some londonrp
  10. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from pie and stuff in ???   
    Mfw a janitor with a CLEARANCE 3 goes around site with a a knife and cig to do some londonrp
  11. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Forton Greenman in Hello   
    Uhh, good luck overcoming the template?
  12. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Bill Pill in You miss this?   
    No lmao my only memory of them is one of their units going rogue, becoming a sarkic, then becoming a ???
  13. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Fixer in Hello   
    Step 1:

    Step 2 and 3: (step 3 was the submit)

  14. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Fixer in Hello   
    Uhh, good luck overcoming the template?
  15. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Royal in Ethics Committee Department   
    [OOC Information]
    In-Game Name:
    Joe Conner
    Current In-Game time:

    Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot ofyour warns in game):

    1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

    The Ethics Committee is lower than the Site Administration, but the Site Administration are unable to dictate the actions of the ethics committee. However, the ethics committee are able to demote Site Administration if their actions are deemed unethical. The ethics committee guides the O5 Council on what actions to and not to take to achieve the most beneficial and ethical outcome for the Foundation to succeed. The ethics committee monitors the actions of every single person employed by the Foundation to make sure they are all doing their best to follow the right protocols and work ethics and assist them in whatever way needed whether it be a Site Administration's decision or a researcher's test. They prosecute and re-educate those that are acting unethical such as breaking human violation laws of the codex, etc.
    2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

    The first lesson of the ethics committee is that while those employed by the Foundation may have done acts deemed evil, the Foundation still isn't considered the bad guy. This is due to the ethics committee, making sure that all unnecessary acts of aggression or hostility are non-existent. Sure, the Foundation may torture people from time to time, but that is only if it is deemed necessary by the ethics committee for the benefit and success of the Foundation. The Foundation is against unnecessary cruelty.  We do what must be done to protect humanity at all cost.

    The second lesson of the ethics committee is that the Foundation does not rule the world, but rather serve humanity in its greater interest instead of listening to what it wants, think of it like a spoilt brat, if you keep giving in to what the brat WANTS, it's just gonna keep getting worse and worse, but if you give him/her what they NEED, they may not like it, but it's in their best interest, whether they want to admit it or not. The Foundation exists to protect humanity from dangerous threats, not to rule over the world with them. The ethics committee is in-charge of dealing with EVERY moral dilemma that may and will arise within the Foundation, they judge what is the best course of action to deal with the situation from an ethical standpoint.

    The third lesson of the ethics committee is that the 'P' in SCP stands for "Protect". This is to remind all employed by the Foundation that they exist to protect humanity and the world from SCPs and as well as the Foundation from itself. Protect means to keep safe or to preserve, which means that we will preserve whatever SCPs we can. We Secure, Contain, Protect rather than destroy each and every single one. The ethics committee makes sure of it even if the only option is to do something evil, they will opt for the one that leads to a lesser evil.
    3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

    Well I've had experience dealing with moral dilemmas as HoEA, UIU, and Nu-7 from determining whether to aid a certain group neutral/friendly to us which would result in a lot of casualties for us or not or to plain old hostage situations, I have also gained a lot of leadership experience from my other roles like SD, HoEA, UIU, Nu-7. I also want to try out new jobs and ECM is basically the only thing on the list I haven't tried (I ain't gettin in ??? or O5 so those aint on the list). I feel like I can do well as an ECM via deconstructing the issue and solving 1 problem at a time till the entire issue is gone. 
    1. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each other's orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

    I'd gather the SD, HoEA, and SA in one location and listen to each individual person and then ask the others why they don't like the other persons option and what outcome they'd think it would lead to. Starting with the SA, he is only there to advise the SD and HoEA on what actions to take and has no official say over them. So I'm left with the SD and HoEA. The HoEA is in-charge of external issues however, the SD is in-charge of the HoEA since that's who the HoEA directly answers to. Due to it being a "in the field" issue, therefore being an external issue, but the HoEA not having a direct say over tactics used by MTF, I'd get the HoEA and SD to come up with a solution that both will agree upon.
    2. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

    I'd first weigh all the options such as him being used for further research to develop a cure for his infection against killing him to make sure the disease isn't spread to everyone else. 
    3. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

    I'd have a chat with him and his highest ranking about what specifically he's under performing in, then offer solutions and then talk to his colleagues about the harassment and the repercussions that may ensue if they kept on doing it such as having their pay cut or them being demoted/serving jail time.
    4. An unknown disease broke out in Ovis City and is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone they can get their hands on. The infection is spreading rapidly and is at risk of spreading beyond the city, the MTF can't control it any more and an Overseer is considering using the nuclear weapon to destroy the infection but the HR told you they are very close to a cure that could save the infected, what do you advise the Overseer to do?

    A disease is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone, so I'd advise the Overseers to wait on the nuke due to the HR claiming to be close to a cure, I'd try to get MTF to provide support from long/medium range in whatever way they can to minimize risk of infection of the MTF units. I'd get the HR to inform on how long the cure would take, if it would take a day or so I'd proceed with the nuke seeing as it the disease could take over neighboring cities within a day. If it was a under an hour or so, then I'd divert all resources available to aid the HR develop the cure faster whilst getting the MTF to set up blockades and traps to slow down the infected till the cure is ready (I presume the cure would work 100%) and treats the infected
    5. 100 people are at risk of dying,  if you kill 49 then 50 people will certainly survive but if you only kill 1 then there is a 33% 99 people survive. What do you do?

    Sort of a tough question, I could risk the 1 life for a chance to save 99 others or kill 49 to guarantee the other 50? (Math??)( I'll assume you mean 50/50) 
    While it may seem at first that kill 1 save 99 is a no brainer, the odds of them being saved are by my personal opinion too low, mainly because I wouldn't wager my life on a 33% bet so therefore I wouldn't do the same to others. I'd instead opt for kill 50 so that 50 are saved which is a safer and more guaranteed option (if it is actually 49 kill save 50, then sacrifice 1 to try save 99, if it fail then kill 49 more to save 50)
  16. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Jeremy Sanders in Ethics Committee Department   
    [OOC Information]
    In-Game Name:
    Joe Conner
    Current In-Game time:

    Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot ofyour warns in game):

    1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

    The Ethics Committee is lower than the Site Administration, but the Site Administration are unable to dictate the actions of the ethics committee. However, the ethics committee are able to demote Site Administration if their actions are deemed unethical. The ethics committee guides the O5 Council on what actions to and not to take to achieve the most beneficial and ethical outcome for the Foundation to succeed. The ethics committee monitors the actions of every single person employed by the Foundation to make sure they are all doing their best to follow the right protocols and work ethics and assist them in whatever way needed whether it be a Site Administration's decision or a researcher's test. They prosecute and re-educate those that are acting unethical such as breaking human violation laws of the codex, etc.
    2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

    The first lesson of the ethics committee is that while those employed by the Foundation may have done acts deemed evil, the Foundation still isn't considered the bad guy. This is due to the ethics committee, making sure that all unnecessary acts of aggression or hostility are non-existent. Sure, the Foundation may torture people from time to time, but that is only if it is deemed necessary by the ethics committee for the benefit and success of the Foundation. The Foundation is against unnecessary cruelty.  We do what must be done to protect humanity at all cost.

    The second lesson of the ethics committee is that the Foundation does not rule the world, but rather serve humanity in its greater interest instead of listening to what it wants, think of it like a spoilt brat, if you keep giving in to what the brat WANTS, it's just gonna keep getting worse and worse, but if you give him/her what they NEED, they may not like it, but it's in their best interest, whether they want to admit it or not. The Foundation exists to protect humanity from dangerous threats, not to rule over the world with them. The ethics committee is in-charge of dealing with EVERY moral dilemma that may and will arise within the Foundation, they judge what is the best course of action to deal with the situation from an ethical standpoint.

    The third lesson of the ethics committee is that the 'P' in SCP stands for "Protect". This is to remind all employed by the Foundation that they exist to protect humanity and the world from SCPs and as well as the Foundation from itself. Protect means to keep safe or to preserve, which means that we will preserve whatever SCPs we can. We Secure, Contain, Protect rather than destroy each and every single one. The ethics committee makes sure of it even if the only option is to do something evil, they will opt for the one that leads to a lesser evil.
    3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

    Well I've had experience dealing with moral dilemmas as HoEA, UIU, and Nu-7 from determining whether to aid a certain group neutral/friendly to us which would result in a lot of casualties for us or not or to plain old hostage situations, I have also gained a lot of leadership experience from my other roles like SD, HoEA, UIU, Nu-7. I also want to try out new jobs and ECM is basically the only thing on the list I haven't tried (I ain't gettin in ??? or O5 so those aint on the list). I feel like I can do well as an ECM via deconstructing the issue and solving 1 problem at a time till the entire issue is gone. 
    1. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each other's orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

    I'd gather the SD, HoEA, and SA in one location and listen to each individual person and then ask the others why they don't like the other persons option and what outcome they'd think it would lead to. Starting with the SA, he is only there to advise the SD and HoEA on what actions to take and has no official say over them. So I'm left with the SD and HoEA. The HoEA is in-charge of external issues however, the SD is in-charge of the HoEA since that's who the HoEA directly answers to. Due to it being a "in the field" issue, therefore being an external issue, but the HoEA not having a direct say over tactics used by MTF, I'd get the HoEA and SD to come up with a solution that both will agree upon.
    2. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

    I'd first weigh all the options such as him being used for further research to develop a cure for his infection against killing him to make sure the disease isn't spread to everyone else. 
    3. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

    I'd have a chat with him and his highest ranking about what specifically he's under performing in, then offer solutions and then talk to his colleagues about the harassment and the repercussions that may ensue if they kept on doing it such as having their pay cut or them being demoted/serving jail time.
    4. An unknown disease broke out in Ovis City and is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone they can get their hands on. The infection is spreading rapidly and is at risk of spreading beyond the city, the MTF can't control it any more and an Overseer is considering using the nuclear weapon to destroy the infection but the HR told you they are very close to a cure that could save the infected, what do you advise the Overseer to do?

    A disease is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone, so I'd advise the Overseers to wait on the nuke due to the HR claiming to be close to a cure, I'd try to get MTF to provide support from long/medium range in whatever way they can to minimize risk of infection of the MTF units. I'd get the HR to inform on how long the cure would take, if it would take a day or so I'd proceed with the nuke seeing as it the disease could take over neighboring cities within a day. If it was a under an hour or so, then I'd divert all resources available to aid the HR develop the cure faster whilst getting the MTF to set up blockades and traps to slow down the infected till the cure is ready (I presume the cure would work 100%) and treats the infected
    5. 100 people are at risk of dying,  if you kill 49 then 50 people will certainly survive but if you only kill 1 then there is a 33% 99 people survive. What do you do?

    Sort of a tough question, I could risk the 1 life for a chance to save 99 others or kill 49 to guarantee the other 50? (Math??)( I'll assume you mean 50/50) 
    While it may seem at first that kill 1 save 99 is a no brainer, the odds of them being saved are by my personal opinion too low, mainly because I wouldn't wager my life on a 33% bet so therefore I wouldn't do the same to others. I'd instead opt for kill 50 so that 50 are saved which is a safer and more guaranteed option (if it is actually 49 kill save 50, then sacrifice 1 to try save 99, if it fail then kill 49 more to save 50)
  17. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in SCPRP Unban Request   
  18. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Steven in CanOfTango reports Kabasch Cashew   
    Yeah, so here's the thing, you still did attack someone outside your cc which counts as a rulebreak.
  19. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Brad Geiser in Brad Geiser - O5 Application   
    killed disguised isd
  20. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from diabeto25 in Unban Request   
    In a real situation, you wouldn't waste resources (D class) tho?
    You'd try and aim for the specific d class instead of all the other ones just standing about
  21. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Bread in Formal Unban request.   
    Damn, it's when hanz was """"""productive"""""""
  22. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Taurus Tremani in Simon Millers 2 day Unban Request   
    Yeah, so a bunch of people did report you and asked for you to be muted. Nook said you were being super mingey as he was the one that muted you. And you were told after being unmuted by Nook that if you continued mingery and such you'd be banned. 
    I stayed in noclip and watched what you were up to and all I saw was you going into 049's cc and rubbing the drink in his face telling him to drink it. That's not in any way "RP" at all. After you got questioned by both myself and Jason Haze as to what was in the drink, you clearly said "apple juice". Then when I went on to check if that was the case, it turned out that it was sulfuric acid, which should be VERY OBVIOUS that sulfuric acid is can't argue and say you "didn't know sulfuric acid can kill" when it's literally sulfuric acid
  23. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to LazyFromDc in Unban Request   
    Server you got banned from: SCP

    Your name in-game: Can't remember I did randomname But I used Jimmy Charles or Jimmy Bear

    Your SteamID:  76561199054906760

    Admins' name that banned you: It doesn't say one

    Admin's steamID: n/a

    Why did you get banned?: For Mass Rdm


    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:Because the only reason I killed someone was because  they killed me for no reason so I got them back but someone got in the way , No admin brought me anywhere to talk to me I was just banned

    Anything else?: 
  24. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Oswald Bruner in Unban Request   

    Logs show that you killed multiple people (who were simply in a conga line)
    Multiple trusted users said that you have been minging and shooting people for no reason, which given the logs I believe.
    Even if they did kill you for no reason, you still RevengeRDMd.
  25. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Kaneki Fujimoto in The Class-D Handbook   
    I hate class-d