Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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  1. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Maurice D Biggs in Rule thats not a Rule being enforced   
    So in English stuff may be implied, depending on context.
    If someone says "Can you not do X" (and that person is someone above you) - then normally this also means "Do not do X" and not "You can do X, but I don't want you to".
    This is same kind of logic saying "You can do X when Y" actually means "You can only do X, if Y happens", and not "If Y happens, you may do X".
    If someone writes something like "in HCZ/LCZ", it is for a reason, nobody just adds random words to a ruleset, just because they feel like it.
    Arguing on "Technicallities" will not help you anywhere, it will only annoy Staff, and if you come with "Its not in the rules because it doesn't say 'only' ", then Staff are very likely to respond with "Well techniclly you should be given punishment X after the Punishment List" - which in mose cases is a harsher punishment.
    So just .......... be nice .... not annoying.
  2. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Vibe Owls in how change team   
    how change team
  3. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to John Stance in Site Director Application   
    13 hours is not enough for you to get the site director role. you need to be well known among the community and in RP.

    when we say past experience, we meant the experience in this server. you being high ranking on other server does not mean anything on this app.

    the rest of the app is meh, a little underdetailed compared to the accepted ones.

    i will leave -1 and tell you to get more playtime and get more known in the community, youre applying to the second highest ranking job on site.
  4. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Fixer in Mafia   
    Nell chapo
    Nell capone
  5. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from SoulsRuined in Mafia   
    Welll........not exactly, if you've been playing on surface recently
  6. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Patrick Greene in Patrick Greene Head of Manufacturing Department Application   
    - Is competent
    - Active
  7. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Josh Richardson in Mafia   
    That was meme btw
    Also this isn't going to be accepted cuz this what I imagine will happen 90%
    Scenario 1:
    Mafia: HEY GIVE MONEY!

    Citizen: What?


    Mafia: /s MUG DROP 50k OR DIE

    Citizen:*pulls out gun and shoots mafia*


    Scenario 2:
    Mafia: Oh yeah, time to make drugs
    Scenario 2-A:
    FBI: FBI OPEN UP *pew pew pew*
    Scenario 2-B:
    Mafia: Time to sell this drugs

    Scenario 3:
    Mafia: /mafia Omg guys foundation is in subway lets expose them

    Mafia: /s Omg what's the foundation?

    Mafia: /s Foundation scp facility in subway hello?

    Foundation: *captures mafia to interrogate how they know*

    Mafia: /s Yo Foundation, you took our boy, time to die 
    *Beings raid*

    Mafia: *Dies during raid* /mafia Yo guys what's going on?

    Mafia: /mafia We're raiding foundation in subway, come quick and help raid

    Mafia: *Dies during raid* /mafia Yo guys what's going on?

    Mafia: /mafia We're raiding foundation in subway, come quick and help raid

    Mafia: *Dies during raid* /mafia Yo guys what's going on?

    Mafia: /mafia We're raiding foundation in subway, come quick and help raid
  8. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from James Whisper in Mafia   
    That was meme btw
    Also this isn't going to be accepted cuz this what I imagine will happen 90%
    Scenario 1:
    Mafia: HEY GIVE MONEY!

    Citizen: What?


    Mafia: /s MUG DROP 50k OR DIE

    Citizen:*pulls out gun and shoots mafia*


    Scenario 2:
    Mafia: Oh yeah, time to make drugs
    Scenario 2-A:
    FBI: FBI OPEN UP *pew pew pew*
    Scenario 2-B:
    Mafia: Time to sell this drugs

    Scenario 3:
    Mafia: /mafia Omg guys foundation is in subway lets expose them

    Mafia: /s Omg what's the foundation?

    Mafia: /s Foundation scp facility in subway hello?

    Foundation: *captures mafia to interrogate how they know*

    Mafia: /s Yo Foundation, you took our boy, time to die 
    *Beings raid*

    Mafia: *Dies during raid* /mafia Yo guys what's going on?

    Mafia: /mafia We're raiding foundation in subway, come quick and help raid

    Mafia: *Dies during raid* /mafia Yo guys what's going on?

    Mafia: /mafia We're raiding foundation in subway, come quick and help raid

    Mafia: *Dies during raid* /mafia Yo guys what's going on?

    Mafia: /mafia We're raiding foundation in subway, come quick and help raid
  9. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to SoulsRuined in Mafia   
    No lol I'm going to be the leader if it gets accepted
  10. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to nandor in Blistering and G and V Series Nerve Agents   
    I have long had an interest in nerve agents. I do not know what gas is used in this server, but as far as i know one agent is used. Most nerve agents and such are not gases, they are actually liquid. I think they are typically deployed in a aerosol form.
    I believe it would be of great improvement to the roleplay of this server if blistering agents and a wide variety of G and V series nerve agents would be added, with their own effects. In severe cases, VX would act as a quick and effective alternative to amnestics. Blistering agents of less lethality could be added and used by multiple factions to less lethal consequences, improving and developing new roleplay scenarios which otherwise wouldn't exist that could contribute to the server's general feel. It should feel scary, it should feel like there is danger. It may be possible for them to be used as a more targeted way, as they are not actually gas. Of course, it couldn't just be bought. It would have to be necesary for these to be produced in a costly and timely way, during which they may be found and destroyed by police and task forces. 
  11. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Walter Alvarez in Fijis unban req   
    Ok you got out of this SCP rp community now stay away.
  12. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Didde in why we should have an mtf lambda 5/my take on lambda 5   
    🤡 my disgust for you cannot be described with words
  13. Thanks
  14. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Dim0n :| in why we should have an mtf lambda 5/my take on lambda 5   
    Ok listen here you egocentric idiot. If maybe you took your time to read the other job suggestions you'll see that people actually put time and effort into their suggestions and not just "hurr durr I want mtf on server >:((". 
  15. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to *CLASSIFIED* in why we should have an mtf lambda 5/my take on lambda 5   
    mtf lambda 5 (white rabbits) are a group of mtf that deal with persons and artifacts  that are capable of changing geography portals other dimensions as well as traversal of such locations.
    mtf lambda 5 is equiped with standard side arms to light machine guns and are trained to use such equipment to travel in unstable spaces and complete their mission even when against odds they carry grenades 1 bio-hazard air tight suit and cognitohazard goggles along with at least 2 emergency beacons.
  16. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from BladedPelt in Beginner's Guide to I.T. Technician by Joe Conner   
    So, you decided to play IT Technician, welcome aboard fellow nerd.

    Lets get started with the most basic information,

    As an IT Technician, you will be spawned in the Electrical Center, located in EZ Lower.


    As an IT Technician, you have access to the Foundation Server.

    While utilizing the Foundation Server, you have a number of options to choose from.
    The 'Remote loudspeaker (microphone) controls' enables/disables the loudspeaker of the site
    The 'Remote loudspeaker (/advert) controls' sends a message through the Foundation Server to all members of the Foundation that have access to the Foundation radio
    You may get punished by the staff team or by the Foundation's armed forces if you abuse the Foundation Server


    You also spawn with a 'Server Hack SWEP' which you can utilize when hostiles that carry 'Server Hack SWEP' have hacked the Foundation Server and gained access to it. 


    Now, lets move onto the Terminals which can be spawned via the F4 Menu within the entities category.

    Using a Terminal can be quite confusing at first, but you will get the hang of the commands and such the more you play and learn.
    First off, lets spawn ourselves a single Terminal for now and turn it on using 'e'. It will then proceed to boot up and then display you with this.
    We will use this first Terminal as our Server.

    To enter commands and type on the computer hit 'e' once more. What we first want to do is enter the command ':os install server'.  The Terminal will now shut down and you can once again turn it on with 'e'. Give the computer half a minute to boot up this time as the OS installs.
    To exit the Terminal, hit 'enter' on your keyboard while not typing any message into the Terminal.
    Once booted up with the Server OS installed , it should look like this.
    We can now create our network by entering the command ':gnet c Foundation' you are able to use any name you wish, however I have used 'Foundation' to make it simpler. Once created it will display a green message like so.

    Now, we can move onto our second Terminal and not touch our main Server Terminal at all.

    Begin by installing the Personal OS the same way as we installed the Server OS.
    Your second terminal should now look something like this
    Now we shall connect this Personal Terminal to our Server Terminal. To join a network, enter the command ':gnet j Foundation' and it should look like this once we have successfully joined the Network 
    Now once you have finally made your Server and Personal Terminals you can create a second Personal Terminal incase you don't want someone accidentally turning off your Server Terminal which will shutdown your Network. 

    To communicate with one another utilizing a Terminal via the Network:
    You can enter the command ':gnet m @ Hello' which will send a message to all the Terminals connected to the Network.

    To communicate with one another directly:
    First, you must enter the command ':gid' which will provide you with your Terminal's ID like so. Each Terminal has a unique Terminal ID.
    Now to send a message, enter the command ':gnet m 7021 Hello' you can send any message you'd like, however the Terminal ID's vary between one Terminal and another.

    The messaging feature of the Terminals is one that is mainly used. There are also other features possible that can be seen via the ':help' command.

    Thanks for reading this guide.

    I made this guide because every time I see an IT, they don't know what they're doing and require help, so hopefully if there are any new IT Technician players in the future, they can read this guide and understand what to do if they are confused.
  17. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from James Whisper in Internal Tribunal Department   
  18. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Walter Alvarez in My staff application   
    He has a Patrick Star profile picture so he must have a point there.
  19. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Kaneki Fujimoto in Whitelist Question   
    Yes you apply!
    Go to the job template you would like to apply to, read the rules, copy the template pasting it into your new thread, make it look nice, and the specific Job Manager will take a look! 
    Correct me if I'm wrong. ❤️
  20. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Walter Alvarez in SCP 096 application   
    It's a masterpiece.
  21. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Ewan Miles in Unbannrequ   
    He meant go outside and touch some grass

  22. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Joe Drakan in O5 Council Application.   
    - Is competent (Is a CO in Nu-7 and is owner of A-1)
    - Active
    - It's Drakan, he pretty nice
  23. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Maurice D Biggs in the best unban request!   
    You attempted to bypass your ban, so your chances of getting unbanned effectivly droped to 0.

  24. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to LordCornflakes in Goergs unban request   
    If you wan't i can send you my SteamID + Username + Discord Tag. We are not the same person.  

  25. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Jack Kullman in Update on Intercom System   
    I wouldn't trust anyone on the Intercom on the server these days 😂