Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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  1. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to Mr Denny in SCP Meme Thread   
    Mr isn't allowed as a first name...
    since when?

  2. Thanks
    Joe Conner reacted to Sharp in ???   
    this is not real and cant become real awell wtf are u frucking posting
  3. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Der Larp Goblin in ???   
    The Square Sponge

    *loud giggling could be heard throughout the cell of the albanian high security prison*
    ???: Hey Mr Krabs, let's make krabby patties
    Interviewer: This is the fourth time, I am not Mr Krabs - you are yet to explain who and what the fuck that is!
    ???: Mr Krabs, why are you screaming at me! I am going to go work for Plankton if you cant treat me properly!
    Interviewer: Plankton? Who is that? 
    *The Sponge would remove its "Squarepants" and crawl up the wall*
    Interviewer: WHAT THE FUCK! 
    *A loud bang would be met with screams from the interviewer for several minutes *
    OOC: This is my application for the Square Sponge, he will be heavily focused upon PassiveRP throughout his time on the surface and the facility if he successfully gets in, he has recently escaped an albanian prison after being caught by soviet forces in a submarine heading to the east coast of Kazahkstan. The activities I would aim to do as this job would be the following: creating burgers, acting schizophrenic, screaming at people loudly and crawling up walls potentially to kill foundation personnel. 
    end of application 
    thank you
  4. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Avery Winters in Update on Intercom System   
    Maybe a pre-played sound file that voiced professionally (Maybe Oli or anyone with a great voice) that can played down the comms system. That be triggered with a / (slash) command only for Site Admins, that also has a cooldown timer so it can't be abused.
    We already have that with the "Pizza day" announcement. 
    That could be an acceptable balance.
    (Is it worth the effort tho? Nah.)
  5. Thanks
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kruc Tyrant in Site Director Application   
    - 1 sentence answers
    - Very below average due to 1 sentence answers
    - Most basic information
  6. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Oswald Bruner in ???   
    Date: 05/04/2021
    Location: Apartment 2B, Ovis City
    Subject: William Morgan
    Sex: M
    Age: 29
    Species: Homo Sapien
    Test number: 26
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Estimated time until death: 10 minutes 30 seconds

    Why why why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?
    Why must it always happen to me?
    Did I do something wrong? W-was I too quiet? Too pushy?  I-I don't even know what to try or if I can anymore...I..I think I'm just going to end it. Yeah..t-time for this life to reach it's end...
    d0 U W15h T0 pH1nD t3H 4n5w3r t0 ur QU35T10n5?
    Wha-wh-what.. who are you? Where are you!? How did you get into my home!?!?!
    d0 U w15H T0 ph1nD tEH 4n5WER t0 uR kwE5T10N2 W1lLL4M?
    Estimated time until death: 7 minutes 10 seconds
    Wha-wha-hHow do you know my name!?!?!? Y-YOU BETTER SH-OW YOURSELF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!! I'M WARNING YOU! I-I HAVE A WEAPON!! 
    1F joO W15h 7o f1Nd 73H 4n5W3Rz 7o JOOr kW3571oNZ uR Mu57 3nD JOor L1f3 8Y jOOr oWN h4NDz.
    After a minute of searching his apartment for the source of the voice, William calms down and responds to it.
    Estimated time of death: 6 minutes 5 seconds
    Heh..If that's what I must do to find the answers, I guess I'll do it. I don't have anything to live for anymore.
    Sounds of choking can be heard followed by dead silence a few minutes later

    Estimated time until death: 0 minutes 0 seconds
    W3Ll DOn3, jOo 5h4LL NOW r3C31V3 73h 4n5w3R2 7he joO 533K. W3lC0M3 t0 t3H 1N1T14t1v3 W1lll4m..
    A rope snap is heard followed by a thud onto a concrete floor
    Estimated time until death: -2 minutes 15 seconds
    AHH MY FUCKING NECK! WHY DOES IT HURT LIKE HELL?! What is this fucking mark on my arm? What happened to me?
    W3lC0M3 70 73h 1n171a71V3 W1ll1aM. J00 hAv3 b33n s3L3c73d 70 b3 ApaR7 0f 0Ur t3s7. W3 W1ll H3Lp j00 maK3 sUr3 J00 kaN FulF1ll j00R PURp023 1n L1f3. Wh@t w3 s33K 1N R37urn 12 f0r J00R FULl K00P3rA710N 1N 0UR 73s7. a2 J00 MAY hAv3 N071c3D, J00 hAV3 a mark 0n j00r arM, 7hi2 1s wh@t j00 w1Ll b3 73st1ng. J00 w1Ll Kn0w wh@ 1t d032 AnD H0w 70 u23 17 1N Du3 71M3. A2 f0R N0W, K0n71NU3 w17 J00r DA1LY lif3. 1t's a pl3asUr3 HAV1n9 j00 1n 0ur 1n171A71V3...W1lL1Am.
    Wait who are you? What happened to me? ANSWER ME!
    OOC Information:
    ??? Name: William Morgan
    SteamID: Steam_0:1:61146039
    Discord Name+Tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
    - Body Link Magic
    - Shackles
    - MP9
    - Ability to be resurrected at location of death 
    - Neutral but will change in future
    Born in Ovis City, William Morgan's early life as a child was riddled with abuse from his alcoholic mother that was forced to raise him up alone. He would usually spend most of his time alone at school, rather than with a group of people. He eventually dropped out of school with only a 11th grade education and began working at the local pizzeria. As he grew older, he became more love deprived and began seeking relationships, both friendly and romantic. Unfortunately, one after another he kept getting rejected or cheated on or left behind/stood up. As the years went by, he'd always notice some strange occurrences take place within Ovis City, however, he would always end up forgetting about them due to the intervention of the Foundation.
    Many years later, he decided he had nothing more to live for since no one wants to be with him. However, an unknown organization had decided to see if he fit the criteria for their test. After making initial contact with him, he became agitated but eventually became somewhat less alarmed and decided to listen to the voice and take his life. Minutes later, he was brought back to life, with a strange mark on his right arm and told that he was successfully accepted into their initiative. He'd go onto learn the basic of how to use the new ability granted to him through random flashes of images he'd experience throughout the ensuing months.
    What is this ???:
    It's a ??? that devotes itself to one person when it forms a special bond with them which must meet a certain requirement. He can be used however the devotee sees fit, such as acting as a scout or guard and any number of things. However, when the ??? dies, it also results in death of the one it has devoted itself to. This is to ensure the devotee doesn't send the devoted on very risky assignments that could result in the death of him. Whenever the ??? has died, a few minutes later, he is able to get up with bruise marks left in place of where the life threatening damage was sustained, yet unable to remember anything that ensued in the last hour, alongside his death. While this ??? is able to partake in combat if necessary, he is reluctant to act hostile due to the trauma he suffered as a child. 

    U better not be like (OMG A SIMP ???)  >;c It's not, it's a ??? that forms devotes himself to someone after a certain requirement is made. Simps, on the other hand, instantly devote themselves to someone after 1 second of looking at them.
    P.S. If you don't understand leet, that's on you 😜
  7. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Josh Richardson in ???   
    Date: 05/04/2021
    Location: Apartment 2B, Ovis City
    Subject: William Morgan
    Sex: M
    Age: 29
    Species: Homo Sapien
    Test number: 26
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Estimated time until death: 10 minutes 30 seconds

    Why why why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?
    Why must it always happen to me?
    Did I do something wrong? W-was I too quiet? Too pushy?  I-I don't even know what to try or if I can anymore...I..I think I'm just going to end it. Yeah..t-time for this life to reach it's end...
    d0 U W15h T0 pH1nD t3H 4n5w3r t0 ur QU35T10n5?
    Wha-wh-what.. who are you? Where are you!? How did you get into my home!?!?!
    d0 U w15H T0 ph1nD tEH 4n5WER t0 uR kwE5T10N2 W1lLL4M?
    Estimated time until death: 7 minutes 10 seconds
    Wha-wha-hHow do you know my name!?!?!? Y-YOU BETTER SH-OW YOURSELF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!! I'M WARNING YOU! I-I HAVE A WEAPON!! 
    1F joO W15h 7o f1Nd 73H 4n5W3Rz 7o JOOr kW3571oNZ uR Mu57 3nD JOor L1f3 8Y jOOr oWN h4NDz.
    After a minute of searching his apartment for the source of the voice, William calms down and responds to it.
    Estimated time of death: 6 minutes 5 seconds
    Heh..If that's what I must do to find the answers, I guess I'll do it. I don't have anything to live for anymore.
    Sounds of choking can be heard followed by dead silence a few minutes later

    Estimated time until death: 0 minutes 0 seconds
    W3Ll DOn3, jOo 5h4LL NOW r3C31V3 73h 4n5w3R2 7he joO 533K. W3lC0M3 t0 t3H 1N1T14t1v3 W1lll4m..
    A rope snap is heard followed by a thud onto a concrete floor
    Estimated time until death: -2 minutes 15 seconds
    AHH MY FUCKING NECK! WHY DOES IT HURT LIKE HELL?! What is this fucking mark on my arm? What happened to me?
    W3lC0M3 70 73h 1n171a71V3 W1ll1aM. J00 hAv3 b33n s3L3c73d 70 b3 ApaR7 0f 0Ur t3s7. W3 W1ll H3Lp j00 maK3 sUr3 J00 kaN FulF1ll j00R PURp023 1n L1f3. Wh@t w3 s33K 1N R37urn 12 f0r J00R FULl K00P3rA710N 1N 0UR 73s7. a2 J00 MAY hAv3 N071c3D, J00 hAV3 a mark 0n j00r arM, 7hi2 1s wh@t j00 w1Ll b3 73st1ng. J00 w1Ll Kn0w wh@ 1t d032 AnD H0w 70 u23 17 1N Du3 71M3. A2 f0R N0W, K0n71NU3 w17 J00r DA1LY lif3. 1t's a pl3asUr3 HAV1n9 j00 1n 0ur 1n171A71V3...W1lL1Am.
    Wait who are you? What happened to me? ANSWER ME!
    OOC Information:
    ??? Name: William Morgan
    SteamID: Steam_0:1:61146039
    Discord Name+Tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
    - Body Link Magic
    - Shackles
    - MP9
    - Ability to be resurrected at location of death 
    - Neutral but will change in future
    Born in Ovis City, William Morgan's early life as a child was riddled with abuse from his alcoholic mother that was forced to raise him up alone. He would usually spend most of his time alone at school, rather than with a group of people. He eventually dropped out of school with only a 11th grade education and began working at the local pizzeria. As he grew older, he became more love deprived and began seeking relationships, both friendly and romantic. Unfortunately, one after another he kept getting rejected or cheated on or left behind/stood up. As the years went by, he'd always notice some strange occurrences take place within Ovis City, however, he would always end up forgetting about them due to the intervention of the Foundation.
    Many years later, he decided he had nothing more to live for since no one wants to be with him. However, an unknown organization had decided to see if he fit the criteria for their test. After making initial contact with him, he became agitated but eventually became somewhat less alarmed and decided to listen to the voice and take his life. Minutes later, he was brought back to life, with a strange mark on his right arm and told that he was successfully accepted into their initiative. He'd go onto learn the basic of how to use the new ability granted to him through random flashes of images he'd experience throughout the ensuing months.
    What is this ???:
    It's a ??? that devotes itself to one person when it forms a special bond with them which must meet a certain requirement. He can be used however the devotee sees fit, such as acting as a scout or guard and any number of things. However, when the ??? dies, it also results in death of the one it has devoted itself to. This is to ensure the devotee doesn't send the devoted on very risky assignments that could result in the death of him. Whenever the ??? has died, a few minutes later, he is able to get up with bruise marks left in place of where the life threatening damage was sustained, yet unable to remember anything that ensued in the last hour, alongside his death. While this ??? is able to partake in combat if necessary, he is reluctant to act hostile due to the trauma he suffered as a child. 

    U better not be like (OMG A SIMP ???)  >;c It's not, it's a ??? that forms devotes himself to someone after a certain requirement is made. Simps, on the other hand, instantly devote themselves to someone after 1 second of looking at them.
    P.S. If you don't understand leet, that's on you 😜
  8. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Jalopy22222 in the best unban request!   
    How could they?
  9. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Isaac Scott in ???   
    Date: 05/04/2021
    Location: Apartment 2B, Ovis City
    Subject: William Morgan
    Sex: M
    Age: 29
    Species: Homo Sapien
    Test number: 26
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Estimated time until death: 10 minutes 30 seconds

    Why why why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?
    Why must it always happen to me?
    Did I do something wrong? W-was I too quiet? Too pushy?  I-I don't even know what to try or if I can anymore...I..I think I'm just going to end it. Yeah..t-time for this life to reach it's end...
    d0 U W15h T0 pH1nD t3H 4n5w3r t0 ur QU35T10n5?
    Wha-wh-what.. who are you? Where are you!? How did you get into my home!?!?!
    d0 U w15H T0 ph1nD tEH 4n5WER t0 uR kwE5T10N2 W1lLL4M?
    Estimated time until death: 7 minutes 10 seconds
    Wha-wha-hHow do you know my name!?!?!? Y-YOU BETTER SH-OW YOURSELF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!! I'M WARNING YOU! I-I HAVE A WEAPON!! 
    1F joO W15h 7o f1Nd 73H 4n5W3Rz 7o JOOr kW3571oNZ uR Mu57 3nD JOor L1f3 8Y jOOr oWN h4NDz.
    After a minute of searching his apartment for the source of the voice, William calms down and responds to it.
    Estimated time of death: 6 minutes 5 seconds
    Heh..If that's what I must do to find the answers, I guess I'll do it. I don't have anything to live for anymore.
    Sounds of choking can be heard followed by dead silence a few minutes later

    Estimated time until death: 0 minutes 0 seconds
    W3Ll DOn3, jOo 5h4LL NOW r3C31V3 73h 4n5w3R2 7he joO 533K. W3lC0M3 t0 t3H 1N1T14t1v3 W1lll4m..
    A rope snap is heard followed by a thud onto a concrete floor
    Estimated time until death: -2 minutes 15 seconds
    AHH MY FUCKING NECK! WHY DOES IT HURT LIKE HELL?! What is this fucking mark on my arm? What happened to me?
    W3lC0M3 70 73h 1n171a71V3 W1ll1aM. J00 hAv3 b33n s3L3c73d 70 b3 ApaR7 0f 0Ur t3s7. W3 W1ll H3Lp j00 maK3 sUr3 J00 kaN FulF1ll j00R PURp023 1n L1f3. Wh@t w3 s33K 1N R37urn 12 f0r J00R FULl K00P3rA710N 1N 0UR 73s7. a2 J00 MAY hAv3 N071c3D, J00 hAV3 a mark 0n j00r arM, 7hi2 1s wh@t j00 w1Ll b3 73st1ng. J00 w1Ll Kn0w wh@ 1t d032 AnD H0w 70 u23 17 1N Du3 71M3. A2 f0R N0W, K0n71NU3 w17 J00r DA1LY lif3. 1t's a pl3asUr3 HAV1n9 j00 1n 0ur 1n171A71V3...W1lL1Am.
    Wait who are you? What happened to me? ANSWER ME!
    OOC Information:
    ??? Name: William Morgan
    SteamID: Steam_0:1:61146039
    Discord Name+Tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
    - Body Link Magic
    - Shackles
    - MP9
    - Ability to be resurrected at location of death 
    - Neutral but will change in future
    Born in Ovis City, William Morgan's early life as a child was riddled with abuse from his alcoholic mother that was forced to raise him up alone. He would usually spend most of his time alone at school, rather than with a group of people. He eventually dropped out of school with only a 11th grade education and began working at the local pizzeria. As he grew older, he became more love deprived and began seeking relationships, both friendly and romantic. Unfortunately, one after another he kept getting rejected or cheated on or left behind/stood up. As the years went by, he'd always notice some strange occurrences take place within Ovis City, however, he would always end up forgetting about them due to the intervention of the Foundation.
    Many years later, he decided he had nothing more to live for since no one wants to be with him. However, an unknown organization had decided to see if he fit the criteria for their test. After making initial contact with him, he became agitated but eventually became somewhat less alarmed and decided to listen to the voice and take his life. Minutes later, he was brought back to life, with a strange mark on his right arm and told that he was successfully accepted into their initiative. He'd go onto learn the basic of how to use the new ability granted to him through random flashes of images he'd experience throughout the ensuing months.
    What is this ???:
    It's a ??? that devotes itself to one person when it forms a special bond with them which must meet a certain requirement. He can be used however the devotee sees fit, such as acting as a scout or guard and any number of things. However, when the ??? dies, it also results in death of the one it has devoted itself to. This is to ensure the devotee doesn't send the devoted on very risky assignments that could result in the death of him. Whenever the ??? has died, a few minutes later, he is able to get up with bruise marks left in place of where the life threatening damage was sustained, yet unable to remember anything that ensued in the last hour, alongside his death. While this ??? is able to partake in combat if necessary, he is reluctant to act hostile due to the trauma he suffered as a child. 

    U better not be like (OMG A SIMP ???)  >;c It's not, it's a ??? that forms devotes himself to someone after a certain requirement is made. Simps, on the other hand, instantly devote themselves to someone after 1 second of looking at them.
    P.S. If you don't understand leet, that's on you 😜
  10. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kinqu Kyle in ???   
    Date: 05/04/2021
    Location: Apartment 2B, Ovis City
    Subject: William Morgan
    Sex: M
    Age: 29
    Species: Homo Sapien
    Test number: 26
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Estimated time until death: 10 minutes 30 seconds

    Why why why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?
    Why must it always happen to me?
    Did I do something wrong? W-was I too quiet? Too pushy?  I-I don't even know what to try or if I can anymore...I..I think I'm just going to end it. Yeah..t-time for this life to reach it's end...
    d0 U W15h T0 pH1nD t3H 4n5w3r t0 ur QU35T10n5?
    Wha-wh-what.. who are you? Where are you!? How did you get into my home!?!?!
    d0 U w15H T0 ph1nD tEH 4n5WER t0 uR kwE5T10N2 W1lLL4M?
    Estimated time until death: 7 minutes 10 seconds
    Wha-wha-hHow do you know my name!?!?!? Y-YOU BETTER SH-OW YOURSELF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!! I'M WARNING YOU! I-I HAVE A WEAPON!! 
    1F joO W15h 7o f1Nd 73H 4n5W3Rz 7o JOOr kW3571oNZ uR Mu57 3nD JOor L1f3 8Y jOOr oWN h4NDz.
    After a minute of searching his apartment for the source of the voice, William calms down and responds to it.
    Estimated time of death: 6 minutes 5 seconds
    Heh..If that's what I must do to find the answers, I guess I'll do it. I don't have anything to live for anymore.
    Sounds of choking can be heard followed by dead silence a few minutes later

    Estimated time until death: 0 minutes 0 seconds
    W3Ll DOn3, jOo 5h4LL NOW r3C31V3 73h 4n5w3R2 7he joO 533K. W3lC0M3 t0 t3H 1N1T14t1v3 W1lll4m..
    A rope snap is heard followed by a thud onto a concrete floor
    Estimated time until death: -2 minutes 15 seconds
    AHH MY FUCKING NECK! WHY DOES IT HURT LIKE HELL?! What is this fucking mark on my arm? What happened to me?
    W3lC0M3 70 73h 1n171a71V3 W1ll1aM. J00 hAv3 b33n s3L3c73d 70 b3 ApaR7 0f 0Ur t3s7. W3 W1ll H3Lp j00 maK3 sUr3 J00 kaN FulF1ll j00R PURp023 1n L1f3. Wh@t w3 s33K 1N R37urn 12 f0r J00R FULl K00P3rA710N 1N 0UR 73s7. a2 J00 MAY hAv3 N071c3D, J00 hAV3 a mark 0n j00r arM, 7hi2 1s wh@t j00 w1Ll b3 73st1ng. J00 w1Ll Kn0w wh@ 1t d032 AnD H0w 70 u23 17 1N Du3 71M3. A2 f0R N0W, K0n71NU3 w17 J00r DA1LY lif3. 1t's a pl3asUr3 HAV1n9 j00 1n 0ur 1n171A71V3...W1lL1Am.
    Wait who are you? What happened to me? ANSWER ME!
    OOC Information:
    ??? Name: William Morgan
    SteamID: Steam_0:1:61146039
    Discord Name+Tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
    - Body Link Magic
    - Shackles
    - MP9
    - Ability to be resurrected at location of death 
    - Neutral but will change in future
    Born in Ovis City, William Morgan's early life as a child was riddled with abuse from his alcoholic mother that was forced to raise him up alone. He would usually spend most of his time alone at school, rather than with a group of people. He eventually dropped out of school with only a 11th grade education and began working at the local pizzeria. As he grew older, he became more love deprived and began seeking relationships, both friendly and romantic. Unfortunately, one after another he kept getting rejected or cheated on or left behind/stood up. As the years went by, he'd always notice some strange occurrences take place within Ovis City, however, he would always end up forgetting about them due to the intervention of the Foundation.
    Many years later, he decided he had nothing more to live for since no one wants to be with him. However, an unknown organization had decided to see if he fit the criteria for their test. After making initial contact with him, he became agitated but eventually became somewhat less alarmed and decided to listen to the voice and take his life. Minutes later, he was brought back to life, with a strange mark on his right arm and told that he was successfully accepted into their initiative. He'd go onto learn the basic of how to use the new ability granted to him through random flashes of images he'd experience throughout the ensuing months.
    What is this ???:
    It's a ??? that devotes itself to one person when it forms a special bond with them which must meet a certain requirement. He can be used however the devotee sees fit, such as acting as a scout or guard and any number of things. However, when the ??? dies, it also results in death of the one it has devoted itself to. This is to ensure the devotee doesn't send the devoted on very risky assignments that could result in the death of him. Whenever the ??? has died, a few minutes later, he is able to get up with bruise marks left in place of where the life threatening damage was sustained, yet unable to remember anything that ensued in the last hour, alongside his death. While this ??? is able to partake in combat if necessary, he is reluctant to act hostile due to the trauma he suffered as a child. 

    U better not be like (OMG A SIMP ???)  >;c It's not, it's a ??? that forms devotes himself to someone after a certain requirement is made. Simps, on the other hand, instantly devote themselves to someone after 1 second of looking at them.
    P.S. If you don't understand leet, that's on you 😜
  11. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Evan Dark in ???   
    Date: 05/04/2021
    Location: Apartment 2B, Ovis City
    Subject: William Morgan
    Sex: M
    Age: 29
    Species: Homo Sapien
    Test number: 26
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Estimated time until death: 10 minutes 30 seconds

    Why why why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?
    Why must it always happen to me?
    Did I do something wrong? W-was I too quiet? Too pushy?  I-I don't even know what to try or if I can anymore...I..I think I'm just going to end it. Yeah..t-time for this life to reach it's end...
    d0 U W15h T0 pH1nD t3H 4n5w3r t0 ur QU35T10n5?
    Wha-wh-what.. who are you? Where are you!? How did you get into my home!?!?!
    d0 U w15H T0 ph1nD tEH 4n5WER t0 uR kwE5T10N2 W1lLL4M?
    Estimated time until death: 7 minutes 10 seconds
    Wha-wha-hHow do you know my name!?!?!? Y-YOU BETTER SH-OW YOURSELF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!! I'M WARNING YOU! I-I HAVE A WEAPON!! 
    1F joO W15h 7o f1Nd 73H 4n5W3Rz 7o JOOr kW3571oNZ uR Mu57 3nD JOor L1f3 8Y jOOr oWN h4NDz.
    After a minute of searching his apartment for the source of the voice, William calms down and responds to it.
    Estimated time of death: 6 minutes 5 seconds
    Heh..If that's what I must do to find the answers, I guess I'll do it. I don't have anything to live for anymore.
    Sounds of choking can be heard followed by dead silence a few minutes later

    Estimated time until death: 0 minutes 0 seconds
    W3Ll DOn3, jOo 5h4LL NOW r3C31V3 73h 4n5w3R2 7he joO 533K. W3lC0M3 t0 t3H 1N1T14t1v3 W1lll4m..
    A rope snap is heard followed by a thud onto a concrete floor
    Estimated time until death: -2 minutes 15 seconds
    AHH MY FUCKING NECK! WHY DOES IT HURT LIKE HELL?! What is this fucking mark on my arm? What happened to me?
    W3lC0M3 70 73h 1n171a71V3 W1ll1aM. J00 hAv3 b33n s3L3c73d 70 b3 ApaR7 0f 0Ur t3s7. W3 W1ll H3Lp j00 maK3 sUr3 J00 kaN FulF1ll j00R PURp023 1n L1f3. Wh@t w3 s33K 1N R37urn 12 f0r J00R FULl K00P3rA710N 1N 0UR 73s7. a2 J00 MAY hAv3 N071c3D, J00 hAV3 a mark 0n j00r arM, 7hi2 1s wh@t j00 w1Ll b3 73st1ng. J00 w1Ll Kn0w wh@ 1t d032 AnD H0w 70 u23 17 1N Du3 71M3. A2 f0R N0W, K0n71NU3 w17 J00r DA1LY lif3. 1t's a pl3asUr3 HAV1n9 j00 1n 0ur 1n171A71V3...W1lL1Am.
    Wait who are you? What happened to me? ANSWER ME!
    OOC Information:
    ??? Name: William Morgan
    SteamID: Steam_0:1:61146039
    Discord Name+Tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165
    - Body Link Magic
    - Shackles
    - MP9
    - Ability to be resurrected at location of death 
    - Neutral but will change in future
    Born in Ovis City, William Morgan's early life as a child was riddled with abuse from his alcoholic mother that was forced to raise him up alone. He would usually spend most of his time alone at school, rather than with a group of people. He eventually dropped out of school with only a 11th grade education and began working at the local pizzeria. As he grew older, he became more love deprived and began seeking relationships, both friendly and romantic. Unfortunately, one after another he kept getting rejected or cheated on or left behind/stood up. As the years went by, he'd always notice some strange occurrences take place within Ovis City, however, he would always end up forgetting about them due to the intervention of the Foundation.
    Many years later, he decided he had nothing more to live for since no one wants to be with him. However, an unknown organization had decided to see if he fit the criteria for their test. After making initial contact with him, he became agitated but eventually became somewhat less alarmed and decided to listen to the voice and take his life. Minutes later, he was brought back to life, with a strange mark on his right arm and told that he was successfully accepted into their initiative. He'd go onto learn the basic of how to use the new ability granted to him through random flashes of images he'd experience throughout the ensuing months.
    What is this ???:
    It's a ??? that devotes itself to one person when it forms a special bond with them which must meet a certain requirement. He can be used however the devotee sees fit, such as acting as a scout or guard and any number of things. However, when the ??? dies, it also results in death of the one it has devoted itself to. This is to ensure the devotee doesn't send the devoted on very risky assignments that could result in the death of him. Whenever the ??? has died, a few minutes later, he is able to get up with bruise marks left in place of where the life threatening damage was sustained, yet unable to remember anything that ensued in the last hour, alongside his death. While this ??? is able to partake in combat if necessary, he is reluctant to act hostile due to the trauma he suffered as a child. 

    U better not be like (OMG A SIMP ???)  >;c It's not, it's a ??? that forms devotes himself to someone after a certain requirement is made. Simps, on the other hand, instantly devote themselves to someone after 1 second of looking at them.
    P.S. If you don't understand leet, that's on you 😜
  12. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to Nick Waltson in ???   

    Connecting to MTF database_
    Identifying user
    User: Captain Phoenix
    Performing face scan: match
    Performing fingerprint scan: match
    Performing DNA scan: match


    Name: Nick Waltson
    Codename: Phoenix
    Task Force: Alpha-9 ''Last Hope''
    Rank: Captain
    Clearence: Level-4
    Race: European
    Gender: Male

    Accessing document ''The Failure''

    Performing user check: 


    Captain Phoenix was sent with his squad of 6 people to                        to capture a humanoid creature. They were scanning the area with their anomaly scanners. Everything was going well until operative                    heard scratching from one of the alleys between the buildings. The operative quckly proceed to inform the rest of the units. Captain Phoenix sent 3 of his men to search the area with their scanners and identify what was the source of the sound. As the 3 operatives went to the alley the remaining units continued their checks. After 5 minutes loud screams were heard and the 3 units rushed to the area. Operative               went peeked the corner and shot in the darkness until a giant claw like hand grabbed his head and pulled him into the darkness and soon after river of blood came out of the alley. Right after that Captain Phoenix and Operative                             jumped at the allet's entrance and shot their brand new electric rope guns but nothing was there. At the end of the alley there was a left turn and a trail of blood leading to it so the Operative and Captain Phoenix deicded to investigate. Captain Phoenix was watching the back while Operative                             turned the corner. Shortly after another scream was heard and a part of a puddle of blood could be seen around the corner. After that Captain Phoenix rushed to the truck and drove off. Due to him being terrified and panicked, Captain Phoenix didn't keep attention to where he is going. After a 2 hour trip he ended up in Ovis City. Captain Phoenix Parked the truck behind some bushes so it wont be seen. After that Captain Phoenix initiated a connection search so he could find any field agents around the surface. After 30 minutes his radio cought a signal. Captain Phoenix introduced themeslves to the Field Agent and shortly after he was taken by Nu-7 scout units and Field Agents to the facility in the city. The Foundation has decided to keep Captain Phoenix at that facility and chanded his duties to be able to help in combat and capture humanoid anomalies on the surface.

                                                                                                                               (OOC SECTION)

    Character gear: M4A1, tactical elastic police handcuffs, anomaly detector, nanite explosive sweep, level 4 clearence, flash granade, any pistol, and recontainment cuffs (only if you see it fit for the character). (You can add gear that you see fit for the character.)

    Player model: Any model that has everything black or a forest camo. Both can be combined.

    Tasks: Assist in raids and any other gun requiring situations, as well as surface missions. (I know its very brief but i dont have much time left to write.)

    RP Name: Nick Waltson
    Steam ID: 76561198837937910
    Playtime 1w 4h 35 minutes
    Current whitelists: NU-7, HoMD

  13. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from ThatOneLithuanian in A continuation of a post I made back in january of this year   
    Uhh...hopefully you can find the help you need and find a good friend that will listen to your issues and not tell it to everyone 
  14. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to ThatOneLithuanian in A continuation of a post I made back in january of this year   
    Well I'm gonna start of by saying yes I'm still alive. And I didn't do anything I just had those thoughts at that moment. Also yeah my mom still uses her sedatives. And I just wanted to vent out again. So my mental situation didn't get any better It got even worse. I tried to talking about my mental health to one of my classmates who ended telling the whole class everything I told him. Which ended up almost getting cps called on my parents, cause one of the classmates ended up telling their parents which obviously they told the principal about all of it. But somehow nothing happened and I don't know why. I think my mom tried to talk my principal out of it cause they were classmates during highschool and she's a pretty good manipulator. But after she came back from work. Instead of talking to me she started screaming at me that I would suffered if I was taking away from her. So after that whole ordeal I began to have trust issues to everyone I talked to about my mental health and my mom decided to get me a psychologist I could talk to. But she didn't helped me at all she just told me to draw stuff and that's it. But one day we were talking about my feelings in one of our sessions I told her about how I was depressed and all of that. So she ended calling my mom telling her that I should def get help. But after that my mom cancelled her sessions and I didn't talk to her ever again. So thanks mom for not getting me any help or even talking about my mental health. So that's it I just wanted to get this of my chest cause I'm feeling pretty depressed at the moment cause I don't have that that many friends.  And I haven't talked to anyone expect mom for a month and I haven't gone outside that much.
  15. Sad
    Joe Conner reacted to Oil in SCP Meme Thread   
    rip bozo @Isaac Scott
  16. Thanks
    Joe Conner reacted to Mark Kuntson in SCP Meme Thread   
  17. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Norra in Perma-banned with no reason? (I'm level 10 with no prior warns)   
    you forgot to private your account, silly goose

  18. Confused
    Joe Conner reacted to Jeffry in Please un ban   
    My name is jeffery on the SCP server wolf gaming i will do anything to get back i not the rping i will wait anything just please a month year week just please i will do anything i hope you guys accept me back :(i will wait a year
  19. Haha
    Joe Conner reacted to Fricky Hecks in SCP Meme Thread   
    @Azazel Keenan
  20. Haha
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Fixer in SCP Meme Thread   
    She's getting kaschew and she doesn't care
  21. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from BladedPelt in Beginner's Guide to I.T. Technician by Joe Conner   
    So, you decided to play IT Technician, welcome aboard fellow nerd.

    Lets get started with the most basic information,

    As an IT Technician, you will be spawned in the Electrical Center, located in EZ Lower.


    As an IT Technician, you have access to the Foundation Server.

    While utilizing the Foundation Server, you have a number of options to choose from.
    The 'Remote loudspeaker (microphone) controls' enables/disables the loudspeaker of the site
    The 'Remote loudspeaker (/advert) controls' sends a message through the Foundation Server to all members of the Foundation that have access to the Foundation radio
    You may get punished by the staff team or by the Foundation's armed forces if you abuse the Foundation Server


    You also spawn with a 'Server Hack SWEP' which you can utilize when hostiles that carry 'Server Hack SWEP' have hacked the Foundation Server and gained access to it. 


    Now, lets move onto the Terminals which can be spawned via the F4 Menu within the entities category.

    Using a Terminal can be quite confusing at first, but you will get the hang of the commands and such the more you play and learn.
    First off, lets spawn ourselves a single Terminal for now and turn it on using 'e'. It will then proceed to boot up and then display you with this.
    We will use this first Terminal as our Server.

    To enter commands and type on the computer hit 'e' once more. What we first want to do is enter the command ':os install server'.  The Terminal will now shut down and you can once again turn it on with 'e'. Give the computer half a minute to boot up this time as the OS installs.
    To exit the Terminal, hit 'enter' on your keyboard while not typing any message into the Terminal.
    Once booted up with the Server OS installed , it should look like this.
    We can now create our network by entering the command ':gnet c Foundation' you are able to use any name you wish, however I have used 'Foundation' to make it simpler. Once created it will display a green message like so.

    Now, we can move onto our second Terminal and not touch our main Server Terminal at all.

    Begin by installing the Personal OS the same way as we installed the Server OS.
    Your second terminal should now look something like this
    Now we shall connect this Personal Terminal to our Server Terminal. To join a network, enter the command ':gnet j Foundation' and it should look like this once we have successfully joined the Network 
    Now once you have finally made your Server and Personal Terminals you can create a second Personal Terminal incase you don't want someone accidentally turning off your Server Terminal which will shutdown your Network. 

    To communicate with one another utilizing a Terminal via the Network:
    You can enter the command ':gnet m @ Hello' which will send a message to all the Terminals connected to the Network.

    To communicate with one another directly:
    First, you must enter the command ':gid' which will provide you with your Terminal's ID like so. Each Terminal has a unique Terminal ID.
    Now to send a message, enter the command ':gnet m 7021 Hello' you can send any message you'd like, however the Terminal ID's vary between one Terminal and another.

    The messaging feature of the Terminals is one that is mainly used. There are also other features possible that can be seen via the ':help' command.

    Thanks for reading this guide.

    I made this guide because every time I see an IT, they don't know what they're doing and require help, so hopefully if there are any new IT Technician players in the future, they can read this guide and understand what to do if they are confused.
  22. Like
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Kaneki Fujimoto in Beginner's Guide to I.T. Technician by Joe Conner   
    So, you decided to play IT Technician, welcome aboard fellow nerd.

    Lets get started with the most basic information,

    As an IT Technician, you will be spawned in the Electrical Center, located in EZ Lower.


    As an IT Technician, you have access to the Foundation Server.

    While utilizing the Foundation Server, you have a number of options to choose from.
    The 'Remote loudspeaker (microphone) controls' enables/disables the loudspeaker of the site
    The 'Remote loudspeaker (/advert) controls' sends a message through the Foundation Server to all members of the Foundation that have access to the Foundation radio
    You may get punished by the staff team or by the Foundation's armed forces if you abuse the Foundation Server


    You also spawn with a 'Server Hack SWEP' which you can utilize when hostiles that carry 'Server Hack SWEP' have hacked the Foundation Server and gained access to it. 


    Now, lets move onto the Terminals which can be spawned via the F4 Menu within the entities category.

    Using a Terminal can be quite confusing at first, but you will get the hang of the commands and such the more you play and learn.
    First off, lets spawn ourselves a single Terminal for now and turn it on using 'e'. It will then proceed to boot up and then display you with this.
    We will use this first Terminal as our Server.

    To enter commands and type on the computer hit 'e' once more. What we first want to do is enter the command ':os install server'.  The Terminal will now shut down and you can once again turn it on with 'e'. Give the computer half a minute to boot up this time as the OS installs.
    To exit the Terminal, hit 'enter' on your keyboard while not typing any message into the Terminal.
    Once booted up with the Server OS installed , it should look like this.
    We can now create our network by entering the command ':gnet c Foundation' you are able to use any name you wish, however I have used 'Foundation' to make it simpler. Once created it will display a green message like so.

    Now, we can move onto our second Terminal and not touch our main Server Terminal at all.

    Begin by installing the Personal OS the same way as we installed the Server OS.
    Your second terminal should now look something like this
    Now we shall connect this Personal Terminal to our Server Terminal. To join a network, enter the command ':gnet j Foundation' and it should look like this once we have successfully joined the Network 
    Now once you have finally made your Server and Personal Terminals you can create a second Personal Terminal incase you don't want someone accidentally turning off your Server Terminal which will shutdown your Network. 

    To communicate with one another utilizing a Terminal via the Network:
    You can enter the command ':gnet m @ Hello' which will send a message to all the Terminals connected to the Network.

    To communicate with one another directly:
    First, you must enter the command ':gid' which will provide you with your Terminal's ID like so. Each Terminal has a unique Terminal ID.
    Now to send a message, enter the command ':gnet m 7021 Hello' you can send any message you'd like, however the Terminal ID's vary between one Terminal and another.

    The messaging feature of the Terminals is one that is mainly used. There are also other features possible that can be seen via the ':help' command.

    Thanks for reading this guide.

    I made this guide because every time I see an IT, they don't know what they're doing and require help, so hopefully if there are any new IT Technician players in the future, they can read this guide and understand what to do if they are confused.
  23. Sad
    Joe Conner got a reaction from James Whisper in SCP-3114 needs a complete overhaul urgently, here's why   
    You've forgotten you're playing on a SCP-RP server where people don't follow lore to the exact minute detail. Take those that play Cain, they have 3 basic rules; don't go into Able's CC, don't minge, and don't go into combat. Yet there are many examples of these people continuously doing that. Also, the Foundation would rather not waste resources by just feeding the SCP a person when it is possible to re-contain it without sacrificing anyone. Despite every personality trait and characteristic of 3114, if you expect literally everyone to play as the ideal SCP you imagine within the lore and whoever doesn't behave close to that to be reported and their whitelist taken away, then what you end up with is probably only 2-3 people with the whitelist. And yes, from the long time I have been playing on the server, many do act like a maniac that just want to run out and escape, and many of those that are free roam SCP's do minge constantly, and those that aren't free roam and breach tend to failrp by siding with certain people etc. And if we report literally every single person for doing something that isn't exactly like lore almost no one would play the SCPs.
  24. Like
    Joe Conner reacted to Maurice D Biggs in Hermann Hubert/LiPOTO SCP-RP unban request   
    I can't really blame you for not knowing, but I am actually part of the Staff Team, even if I have no Tag on Forum. Staff Spreadsheet - Security Staff
    Since you seem to be happily claiming that all of it was "trivial" stuff, I will happily go over each warn with you ....... and explain the consequences these things actually have on the server, and why they are not trivial.
    "FailRP - Body blocking as a researcher | NLR - Keeps going back to CDC to harass the same D Class"
    I do not think I need to comment on this as this litterally states you were harrasing other Players.
    "FailRP | Going to surface as medical staff, has done so as an SR before."
    So 2 Issues here A: This warn states that you have done this before ( and I am assuming been verbally warned for it), so you have directly ignored what staff told you. B: If you would have ran into the Arms of CI ( which is not that unlikely) you would have easily became a Hostage, which would be a huge issue for Foundation as they would probably try to save you / pay for you ....................... which would probably include quiet a few players just needing to deal with that ..... just because you couldnt do your Job in RP.
    "FailRP | Trying to release Class D's as a Researcher "
    Do I even need to explain how trying to release D class is problematic?
    Espcially since D class can get Guns outside D Block and then kill Foundation Staff ....... just cus you left them out cus you were bored?
    "FailRP | Going into D block as a researcher to make a church in there"
    This is the only warning I would actually say is maybe kinda harsh, but considering your record of FailRP Warns before I can understand why you were given it.
    "[Permament Ban] Mass FailRP-NH2RP | 5 failRP warns in a week. Constantly going into D block to help D classes after being told not to multiple times."
    And again Releasing D class ................ what do I even have to say?
    Even if you think we are to strict ....... at the point where Staff told you to stop you should have stopped, its not like we forced you to stay.
    Also there is a diffrence between having 6 warns ....... and getting 6 warns in this short amount of time.
    You litterally gotten a warn on the 14th,17th,18th,19th,20th June ....... and the gap there seems to match up with the weekend, so I assume you just didn't play on the weekends?, if that is the case you litterally gotten a warn every single day ....... and if you didn't see a ban coming in that case then idk what you expected.
  25. Confused
    Joe Conner got a reaction from Zaorth in SCP-3114 needs a complete overhaul urgently, here's why   
    Tbh, whole thing is a cope and seethe moment.

    Just RP that you have a corpse after you kill someone, you don't need a SWEP for literally every function possible...

    No, it can kill people, and does a decent amount of damage, you just aren't good at using it most likely.
    If he was given the anomalous agility SWEP, he wouldn't be able to be re-contained as he would just run away from whoever was trying to recontain him instead of actually following them.

    So, rather than wanting to be recontained by following someone, you'd rather someone shoot and recontain you faster?

    It's apply to breach because if you weren't, you'd be breached by some guard or anyone every 5 seconds, which would result in you constantly being recontained in 20 seconds as you say.

    It just states the lore of the SCP, what were you expecting? To have a SWEP that actually rips off flesh and then puts it on and every other feature shown on wiki?

    Then just actually witness the SCP in action by others that have bought it before instantly buying it because it says "can rip and tear off flesh"