Carl Swampman

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About Carl Swampman

  • Birthday June 7

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  1. First of all, I lost 20 kilograms of weight. I started practicing Muay Thai and Judo, while successfully finishing high school and being accepted to college. I have nearly stopped to play computer games, because my only love (SCP-RP) has disappeared. However, that did not stop me from writing around twelve custom characters for ??? job. I have also visitied over four different countries and took a part time job. Now, that V7 us upon us, I am getting ready to not leave my room for at least eight hours daily, to not sleep at all and satisfy all needs of MTF E-11.
  2. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum VIP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Carl Swampman Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  3. Your name in-game: Carl SwampmanYour SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422872120Person's you report name: Alesha LaboyPerson's you report SteamID: STEAM_0:1:639315787Why do you want him banned?: Prop kill 2x + prop blockEvidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.):
  4. ,,This situation is alarming, my friend! We must find a way to stop them! We must find a cure! Urgently! And you know what I am thinking? We will find cure for everything!" Those damn creatures ruining our work can´t be tolerated anymore! Go, my acolyte, go, and find a cure for every disease you can!" As he was told, he did. He traveled through world, visited many places, talked with thousand doctors, tested, tested and tested. Experiments were failing, but his will remained strong! But he can´t make it alone, he can´t find cure without help of other people, without people encouraged to stop world from rotting. Church was in need of perfect adept for this job. They were in need of someone immune, someone with enough knowledge about diseases-diseases which turn your body into mindless zombie. At first, all of them thought they will find answers without help of anyone, but later they seen, that this is job for larger company. As was Folco trying to find people and place for his research, he encountered really weird region- a state filled with monsters, secret forces and spies behind every corner and then, then he found a city, city perfect for his research- he found Ovis.
  5. Try unban request and be sure to follow given template, you can do nothing with your ban here
  6. -OOC Section- Name: Carl Swampman Forum Name: Greta Current Gametime: 3w 3d 8h SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422872120 How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) Have you read all of the SCP server rules?: Yes, I did and more than one time. -IC Section- Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? : MTF-E11 is foundational task force specializing in protecting and re-containing SCP´s and are responsible for overall security of site. They are under sight of MTF-A1 and are send to do their job when there are multiple breaches on site and all containment protocols fails. They are meant to primarily deal with SCP´s. As well they can be known under nickname "Nine-Tailed Fox"- one tail, one member. In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? : E-11 is specifically tasked with protection of SCP subjects and foundation personnel from any threat that could put them in danger, even if threat isnt natural, but is anomalous. That means, that they dont just re-containing SCP´s and protecting them from being harmed, exposed to public or from harming not just foundation personnel, but means to deal with destroying any anomalous materials produced by SCP´s, terminating useless or harmful instances, aiding with research and tests, securing site from being attacked and dealing with uncovered traitors. Explain some examples of how to re-contain any of the SCPs currently on the server? : SCP-106, Keter: SCP 106 must be always in sealed container constructed from lead-lined steel. Container must have at least 40 layers with specific space between each layer with randomly placed struts. Container must be at least 60 cm from any material. If SCP 106 escapes, D-class personnel must be immediately placed within his container and his femur must be broken. All sounds produced from D-class personnel must be transmitted trough whole facility. This action must be repeated till will SCP 106 come back to his container. SCP-173, Euclid: If SCP 173 breaches, it must be for first located, ideally with group of three people. If found, all three people must maintain eye contact with SCP 173 at all costs and put him to cage. After caged, its safe to be brought to his containment chamber. SCP-035, Keter: If SCP 035 breaches, its possible to terminate host, because terminating host will not terminate SCP 035, as it only controls and decays his body. Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?: I can bring loyal and experienced soldier, who will be doing his best to keep site safe as possible and supporting his units in the way they will be enjoying doing their job and doing it perfectly. And why do I believe I should be apart of MTF-E11? I came trough many situations as E-11, both containment unit, specialist and flamer, so I exactly know how my units feel, can do and what are they capable of. This helps a lot to be great leader and be closer to own units, means getting their best out of them. As well I am enjoying playing as E-11, and It would be honor to be commander of this Mobile Task Force.
  7. Name: Carl Swampman Forum name: Greta Current gametime: 2 weeks 4 days SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422872120 How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) Have you read all of the SCP server rules? Yes, i did and more than one time. IN GAME SECTION Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? MTF-E11 is foundational mobile task force, which is responsibile for internal security and securing braches. Lot of their actions and operations are classified. In full detail can you tell us what E11 specifically tasked in SCP? E-11 in SCP is tasked with recontaining breached scp subjects or scp subjects on loose, as well aiding researchers during their work, to ensure safety not just for researchers, but for whole foundation. If there is any need to assist during security breaches, they are ready to immidiatelly respond. If there is any need to aid during raids, they are aviable just after commanders word. Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? Red color-Keter Yellow color-Euclid Green color-Safe SCP-049: If breached, units equiped with harpoons are to locate SCP 049 and pull harpoons out. SCP 049 is scared of harpoons, so its enough to pull him in right way back to his chamber, while of course holding harpoon in youre hand. SCP-035: If breached, its allowed to terminate host, because if you will kill host, you will not kill SCP 035(mask) SCP-106: If breached, there is need to immidiatelly go and take class D personnel, bring him to SCP 106 containment chamber, place to femur breaker and as expected broke his femur, during this action record his screaming and trasfer it throught reproductors around whole facility. This action is needed to repeat till SCP 106 will not respond to calling and come back to his chamber. SCP-1048: If breached, its enough to find him and put him to gunpoint of containment unit. Then it will listen to youre orders and you will be able to "detain" it by putting it inside of ball, sized specially for him. SCP-096: If breached, its needed to cover his head with bucket, bag or anything what will fit to his head in way noone will be able to look at his face, to ensure safety. Then you can anyhow drag it to his chaber. Of course, you can do these all actions after he will kill all subjects who looked at him. SCP-173: If breached and located, at least two people must mantain eye contact on him, blinking at different time. Then you have to put it in cage, specially made for his size and drag it back to his chamber. SCP-966: After breached, units must equip themselfs with special goggles to see SCP 966 and terminate all breached species. SCP-076: If breached, shoot till it will not be able to do anything. SCP-682: If breached, shoot till it will not be able to do anything. SCP-939: If breached, its needed to terminate all breached species. Why do you believe you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job? After removal of Maxwellist from the server, MTF-E11 became my favourite and nearly only one played class on server, so if i will not be playing warcraft i will be playing as E11. Im on computer whole week, so i can bring active player to E11. I am eperienced in playing as containment unit and i know how to contain every single scp on the server. As well i can bring good support to my units and not just in firepower, but in every situation and problem. And for last, im really enjoying playing E11, because there is always something happening and is something to do.
  8. -OOC Section- Steam Name: Greta Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:422872120 In-Game Level & Rank: level 50, platinum VIP State what groups you are in: Nu7 (but im leaving soon as possible) Playtime: 2 weeks 2 days Warns: 0 What you can bring to the Global Occult Coalition: I can bring active player who is interestd in lore of GOC and its doings on the server. Why do you want to join Global Occult Coalition: I want to join to GOC, because i found more logical and way more safe to destroy paranormal objects and entities, as well i like GOCs doing on server. Do you undersrand that if you break any GOC rules: you will be Kicked: Yes, sir. Please explain the The Seventh Occult War: This war started along WW2, when SS Ahnenerbe and Thule-Gesselschaft wanted to destroy LTE-0913-Ex-Machina and complete Rite of Solomon and gain big power. They were defeated by Allied Occult and to prevent other similar threats GOC was founded. What are the Missions of Global Occult Coalition: Survival: Protecting human race from all paranormal threats, this mission have biggest priority from rest four. Concealment: Keeping all knowledge of paranormal threats as secret, because it could lead to panic and big casualities. Protect: The GOC everytime tries to protect individuals, civilians and operatives, whenever possible, till its not goes against first two previous Missions. Destruction: The GOC shouldnt take any risks with surviving paranormal threats, because very existence of the anomalous could be risk for humanity survival. Education: The GOC should everytime expand their knowledge about paranormal threats and study them, till it doesnt goes against the four previous Missions. Why was the Global Occult Coalition founded?: It was founded to prevent events like during The Seventh Occult War. What is the difference between a KTE and a UTE: KTE (Known Threat Entity): While facing KTE, you can use known knowledge of the entity and pretend its further moves and doings and use it for youre advantage. UTE (Unknown Threat Entity): While facing UTE, you have to be really careful, bacause you dont know and cant pretend its doings, which puts you to great disadvantage. What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: PHYSICS division specializes in observation, investigation and capturing or neutralizing threat entities. PHYSICS division is split into two groups, which are Assesment teams, who are observing and investigating threat entities and second Strike teams, wich are capturing or neutralizing threat entities. -IC Section- "Swamp" Serial Number: 86541253/4996 - Real Name: Carl Swampman Nationality: Czech Republic Gender: Male Date of birth: 7/6/1979 Biographical Information: Carl Swampman was born in Prague, capital city of Czech Republic atyear 1979. From young years he was being trained by his dad at shooting and tactics. Dad was taking him to shooting ranges and later even for his proffesional training at his work. At his 16 years, Carl decided to leave a bit shooting with dad and went to CNC engineering school, where he graduated. From his 19 to 21 years he worked as CNC engineer. He left because he got still his dream job with weapons, so he became police man. Carl was working there for 4 years, then he was accepted to URNA Task Force for good doing. At URNA he was working for 5 years, when he was enjoying his job so much. After his 5 years of service, he was contacted by Foundation and soon he became security guard for his next 4 years. He served there well and went trought without any problems. He was promoted to Security Lieutenant, but after 2 of service he took offer and became Field Agent, which was his last job inside of Foundation. Story why he left Foundation after being there 6 years in security and 4 as Field Agent was interesting. One day at his service, Foundation was visited by group of 4 "angels". Carl was just equiping himself for work, when SCP-682 has breached his chamber. Carl started to fastly do as protocols said, but during that he faced 682. He was about to say goodbye to his life, but then one of the angles appeared and contained SCP. He saved his life. Carl was happy that he was saved, so he followed angle. He told him "Take my hand" and they went to gate, which lead outside. "Go do youre job." Said "angel", and went back to foundation. Carl went outside for 5 hours and then came back to give report of special event, but the situation was different. Foundation was no more carefully tried to find out who these "angels", but instead of, they were sacrificing to them. Carl was for a while looking at situation, half of people were in absolute chaos, half was giving their lives to entities. Carl was sneaking around and when he seen what is happening, he left site. He went to seek help. But first of, he went to church. He needed to sort out what is happening. In church, there was as well one more guy with him, looking on weird statue. Carl noticed statue too. While he was looking at it, statue started to shine and then from sudden, it became one of these "angels". Carl seen this one, but just at beggining, and he dissapeared right after other appeared. This one as well looked really differently from other, he looked like a monster. "These who wants to serve the Lord, do one step foward!", creature said. Carl was paralised. Like if it would have some power over him. As well, he thought he could be their enemy. Carl without controling his body got up from chair, made steps to the creature and kneeled down. Creature touched him and second guy in the church, and then he started to feel like if he would get up from sleep. His head hurt, legs were in pain. As well he felt something, something strong, like someones presence. It was stronger every second, and then he found out. It was second touched guy. Now he could feel everyone, who agreed to "serve the Lord". Soon he got orders from "anngel". "Live youre normal lives, i dont have anything for you yet.", crature said. Then Carl went outside, he was so confused so he went back to Foundation. it took some hours. When he was in front of gate, he started to feel presence of his other "brothers", ones who agreed to "serve the Lord." Gade opened out of sudden and "angel" from the church welcomed him. "Follow me and come to see other angels, my brothers!" Then Carl knew, he cant do fight against them. He was totally at the end of his mental health. When they were going throught foundation, he seen lot of monsters, killing people, breached SCPs and his co-workers giving themselfs to "angels". He felt his brothers as well, some of them was even SCPs. He felt strong connection to them, he couldnt harm them, same as his Lord. Soon they appeared in room filled with people and 3 other angels. Carl witnessed nearly all the people being killed by one angel, in order to be reborn. He wanted to warn people, wake them up wrom their paralise, but he couldnt. His Lord was controling him. It went like this for 5 minutes, then Carl heard scary sound. Nuke was activated. Carl was happy that there are still some non-affected people. Carl was free to move everywhere, Lord wasnt anyhow controling him in this, so he started to run outside. While he was escaping, he accompanied lot of his brothers, even one scp. They left together. Nuke exploded soon and luckily, it killed all "angels". They were for some time staring and big hole in the ground, but during that, something wa sjust wrong. Lord died. They no more couldnt harm eachother. No one was controling them. Their jailor died. Carl was one of first getting that fact. He slowly dissapeared to backround, loading his gun. During that he witnessed little fight between his brothers. It was fight for being leader. Fastly it became bloody show, which ended with Carls shooting some of his brothers. In the end, Carl and 5 more his brothers survived. 5 from 40. Carl havent, contacted foundation, he let die all information, left foundation and started to hunt his brothers. He assasinated them during years of his life and became last of the brothers, servant of dead Lord. He no more felt ny presence of his brothers, so he choosen another path of his life. Instead of containing anomalous objects and entities, he started to destroy them and terminate them. He didnt wanted to let happen anything what he experienced again. He did maximum for that and after year of his new secret work was noticed by GOC, while caught killing man with anomalous powers. After telling his story, he got offer to become member of Strike Team 9999 "Max Damage", which he took to continue in his work. Career Service Vitae: CNC Engineer, Police Man at PMJ Praha, member of URNA, Foundation security, Foundation Field Agent
  9. -OOC Section - Steam Name: Greta SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422872120 In game level: 50 Playtime(At least one week): 2w 1d Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0 - IC Section - General Information: Full Name: Carl Swampman Age: 41 years Birthdate: 7/6/1979 Gender: Male Family members: Mother: Romana Swampman Job: Psychology Expert in ................. Prison Father: Juraj Swampman Job: Shooting and tactics trainer of Police unit PMJ Praha Education: Elementary School High School of CNC Engineering Graduation Jobs outside of Foundation: CNC Engineer- 2 years Police Officer- 4 years URNA Task Force member- 5 years Jobs inside of Foundation Security guard- 4 years Security Lieutenant- 3 years Field Agent- 4 years Skills: Great shooting and tactics (Father was taking him from young years to shooting ranges and police trainings) Talking- Using his psychology skills after his mother, he is able to discuss anything with anybody Negotiating- Using his psychology skills, he is able to choose right way to make subject talk with him Patience- He is able to wait for really long time to reach his target Tricking- Using lies and right talking, he is able to reach his target "Friend of everyone"- For whole years he was able to talk with everybody, even bullied or deviant ones, but wasnt on the top of attention Attention- Never got need to gain any, giving him ability to be neutral and unseen till he wanted to, ussually he knew sensitive informations about people around him but noone else except his beloved ones and best friends Trustworthy- Able to keep secret at all costs Spying- Able to spy on somebody and do his normal job unnoticed at one time Trainings: CQC training Weapon Handling training Advanced Psychology training Negotiation training S.A.S. anti-negotiation training Parameic training