Hermann Wernicke

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    Hermann Wernicke got a reaction from Maximilian Vogel in Maximilian Vogel´s Staff Application   
    If I'm not wrong, he was an Event Planner, I partecipated to some of his events, they were really well made. A good moderator in the past, so why not, his application is cured in details. Plus I had the chance to meet him multiple times in game, a very good person, hard working previously in the 1.SS, now in OrPo.
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    Hermann Wernicke reacted to ✪Kanser CS.MONEY in Total disrespect and knowing what was in 1943 calling fail rp when clearly not   
    You litreally build a FUCKING VILLA ONTOP OF A ROOF WHICH CANNOT SUPPORT THE BUILDING do you know phsyics since you sound like a idiot right now and penthouses did not existed in 1943 so Varem is right here and he actually behaved pretty well he could have just slapped a FailRP warning for you and banned you so I suggest for you to keep your mouth shut 
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    Hermann Wernicke got a reaction from King G in Max von Bettinstedt Staff Application   
    A very very respectable member in 1.SS, had the occasion to talk with him a couple of times, very competent and has a lot of temper, imho a good mod.

    For me is a +1

    Amtsleiter Hermann Wernicke
  4. Like
    Hermann Wernicke got a reaction from Josef Kraz in I overdosed and got what I deserve and I expect nothing less   
    For me is a huge +1
    And I'm not speaking as his friend, I'm speaking as his boss, seeing him on everyday as NSDAP NCO. He's very competent, always active, tending every day to help people surrounding him, like his colleagues, and sometimes giving also really good suggestion to the CO team, like many ideas for new events or how to make the Hauptamt a better place.
    Sadly, I can speak only as a close worker with him, in the Party, so I cannot pronounce myself about his life in other regiments. Nonetheless my life philosophy (learned the hard way) is that everyone deserves a second chance, also because making mistakes is within human nature. He said that he couldn't think while he was under the effects of the drug, so I presume it was his first attempt trying it, seen that he didn't know what effects it was going to induce in him.
    Talking about him as a friend, I think he's the most human friend I found in my life. And I can say this because we shared the same life path, same problems and sometimes same hobbies. I don't think he deserves everything he's going through, he's always ready to help anyone in difficulty.
    I'd love to have him back in the NSDAP as soon as possible, he's the one of the most efficient and performant members we have right now.
    Best regards,
    Amtsleiter H. Wernicke