James Bluejay

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About James Bluejay

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James Bluejay's Achievements

  1. -OOC Section - Steam Name: MoeKhayre SteamID: STEAM _0:0:547679566 In game level: 50 Playtime: 6d 12h Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: x2 (Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) - IC Section - Lastname: Blue Forename: Bradford DOB: 1993-07-23 Gender: Male Seeking position of an Internal Security Department Agent Education: Elwood High School - Elwood, ND Graduated with honours (3.89 GPA) Extracurricular: Involvement on the Student Council. Head of the football team. Recruited into military after High School: Training Received: Basic Army Combat Training, Firearms Handling & Safety, Witness/Suspect Interviewing, Search & Seizure, Prisoner Transport, Basic First Aid, Crime Scene Processing, Suspect Detainment & Restraint "Blue demonstrated an aptitude in all his training, specifically when dealing with suspects." - Training Officer Recruited into the Foundation soon after joining the Armed Forces: Recruitment Agents believed that I would become a valuable member of the Security Team, specifically when it came to the handling of the D-Class. During first year as Security Guard received further training in: Prisoner Handling, Conflict De-escalation, and further Combat Training. After two years promoted into Security Lieutenant and moved to a different site where focus was on managing and training a small team to handle the increased hostility of the D-Class on-site. Skills: Team leadership. Prisoner management. Conflict de-escalation. Firearms. Suspect interviewing. Basic First-Aid. Communication. Teamwork. Additional Notes: While my formal education may be lacking, I still excelled in High School and my training during my time in the military and inside the Foundation should more than make up for it.
  2. In Game Name: James Bluejay SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547679566 Age: 18 Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I play a lot of HoS, I'm good at managing the people, showing the newer guards what to do and keeping the entire facility (not just d-block) secure. And I often played SD back when it wasn't WL. Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: Past experience playing as SD (and similar roles). I know the role of the SD, how to act in different situations as him and what I can and cannot do as the SD. I'm able to work with other Site Administration to achieve goals and actually use the Site Advisors. I understand the chain of command and how different roles interact with eachother. What role does the Site Director have on the site? The SD manages the entire site as a whole. Their goal is to maintain a functioning facility and they have the power to do so as the highest ranking member (not including the O5) in the facility. They'll talk to Commanders, Head Researchers, Head of Security, and their Advisors to achieve this goal and if they are not up for the task they are able to demote them and replace with someone more suitable. What is the O5 Council?: The O5 council (sometimes called Overseers) are the people who are the true leaders of the Foundation. They outrank the Site Director and are always the most important person on site. Lower clearance aren't able to get near them and even lower clearance don't know about them. They have a CL5 keycard, can order a nuclear detonation and know secrets that not even the SD is allowed to know. The Site Director reports directly to them and must follow their orders. MTF Alpha-1 also reports to them and they're tasked with protecting the O5.