Harry Osborn

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  1. no one to told me how it works and when i kept asking where are the rules, everyone gave me silence. ON TOP OF THAT as i stopped and proceeded to play “properly” that was when i was banned cuz i failed RP because of RDM. 1) i shot him cuz he saw me as a terrorist WHICH I WOULD'VE THOUGHT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!!! 2) there’s always a reason when i kill, duh i joined back after the 20 min wait, THATS WHY I PROCEEDED TO DO IT AGAIN, FFS
  2. no one to told me how it works and when i kept asking where are the rules, everyone gave me silence. ON TOP OF THAT as i stopped and proceeded to play “properly” that was when i was banned cuz i failed RP because of RDM. 1) i shot him cuz he saw me as a terrorist WHICH I WOULD'VE THOUGHT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!!! 2) there’s always a reason when i kill, duh
  3. Claimed to have failed RP and committed RDM when i was playing as the raider and was playing in fashion, this is extremely uncalled for and would have been handled with thought and a chance to correct my errors but the mods seemed to think im worth picking on. (UNPROFESSIONAL)
  4. Your name in-game: Harry OsbornYour SteamID: Lurkinnn 8kAdmins' name that banned you: unknown Admin's steamID:unknown Why did you get banned?: Violated staff roles Evidence(Un-necessary): killed staff infount of adminWhy do you deserve to be unbanned?: i don’t.......Anything else?: i’m sorry
  5. I am incredibly sorry for my behaviour on the server I am new here, I didn’t know how it works round here I thought being a security guard allows you to kill you like except people higher than your role but I understand that that is not my place if you could ever so kind to unban me I promise to follow the rules more efficiently.