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About Ryder

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  1. In Game Name: Ivan Nikolaevich SteamID: STEAM_0:1:69272118 Age: 16 Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I was high ranking position on a lot of servers such as, milRP, SW RP etc.. . I also played a lot on SD job earlier this year before it became whitelisted, also I play a lot of Beta-7 commander Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: Because i want to become one and only site director that will do his best to the good of the foundation. Also keep an eye out on high ranking personnel to see if they do their job. One more reason for me to write this application because i want to be the most active foundation administrator and like i said above give the foundation a leader they need. Also because of my RP skills that i'm willing to use as if i become him What role does the Site Director have on the site? They are the highest ranking personnel at the foundation and he is responsible for the continued operation of the site and all of its contained and secured SCP's and anomalies. Also all major department heads report directly to the site director. Also ensure the security and secrecy of the site with the help of DoEA, also ensuring that department heads are doing their job to again ensure the normal working of the site and like i said before keeping it secret and secured What is the O5 Council?:These are the people who have the ultimate control over the foundation and whats going on inside it, also each O5 knows almost everything there is to know about the foundation and its activities. Between each O5 member, they know every single secret that the foundation holds. Most foundation personnel spent their entire careers without seeing them, also members below clearance level 2 never heard of them or think that they are not real.