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  1. Why would you take his sentence out of context lmfao? "The server will never be good anyways if you guys never give somebody a 2nd chance to improve themselves."
  2. Sometimes life's a ♥♥♥♥♥ and then you keep on living
  3. So I started playing a week or so ago and a couple of days ago I invited Rokuro to come play with me because obviously Gmod is better with friends, when he was connecting to the server he realised he was banned. A ban reason wasn't stated so I told him he should make an appeal and I invited him to the SCP discord. He made a ticket requesting the reason for his ban etc but received no response. He didn't remember getting banned because when he connected to the server a month ago he was just bored on Gmod and one of the best things to do when you're bored on Gmod is to join random servers and MRDM (we have all done it don't lie). At the time he obviously thought it was funny and didn't have any intention of playing the server in the future, little did he know the consequences of his actions. He can play seriously and has the intention to do so and he did not lie on this appeal, I am unsure if you have discord ticket logs but if you do then you can obviously check to confirm the truth. I'm sure he would appreciate being unbanned and I would appreciate you unbanning him as it would give me someone to play with. I understand that 10 kills and a staff member is quite serious but even reducing the ban from permanent to a month or something would be much appreciated. If his only intentions were to minge then he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of making this appeal and joining the discord trying to find the reason for his ban. Cheers for reading 3 my guy