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About joel03

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  1. My In-Game name: Joel STEAMID: ( STEAM_0:1:110498598 Steam Name: JOEL What is the reason for your ban: I don't know, there is no ban message. How long were you banned for: Permanently. Name of the staff member who banned you: I don't know, there is no ban message. Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I remember when I first started playing on Werwolf Gaming back in 2017 and how I got plenty of warns for a variety of reasons. This eventually got me permanently banned in 2018 which I later successfully appealed after deciding to make a short return to the server. Recently I decided I'd give the server another go as my interest in roleplay has increased. Problem is that I once again am banned and I have no clue as to why. I'm fairly certain I haven't touched the server since I appealed my previous ban which leaves me with nothing but even more confusion. I'm fairly certain that you guys keep a record of all your bans so if possible it'd be great if I could be filled in on why I was banned. Other than that, if I did do something wrong I can guarantee that I've changed my ways. I have no recollection of what I may have done but I am sorry for those who have had their experiences ruined due to my actions. It'd be an honour to be able to return to the server and if I am granted another chance, it's one I wouldn't let go to waste. Thanks for taking your time to read this appeal. Evidence: N/A
  2. I can't even recall being in any WG related discord.
  3. Discord Name: kjoel8#0405 What is the reason for your ban: I can't remember. How long were you banned for: Indefinetly. Name of the discord staff member who banned you: I can't remember. What ban: Discord ban. Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: For starters, I have no idea why I got banned in the first place as I can't even remember being in the discord whatsoever. Assuming that my ban was deserved, it had to have been a while ago when I wasn't even considering coming back to WG. I've recently came back and I am looking to improve my experience by being in the server discord in order for me to communicate with others. It'd help me a lot as I progress further within the Doom's Unit hierarchy.