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    Erazem13 got a reaction from Fritzen Schäfer in Tony Costello's Staff Application   
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    Erazem13 reacted to Fritzen Schäfer in Tony Costello's Staff Application   
    RP Character name/s: Tony Costello / Fritzen Schäfer
    Steam Name: TonyCostello1974
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:702059539
    Age when applying: 18
    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: Time zone in the United Kingdom (GMT+1)
    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes 
    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 4 Days, 3 hours, 51 minutes
    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP:
    OOC - Member
    IC - Ordnungspolizei Unterwachtmeister 
    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: Yes, I own a Working Microphone, and Prefer to use my microphone.
    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I joined the server (04/7/22). no, I have not taken any breaks and do not plan to anytime soon as I'm really enjoying spending my time on the server the RP experience has been fantastic.
    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I don't use TeamSpeak and don't really use the forums that often.
    List of all previous RP server staff experience: *
    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): *
    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen  
    State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff is to ensure that RP is done properly and players can have an immersive RP experience, without staff no one would care about rules because there would be no consequences for breaking rules this is why staff is a very crucial part of RP servers. The role of staff is also to take their role seriously as it is the most important part of the server and not to abuse their power to create unfair RP situations and ruin others' RP experience.  
    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): 
    The server is set in 1941 in Berlin, Germany is still at the peak of its powers as they have defeated and occupied Poland (attacked in September 1939), Denmark (April 1940), Norway (April 1940), Belgium (May 1940), the Netherlands (May 1940), Luxembourg (May 1940), France (May 1940), Yugoslavia (April 1941), and Greece (April 1941). And France only took a month to capture so it shows the Nazis are capable of anything And could complete Hitler's plan of world domination. On December 7, 1941, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War This was a massive problem for the axis as they had now two of the biggest and strongest countries Russia and The USA fighting against Germany from The East and West which could see them close Germany in and Destroy Hitler's ultimate goal of total world domination, but we know that Hitler will do anything in his power to prevent anyone or anything from destroying his dream.
    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes, I have I take them very seriously to give myself and others the best RP experience possible.
    Have you read the punishment list ( Punishment List v3.0 ) and are familiar with it?
    Yes, i have And I'm familiar with it.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):
    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?
    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?
    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?
    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?
    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:
    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: 
    So I would check the logs to see who is killing people and teleport them up to a rooftop where no one can see us so it does not interfere with anyone's RP and ask them why they are RDMing and also teleport the guy who made the report and ask if he has a clip of him RDMing and also ask the person RDMing if they have a clip so you can 100% confirm if they deserve a punishment. And if the clip shows the guy Mass RDMing he will receive a tier II punishment [BAN} but this could vary depending on the player's past warns and the player's time spent on the server. because if they have 5 minutes of playtime and he is killing everyone it shows that they have no intention to role play and are here to troll. But if he does not get banned I will spectate him just to make sure he's not ruining other people's RP experience on the server this will also be a factor in what punishment they shall receive. It also depends on how many people this guy killed 3-5 people if he is new he could receive a 3-day ban but if he is not new he could receive a 5-7 day ban. But if He killed 6+ people this could be a 2-week to permanent ban whether they are new or not in this situation it does not matter.    
    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: 
    I would teleport to him and tell him about all of his options so to join the army, police, and SA and tell them in detail about each faction's roles where they base, what weapons they have, what RP situations they get in, The ranks, money they get and everything relevant to the jobs and I would tell him how to become apart of the Reich and straight away make sure he is trained so he can start his RP as a Reich official.  
    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around:
    I Would teleport them to a rooftop and ask him what he is doing and why he is doing this And tell them this is for serious RP only and to Read the rules, I would then check his warns and if he is a repeat offender and a serial rule-breaker give him a warning - Tier I and then spectate him and if he continues would have to up the punishment to a tier II For no intention to role play This ban could go anywhere from a 1-week ban to a permanent ban.  
    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:
    I would teleport them and ask them what's going on and verbally warn them and warn them that next time its a warn or a ban and I will demote them from their role if they are resistance members and tell the higher ups if they are a Police member, Army Member or SA member that he is not RPing properly and to demote him. If they continue, I will spectate them and give them the said punishment (warn or a ban and I will demote them from their role).
    5) A player is prop spamming:
    I would Teleport the person up to a rooftop, freeze him, and perm ban this person for no intention to role play, PROP SPAM, and ATTEMPTING TO CRASH THE SERVER. There is no room in this serious RP server for people like this.

    Answer the following questions in detail:
    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: 
    Tier I. This is mostly for minor situations and mostly for new players making mistakes that they didn't know were a rule break. 
    Tier II. This is for people purposely breaking rules, people constantly breaking rules and have already been punished and told to stop also people minging and ruining RP for everyone else these are for big rule breaks like Mass RDM, prop block, prop miss-use, etc 
    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming: 
    IC "IN CHARACTER" is when you are Role-playing and talking and acting like your in-game character. The definition of Roleplay is to Act out and perform as a character that is different from your real-life counterpart Roleplaying is also Pretending to be someone else and pretending to be in a specific situation as your character. An Example of Roleplay is say on the server you Roleplay as a Police Officer you would talk and act like a police officer, you would not talk and act like a Mafia member or a Jew. The same goes for if you are roleplaying as a mafia member or a Jew you would not start talking and acting like a police officer. Roleplay is the ability to be anyone and anything you choose to be (Within realistic reason). Roleplay is the way in which to act and react to events going on around you, Roleplay is what enables you to turn a bad situation into a good situation It's all about a story, one that you write and one that you decide how it ends. OOC "OUT OF CHARACTER" is when you are Out of character and not Role Playing and being your real-life self, there is also an OOC chat where you can talk OOC and not have to Role play.
    The Rule 'MetaGaming' is when a player uses Real Life knowledge that their character would not realistically have known. If you are on a discord call with your friends and tell them your location, that is Metagaming because, without that OOC discord call, your character would not have known your location, making RP less immersive and realistic. Another example is if you get shot in the head and are down you can't just start telling your friends who it was what they look like etc... as that is super unrealistic. a player's use of real-life knowledge concerning the state of the game to determine their character's actions, when the said character has no relevant knowledge or awareness under the circumstances is considered Metagaming. 
    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
    1. Serious RP - This is when you are IC at all times and acting accordingly in the timeline and not breaking any rules and acting realistic and doing normal IC things, opening shops, making friends, having conversations, etc...
    2. Semi-Serious RP - This is when the RP is less strict and you can talk OOC while IC and you could maybe get away with some rule breaks that you would not in a serious RP server.
    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: 
    Passive RP is basically being passive like opening shops, making friends, and having conversations basically passive RP is anything not related to combat.
    It's important because it creates a lot of RP for players to enjoy rather than everyone shooting each other 24/7 and getting spawn killed etc... like a shop owner can create lots of good RP like, serving his customers, making small talk with his customers, asking them questions, giving people jobs as security it's the passive RP that makes the server enjoyable.
    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
    Combat Baiting is Taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples: Robbing a gas station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of Mafia members for no reason, screaming in front of the police "I'm a Jew!" these are all examples of combat baiting.
    Have you added the Manager [Scheppert] on Discord? - KyleK#2874. If not, add him:
    Have you added the Vice Manager [Vogel] on Discord? - Cephei#4896. If not, add him:
    Have you added the Staff Manager [Strasse] on Discord? - Wilford#8676. If not, add him:

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words):
    The Reason I want to Become a Staff Member is that I Enjoy the immersive RP experience and looking to have high-quality role-play experiences, recently on some of the role-play servers I have been playing on the quality of role-play has not been up to a standard good enough for my liking, but from what I have seen on Berlin 1941 RP is a very immersive incredible experience for Roleplay. Also watching videos about the server and seeing that there are lots of IRL cars and clothes has got me incredibly interested as I like the WW2 German uniforms and some of the cool suits you can get. I also Love Role play and have over 750 Hours Of role-play experience on GTA RP. and I am very comfortable with all the rules and how to keep a high standard of role play at all times.
    I think a lot of people know me on this server and like me, a lot I'm very friendly and enjoy spending time with other Role players. One of the reasons id like to become staff is that I think I would enjoy taking my own sits and making fair decisions and making sure people have good thinking and feelings towards the Staff team and don't feel as if the admins are just there to take the fun away. I want to feel like people know me as a good admin who takes his role seriously and makes the server a better more enjoyable place for serious RP.
    what I will bring to the staff team is a lot of time and effort, I have a lot of free time and I'm willing to spend a lot of my time and effort making this server a better place because I like the server so much and enjoy all the RP its really fun, in such a short period I have spent so much time on the server and will continue to do so if given the staff role. I will probably purchase Platinum VIP as well as I have been considering it as I have liked what I have seen since joining but becoming a moderator will confirm me spending money on the server.
    I take RP very seriously and that's why I think I enjoy it so much I don't mess around and troll and really dislike people who minge and break rules as it ruins the experience for myself and others. Also, my past experiences in RP have been very enjoyable when it is done properly. 
    I have also been in situations where I have seen my friends get given a controversial ban that I think is unfair and been in situations where there are FAIL RP situations And I'm getting RDM and getting no response or help and I know how this feels and its quite frustrating so I don't want this to happen to other players I would be very fair and nice towards players and help their tickets ASAP and make sure they can return to RP ASAP.
    I would also love to meet the staff team as the People I RP with are not staff members, and get to know the people keeping the server up and running, I'm very open and friendly and would like to make some new friends and make new people to RP with so we can both enjoy are experiences in the server.
    Another reason I think I, would be a great part of the staff team is that I'm normally up at early hours in the morning and normally at this time there are no moderators so everyone is mass RDMing prop spamming and breaking every rule possible because there are no moderators online, and with me being there I would be able to prevent these things from happening. And from personal experience at around 12 PM - 1 PM, there are so many minges and people who troll and I really dislike this because this is a serious RP server and I like everyone to be RPing at all times. If I was given moderator I would be able to deal with these people so they cannot do things like break every rule because there are no admins online.
    So if I was given the chance to become a moderator for this server I would only improve the server and make it a better place and a better more enjoyable place for people who are here for the serious RP and the immersive experience. I think people will like me and respect me I personally think I would do i fantastic job but it's all in your hands to make a good decision for the server.  

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: yes
    - You must be 15 years in age or older.
    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.
    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.
    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.
    - You must not be banned when you apply.
    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.
    - You must not advertise your application in any way.
    - You must not copy anything from other applications.
    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member,
    - You may not edit the application template itself - including the colours, besides the questions themselves,
    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.
    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)
    Staff Meetings are at 7pm (UK Time) Sunday. Make sure you can attend! 

    Exceptions can be made with the permission of a Server Management Team Member.