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  1. Sad
    jms reacted to Mason111 in Masons unban request   
    My In-Game name: Mason 
    STEAMID: (  : STEAM_0:0:513488759
    Steam Name: Mao2745
    What is the reason for your ban: Minging 
    How long were you banned for: Permanently
    Name of the staff member who banned you: Marm (I think, not quite sure)
    Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: First reason for why I should be unbanned is that since my ban back in February I haven't really been playing Gmod and recently I wanted to give it another go but serious this time as I have taken a real liken towards star wars and would like to try serious RP. At the time of the ban I didn't  think a perma ban was reasonable but now thinking back on it I know it was justified as everyday I would go and try to ruin peoples RP experiences with some mates. Thinking back on it makes me cringe as I had a chance to form with a community but instead decided to mess around with some mates which got me nowhere. I believe that I have changed and matured during the 10 months and have no desire left to minge .I know the community doesn't owe me anything but I would like another chance for serious RP, I would be grateful for it. I know you will think that I am not serious as this unban request is a couple days after pomegranates, but seeing his has made me want to come back to the server more and has what made me write this request, I hope you will give me a 2nd chance. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this.