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  1. are you ill? i can tell u havent put any effort in reading the comments and acutally understanding the situation. even though we are friends with pewp and theo it doesnt mean we have no right to justify this situation for pewp. i also think that pewp understands that laughing about someone who commited suicide is not ok.
  2. guys i changed my mind becasuse pewp didn tput much effort in his apology. i would have +1'd if u took me out for dinner; eating lobster and caviar, buy me apatek phillipe watch while playing the whole concert of the nutcracker suite by tchaikovsky by yourself but for now i will have to -1 recap ex rank ex rank ex rank
  3. its been over a year alot happened believe it or not, i do not play this game anymore and i didnt write a diary when i played on this server, sory. pretty sure brufzy and james were not the easiest guys at the time either. i do remember that i have warnt someone and told him to stop being a nonce multiple times. but this doesnt mean it could be u tho (non reliable) dont remember amrdm is perma but i could be wrong.
  4. hi i do remember banning someone for pedophilia but not who. anyways im sure i was conscious of this ban being made when i was super admin and i am sure i made the right decision with help from the staff team. so at the of the day, the staff who were on that day incl. hierarchy were involved in this decision ( i never perma banned someone without contacting hierarchy member) oh ye i knew that brufzy guy but after i/he left he tried to ip log me 3 times out of the blue (??) m not sure if he was trying to be funny