Phil Jones

Platinum VIP
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  1. Common Roleplay name: Phil Jones Steam Name:SpiritualFunguy Discord Name: SpiritualFunguy#0136 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:211889668 Your Current Warns(15 warn limit, take screenshot): 3 (lemme know if you want me to make the image bigger) Your Current Playtime(1 week minimum): 2w 3d Rank: Platinum VIP Tell us your back story: I was born into a wealthy family, (in the city Hammond - Indiana) my mother worked in law enforcement and my father a mish-mash of crime but he primarily worked with a particularly interesting group: Marshall Carter & Dark. My father corrupted my mother and she used her career and good position in it to him and his groups huge leads, resulting in my father's success. As I grew up my father heavily influenced me and set me up for a life of crime, and boy did I seize the opportunity! I was given my first task from MC&D at the age of 17 - it was a relatively simple beginners one, to collect the money from a buyer and it went very well. Over time I grew further from my dad and after one year of MC&D service lost complete contact with him and my mother but I was making a lot of money fast. There was just one problem, it was boring, all they did was buy and sell. I brought this up with a few mates there and most of them just shrugged except one, he called me over after and informed me of a group similar to this one except “We use the shit to get more shit and then we sell the shit.”. This seemed exactly what I was looking for so I followed the man’s instructions and met with some others that were part of his group but before I could get accepted into the group I had to prove my MC&D life was behind me. My next (and last) task from MC&D was to escort an extremely valuable anomalous artifact. Mid operation I deviated and took the artifact to a previously negotiated spot, an old warehouse. “Well done!” The man I spoke to before had been waiting and he started to lock the place up, the plan was to leave it here for a while and let things cool down a little, but I was confused “Isn’t this too valuable to just leave here?” “This thing gives you anomalous abilities right? Heh, we get abilities like that for breakfast.”. And that is where my career in the ‘Chicago Spirit’ began… [I feel a little disheartened about this after reading the guy’s above but I made this before I read that and i’m not thinking up a whole new backstory (unless this gets denied ofc)] Why do you want to join the Chicago Spirit?: I want to join the Chicago Spirit because it is something new. MC&D had been on the server for as long as I can remember and this is like some kind of refreshing beverage that didn’t (or atleast I) didn’t even realise we needed. It has a cool lore from the SCP wiki that fits well in the crime-ridden OvisCity. The features that have been introduced with the group are all cool balanced(ish) and bring something new into the server which is the whole point of a new GOI. I used to play quite a bit of MC&D but after a while it got a little stale, just sitting in club making an advert every now and then, so I never put in the effort to try and get the WL for it but after playing with some of TCS members as Associate just a couple of instances I was immediately hooked. Another reason I would like to join TCS is because I can tell this group is going to go a long way as it’s current members are all trustworthy and know how to play the job properly, aka it’s not gonna cripple in a month. What is the Chicago Spirit?: In 1893 the Chicago Spirit was originally a small (normal you could say) business on the South side of Chicago that served as a typical nightclub that offered musical entertainment and alcoholic drinks, mostly consisting of loyal patrons which received occasional gifts from the Spirit. After making very little profit from the business a man Chappell with anomalous capabilities transformed the business into what it is now: a hive of thugs and thieves which sell ‘unnatural novelties’. This new method of working attracted wealthy buyers and in a couple of years hundreds of anomalous items were sold, many of which are theorised to have been created by Chappell himself. The Chicago Spirit now serves at the black market of the anomalous world with a large customer base. However, what separates the Spirit from all other trade groups of the anomalous world is their use of the ‘unnatural novelties’ that they acquire. Using them to help in raids and missions, being successful almost every time. They also work primarily alone without the assistance of other groups but occasionally make deals with other GOI for assistance. Explain what the jobs in the Chicago Spirit do (Associate, Made Man, Capo, Don): The Associate is the equivalent of a nightclub bouncer or a doorman, they primarily protect the main base of operations for the Spirit such as monitoring who comes in and out and guarding any supplies within it. The Made Men are given a little more responsibility than the Associate as they are only beginners to the Spirit whereas a Made Man is more trusted. They can be given more involved orders as they are more reliable but they must still follow their superior’s orders. The Capo is a sort of lieutenant role, the next step up from Made Man but not quite the Don, they give out more instructions that they receive and play a part in the management of operations and carries out orders from the Don without fail. The Don is the leader of the group, the O5 Council of the Chicago Spirit, has complete control over all operations that are carried out and takes orders from no-body. They keep the group under control and stop the other members of the group (including Capo) from falling out of place. What they say goes without question. What is the purpose of the Chicago Spirit?: As far as I know the primary purpose of the Chicago Spirit is to make money. Chappell realised his capabilities from a very early age (such as the incident with the paperboy), when he came across the original innocent Chicago Spirit which did not make much money he saw it as an opportunity to use his abilities and make it rain. Him, along with many other criminals and such made huge amounts of money in a relatively short amount of years (only a couple decades) when the group's sales were very popular and had some extremely wealthy customers. Their reghin over Chicago and nearby cities lasted (from 1895) until the Foundation raided Chappell’s home (in 1938) and the group disbanded. The raid however was only made possible but the abrupt disappearance of one of Chappell’s business partners “Mr Night” (mentioned in Chappell’s journals) who left the group only a few years before it’s downfall, leading to its vulnerability. Do you understand the rules of the Chicago Spirit and if you seen breaking one of those you are out?: Of course. Give me an example on how will you advertise that you sell drugs/weapons: The most effective way to spread the word is via word of mouth, after a few initial sales it should spread like wildfire. If you really need to get the fire started you could also throw in a few (mabey $1,000-$10,000) to bribe buyers to help spread the word, without making any huge announcement alerting PD immediately. Also, selling to members of the group will encourage other members of that group to buy from us as they can see the type of products we sell and their quality. Another way (if business is especially stale) an Associate could be sent out to speak directly to citizens and try to encourage them to visit the club, once they are there they can be bribed with a good deal or perhaps even a free sample (like a pistol). Why should I choose you for this job? I should be chosen for this job because I put the effort in when I care (which with this job I definitely would), I really put my all into it to make sure that I play it properly and, when you do play it properly, it ends up being more fun for everybody as people can see the groups full potential. I have noticed that currently in the group are mainly people you know that you can definitely trust (such as server staff and such), but I want to give you a 100% guarantee that you can trust me with this job. Obviously you don’t want retards running around making the job look bad (one of the reasons I think this job will last so long is because you have kept it to people you can rely on and made the app really fucking hard -_-) and I promise you I am not one of those retards. I understand the lore fully and how the group would act such as being hostile towards PD and not just trying to keep out of everybody’s way like MC&D did (and ended up just not doing anything on the surface) and also I really don’t break the rules, all my warns are from ages ago and I have learnt since all of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for reading :), I have tried not to ramble on too much whilst still fulfilling the word count. This is the hardest app I’ve done and I hope you don’t think it’s awful :). I’m really excited about this job, whether I get accepted into it or not. If you don’t like it please let me know why and I will try to improve it (assuming I can re-apply) but until I get feedback this is the best I think I can do. Thanks again - Phil Jones
  2. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum Vip What is your RP Name on the server: Phil Jones (on SCP RP) Evidence: