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About Cumsack

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  1. Server you got banned from: SCP-RP Your name in-game:RyanWhiskey Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:184344669 Admins' name that banned you: never put his name down Admin's steamID: same with his steam id Why did you get banned?: he never specify a reason but if i remember i guess it was from minging and propblocking Evidence(Un-necessary):be side a picture not much Look I know I made another ban appeal but I give it some thought and I truly want to come back and i also think it's unfair how even after 1 year people still think I'm just gonna come back minged and my ban was minged,prop blocking(did it when the server was dead),and something else I forgot beside the point that this is the only server I'm permaban from since last year and since i'm making a ban appeal i hope it shows that i want to come back to this server