The Ejaculator

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  1. -This is not in the wrong section- My In-Game name: (I can't remember) STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:143985445 Steam Name: ejaculator What is the reason for your ban: Cheating How long were you banned for: Permanent Name of the staff member who banned you: Console Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: This ban occurred in WW2 RP and resulted in further bans in other servers automatically. This apply has already been accepted in WW2 RP Forums, the link is in "Evidence" The reason of your ban: After getting a community ban (which has been resolved) I have received further bans from all other servers automatically. Now I'm applying for each server, I have already applied and was accepted in SWRP. Evidence:
  2. -This is not in the wrong section- My In-Game name: (I can't remember) STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:143985445 Steam Name: ejaculator What is the reason for your ban: Cheating How long were you banned for: Permanent Name of the staff member who banned you: Console Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: This ban occurred in WW2 RP and resulted in further bans in other servers automatically. This apply has already been accepted in WW2 RP Forums, the link is in "Evidence" The reason of your ban: After getting a community ban (which has been resolved) I have received further bans from all other servers automatically. Now I'm applying for each server, I have already applied and was accepted in SWRP. Evidence:
  3. Server you got banned from: WW2RPYour name in-game: (Cant Remember)Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143985445Admins' name that banned you: ConsoleAdmin's steamID: N/AWhy did you get banned?: CheatingWhy do you deserve to be unbanned?: About a year ago I was wrongly banned in WW2RP for cheating. I have made an unban request in WW2RP Forums for this and it was accepted. But I was banned from the other servers (SWRP, SCPRP) for this same reason as well. I created this exact unban request in SWRP as well and it has been accepted.Anything else?: I tried looking for the past unban requests but they seem to be deleted. Or perhaps I posted them from an other account. This is an SCPRP Unban request, please do not move it to WW2RP Forums.