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  1. MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 handles internal security for the SCP Foundation, under oversight by MTF Alpha-1. They are a special ops force deployed to Foundation Sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent. As such, most of their operations are classified. Nine-Tailed Fox is an intensively trained Task Force specializing in the protection and recontainment of SCP items kept at Site-██. They are the primary MTF unit encountered in SCP - Containment Breach and are comprised of nine members, each member representing and identified as one tail in the groups namesake. Name: (Steam) DiabolikGamer (RP) Michael Watchman Forum Name: DiabolikGamer Current Gametime: 1d 18hrs 57mins (I have spent alot of time on E-11 however) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:498035637 How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) 2 wars no bans (this was when I was new to RP oh well it is what it is) Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here: https://www.werwolfgaming.net/forums/topic/47-scp-roleplay-server-rules I have read the rules IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question) Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? Epsilon-11 also known as Nine Tailed Fox handles internal security for the foundation they tend to tackle alot of tasks ranging from recontaining Euclid/Keter SCPs to the most dangerous such as full site lockdowns and XK Class Scenarios. We are also deployed when mass breaches take place and are placed there for security if communication has been lost. E-11 is probably one of the most elite task forces within the foundation along side MTF Alpha-1. We are the task force that comes in when shit hits the fan and multiple breaches are imminent and then we go clean up the mess. In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? The primary job of Epsilon-11 is to ensure that all Containment breaches are secure and all escaped Class D subjects terminated however the containment breach is the TOP PRIORITY. They must do whatever is necessary to Secure Contain and Protect all SCPs. We work alongside B-7 until all SCPs are in containment to achieve all of these goals they must execute everything with the utmost caution and with swiftness. Our goal is simple and it is in the SCPs motto Secure. Contain. Protect. and we will achieve that goal by ANY means necessary even to the point if we have to keep our identities a secret. Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? SCP-106 (Keter): The way to recontain this SCP is that you must not get in its way if it catches you the job is failed the objective is to either A: Terminate the SCP or B: Recontain it via femur breaker if you want to terminate it you are going to need a massive firing line and blast it to smithereens. To recontain it via femur breaker you must make your way to D-block and grab ONE class D and bring him to SCP-106s containment chamber turn off the magnet put the class D inside and put him on the table with his leg on the breaker then turn on sound transmission so 106 can hear it then proceed to press the femur breaker once SCP-106 is inside the containment chamber turn the electro magnet back on. SCP-096 (Euclid): In order to recontain 096 there are 2 ways to recontain the entity you can either do it the suicidal way or you can bag and tag it (A: Suicidal B: Bag and Tag) A: To recontain 096 this way is by looking 096 directly in the face and make a run to the containment chamber then let it come to you, simple. B: This is the proper way to recontain 096 wait for all targets to be killed then let it sit down, get behind the entity and bag it with the containment equipment then bring it back to its containment chamber, however you are not done yet. Once you bring it back to its containment chamber you can now un-bag it remember to look down when doing this procedure then walk out and close the containment chamber door. SCP-682 (Keter):There are 2 ways of recontaining 682 the most effective method is via termination for this I recommend you gather every single mobile task force unit on and set up a firing line mainly at a checkpoint, Get a SINGLE unit to go lure it and bring it to the firing line once the unit has brought it he goes back into the firing line and then we have the commander say "On my mark, engage" When the commander says "Mark" you engage 682 and blast it to bits the other less effective method is by proper recontainment which is luring it into its CC. Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job? I believe I have gotten enough experience and enough knowledge about SCP and Leadership I have the ability to organize firing lines, set up checkpoints, give orders, leading squads into firefights. I can also teach them what I know and maybe they can become commanders themselves one day honestly. Think of it like this if you were to bring ideas into a squad for them to learn it they have the ability to full-on learn it and adapt to it. I can also organize trainings and exercises to fine-tune their skills and I will promise you I will try to be as active as possible in order to achieve my goals as a commander. I will fulfil my duties as a commander. I will exceed expectations as a commander. I will not let anyone down as a commander.