alex doe

SCP Group Manager
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Posts posted by alex doe

  1. RP Name You Will use on CI:

    Alex Doe



    15+ weeks. Could be a tad bit more, I don't remember. 



    Can't check them since the server is down, but if I had to guess, it'd be in the ball park of 10 (this is most probably inaccurate).






    Do you have any prior experience in CI?

    I can say with certainty that way more than half of my current playtime on the server was on CI jobs. I've also been part of CI management once along with David Hayes and Richard Mann, but that was short-lived (I left to join the resignation train because I thought the server was gonna be gone for good anyways, can you blame me?)

    I was mainly known for being a menace in combat and for preferring to take the brute force approach to infiltrations, however I'd like to let you know that I'm just as capable of partaking in good roleplay.


    Describe what the CI's Goals Are:

    If the Foundation's goal is to contain, study and conceal the anomalies from the general populace, you can say that the Chaos Insurgency's goal is the polar opposite. The CI's objective is to release all the anomalies and to utilize them for the sake of their and society's own benefit, and partly for that reason, aside from the fact that they defected, the CI has been in a war with the Foundation over those anomalies for as long as they existed.


    Why do you want to join CI?

    Across all of the servers similar to SCP RP, I've always sided with the "poorer" faction, because something about fighting a larger group thrills me, and actually seizing victories against said groups makes me feel accomplished. I've always found myself being immersed while playing on CI, and would like to have that experience again.
    In other words, I want to join it again because it was the sole reason I had the peak of my fun on the server, and I'd like to see how it is in V7 SCP RP.

  2. Server you got banned from:  werwolf gaming official scp rp discord

    Your name in-game: alex         doe

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63306763

    Admins' name that banned you:        idk

    Admin's steamID:     idk

    did you get banned?: i  accidentally posted      a gif    of someone    defecating and    ejaculating     on camera


    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: please   it  was unintentional and   i'd like to   play  on this    server   again        

    Anything   else?: