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About BeastTheNinja

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  1. +1 clopter said the fine words
  2. the Troop transport tank is shit too many barrel rolls in 1 day and can cause chaos of VDM as sometimes you dont have any control over it just when you drive casually soooo +1111 and im saying this cuz Shock can't drive it without doing barrel rolls
  3. unfortunately this is quite funny of a 1 day ban.... you wish to be unbanned well you might be unbanned but due to the fact that your replies to the different people is quite, dumb.... wich will just take longer for you to get unbanned, if you wish to be unbanned then wait 2 or 4 business days..... so after this reply here is a -1....
  4. is this a joke? you shot cadets that were afk, that is just intentional RDM, Cadets can be killed outside of the CC area that is running about on base, not in the CC area......
  5. What your suggestion is: More Civ JobsScriptfodder/workshop link: already on Clone wars ServerAny additional information: passive/aggressive RP Civ jobs, like cartel and pirates, so when there is no event, or near downtime we can have fun with these types of RP aswell, i know the server have been out for 3 weeks now i think, but i think this would be a great addition to it, but ofcouse instead of using like pirates or cartel, we could have insurgence job or rebels.
  6. oi i loved the show id thing, when in CG we did the awsome cool and most hated Checkpoints in the middle of nothing... instad of actually having the Show id addon, why not instead have your ID as this /me Shows ID: Shock Junior Medic Beast Clearance level 2 and then we can do /roll to see if we fail to see the id correct if its below 50-55 we failed to read it properply but if its over 50-55 we can see if its an actual imperial personnel or a imposter, makes Passive RP even more fun for Shock and criminals
  7. Yo man i have seeing this guy on the server alot, ngl i dont know what he actually did wrong, but he sounds like a good lad when i have been talking with him in-game so yeah great guy +1
  8. -1 are you dumb???? even if the rule wasn't there yet, its common sense, brain please, i just lost 20 brain cells from reading this, and yeah wait out the ban lol
  9. well maybe its a mistake or not, but you are not on the Arrest logging... but anyway its only a 2 day ban, before the manager get to this your ban will be over
  10. sounds pretty valid to fk around and not wanting to get trained, plus this be accepted or denied by the time you are unbanned in 3 days so just wait it out
  11. That makes alot of more sense haha
  12. the fact that you have been warned for that stuff... and seeing other younglings not getting warned, it should be a accepted as it dont make sense tbh so +1
  13. -1 as i see in Arrest reports and stuff you are a comeplete minge and i remember you from CG, plus other stuff i can see from CG sheet about you as you have this... plus 19 arrest report in the span of 5 months is not alot but the fact the way those reports are, just mean your unban request is not a good enough apology
  14. +1 -Unjustified ban -it was a harmless command as shown it was CAT's own fault doing the perm -but next time dont make a joke out of it just tell them the mistake right away instead of fking with the broken perms