Heinz von Papen

Platinum VIP
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  1. Haha
    Heinz von Papen reacted to kanye west in Gunter Vanhof's Unban request   
    You broke fearrp, all these +1s are from your Iron Front buds
  2. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Wolf Varem in Staf abuse   

    This request has been denied on the basis that the ban have been a bit excessive but is not abuse.
  3. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Григорий РаспутиH in Staf abuse   
    -1 Mucho texto 
  4. Confused
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Friederich v Lichtenstein in Staf abuse   
    not true at all that is your opinion what u did on TS is clear Power Abuse. the RP situation i leave up to SMT what ever they decide i will respect.
    like i said have a good day
  5. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Josef Kraz in Staf abuse   
    Can you two stop arguing like a bunch of twats please and do it in discord DMs nobody wants to hear it
  6. Confused
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Friederich v Lichtenstein in Staf abuse   
    U !Xban me straight away you didn’t even try to understand or get a secondary opinion or review my video. It is in professional to take your own sit and not even giving the chance to explain or show the video since u said i am a veteran player i deserve atleast to be granted a second opinion or video revieuw. I was upset indeed that u refused to get a Admin to the sit. And indeed what u did on teamspeak clearly shows u like to abuse powers since that was totally uncalled for also the RP that u broke because you refused to let me explain and give you the evidence that is was infact a RP situation and not ARDM
  7. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Michael in Unban request   

    After the discussing the matter with the Server Management Team, we have unanimously decided to deny this request.
  8. Haha
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Johan Schneider in unban   
    Permabanned in-game anyways.
  9. Sad
    Heinz von Papen got a reaction from Oil in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
  10. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Wiegland in Jimbo Staff Abuse   
    If a staff member breaks a rule, you don't take it to the warn / ban requests section, you bring it here.
    My opinion on this is we can't say that it was RDM because we don't have any video evidence. We can't piece together the story of RDM with Blogs alone. 
    4.5.3: You do NOT need to advert counter when the event you’re countering directly affects you or your base (as long as you have ownership of at least 1 external entry door - the door considered as the "main entry point").  "Your base" includes the building itself, and any noticeable external walls around the property. This includes government buildings (soldiers/law enforcement officers/government officials do not need to advert counter when a government building is being raided.) 
    This is the only rule that he could say partly defends his reason for killing you.
    But from what it looks like, you must have had a conversation at the door of some kind, due to him having a perfect headshot on you, very close up. So I'm not sure why he would be shooting someone who doesn't have a weapon out, you would most likely want to be arresting / kidnapping them.
    Also he's a Community Developer, SMT can't really do much to tier him, it would be CAT that would be informing him to not break rules on the servers he's developing. 
    Overall, I think it's a dodgy situation where I think it's a bit of an odd IC reason to kill you, when you're unarmed. 
  11. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Erich in admin abuse   
    The combination of how retarded it is to make a no-clip abuse thread because you couldn't kidnap someone, along with how cringe your avatar is, makes it physically impossible for me to take this thread seriously.
    Staff Members are not obliged to not take sits because you want to abduct them. Half the video doesn't have audio, and the only thing you told him before he disappeared was "Hello". He's not obliged to sit there and not take a sit because you MIGHT kidnap him.
    I'm not even going to mention the obvious PAC Abuse with the Mariachi hat the second person in your video is wearing.
  12. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to May in admin abuse   

    He went to take a staff sit, then had to go AFK. As Erich said, he doesn't have to abandon taking the sit as you might kidnap him. 
  13. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Elias Von Gornstein in admin abuse   
    The staff member has clear evidence of him taking a sit.
  14. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Erich in admin abuse   
    You have no proof he took the sit to avoid you. He didn't say anything in either of the videos above that indicates that. He is not obliged to return to the same spot when he finishes his sit, and sits take precedent over RP. Not really up for debate. Go and kidnap someone else on the server and get over it.
  15. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Auster Schumacher in WW2 T-Mod   
    Pending. This shall be dealt with when it can be.
  16. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Auster Schumacher in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    Be on TS at 7pm for the Staff Meeting!
  17. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Sanguinius in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   

    Bru Be With You Fellow Scot Good Rank Very Nice Cool
  18. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Baron von Keller in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    Your application looks decent and you have a respectable in character rank which shows that you are competent. I didnt really encounter you in game so far, however you seem quite professional. The only negative aspect is the fact that you received 17 warnings. This will be a +1 from me...
  19. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to hurt Blecha the second in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    Never had any bad things with you or any real interactions 
    App good 
    good IC ranks 
    has good Play time 
    17 warns  and has been banned
  20. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Mr.soler601 in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    Nice guy would be nice staff
  21. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Schnee in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    Hello Papen.
    I have read through your application and this is my conclusion:
    -You are a active and mature member within the community.
    -Your application is well written, that shows that you want to dedicate yourself as a member of the staff team.
    -The main questions are answered in a correct way - you have knowledge about the basics.
    -I have to stay neutral on your former warn / bans but I assume that you have learned from your mistakes.

    Having said that, I give you a +1
    Good Luck!
  22. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to King G in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    from my IC Encounters with you I know that you are copetent, eloquent and able to RP. I think your IC Ranks, being Leutnat and Stlv. Leiter Gericht, confirm your maturity and engagement in the server. Your answers are pretty good and I like the format as well, the historical could have been a bit more extenisve but that is fine. I think you definitely deserve a spot on the Staff Team.
    easy +1 for me 
    Good Luck, Max
  23. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Skim Beeble in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
  24. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Lucas Kuhnt in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    He has respectable ranks on the server, and he is highly liked on the server by many. He is very serious within all his jobs and does really enhance roleplay. Good guy in character and out of character.
  25. Like
    Heinz von Papen reacted to Friedrich von Barring in Heinz von Papen - Staff Application   
    Respectable ranks within the server and also is a good guy both IC and OOC, very serious within his job.