Matthew Wickers

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Matthew Wickers last won the day on October 2 2023

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About Matthew Wickers

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  1. RP Name You Will use on CI: Matthew Wickers Playtime: 20W+ as from what I remember. Warnings: 2 warnings I think. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57263955 Age: 18 Do you have any prior experience in CI? I main CI from around 2020 till now and always will, I have a lot of experience due to my many priorities like infiltrating, raiding, assassinating, kidnapping and more. Mostly everyone knows me as one of the best CI players with 2-3 other people. I still hold the most assassinations on O5's for a week, I also had the highest rank in Ci before management. Describe what the CI's Goals Are: Chaos Insurgency goals are to infiltrate the Foundation steal & expose and kill if necessary. Main priorities are to get valuable information from the SCP-Foundation and steal SCP's and use against them. Chaos Insurgency are very hostile to the Foundation especially the O5 Council Member's. CI also wants to utilize and use high dangerous anomalous species for their own benefit or to attack the Foundation, Why do you want to join CI?: I wish to join CI because It's my favorite Group in the server from the start of my playing due to the fun and roleplay. As mentioned earlier I main CI and have a very long and good carееr due to my skills for infiltrating killing and blending in. No need to mention every successful raid or kill because it's remembered and I am known for my knowledge and skill. I can write a whole paragraph but I just know my abilities and hope Management are familiar about them too. :}
  2. wholesome moment if u remember - huge respect nonetheless


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wesker


      M.W desperately needs a good wife

    3. Punished Fixer

      Punished Fixer

      Great Empire Of Bulgaria supports child marriage

    4. Windows XP
  3. Fun fact it was never a exploit. One of the SMT even said it.
  4. Name: Matthew What country are you from?: Great Empire Bulgaria How well do you speak and understand English?: Good SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57263955 In-Game name(s): Matthew Wickers Age: 16 Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 15W 5D Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: PlatVip Do you have a microphone?: Yes(Broken will fix soon) Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Ya Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): I think I am capable of helping a lot of people in the server who are new and also I am very serious when I have to. I have done some stupid stuff but I have accepted the consequences and learned my lesson. I am active and known person in the WG SCP community. I have been playing since V2 end and till now V6 almost V7, I have a lot of experience and know the rules and how to staff. I know every ulx command that is useful on the server. Since I am European and there is not much staff in early hours I am here to help and ban/warn rulebreakers on the server. I accept criticism from everyone. I will be fair and unbiased to everyone doesn't matter if someone is my friend or know each other from somewhere. I am also a very respectful person to everyone . I have been staff on other servers and know how to do my job. I am very mature person and hard-working person when put to do a job and do it the right way. I will treat people with kindness and honesty. I am also playing a really good amount on the server when I have joined. I will be really serious about this and will do my best. I am also able to handle sits about every kind of rule and situation because of my knowledge and experience on the server. also very og. How long will you be able to play per day?: 3-4 Hours per day. Any past experience as staff?: Police rp(Senior Admin) , TTT Mod Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): 3 warns which 2 of them are kinda false and cringe. Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: Absolutely yes !bring(name)- you bring a player !goto(name)- you go to a player !warn(name)(reason)- you warn a player and its used to punish people !xban- you ban a player and it has it's own menu !freeze(name)- you freeze a player !slay(name)- you kill a player respawning him to his spawn point. !jailtp(name)- you bring a player and put him in a jail instantly. !removenlr(name)- you remove the nlr of a person. there is more but those are the main and used ones. Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): the SCP is Foundation Sites that have anomalous entities some are safe and some are extremely dangerous to the outside World, that's why they are contained in chambers so they cannot escape. It's also a secret organization that not much people know about it and only trusted ones. The main genes are horror and research. The Roleplay(RP) is made for the people in the community to play different kind of jobs aka O5,CI,Gois. Every job has its own purposes based on their job, AKA D-class are personnel who are locked in a zone called (D-Block) and they are mainly used to be researched on to SCP-s so the researchers know what they can do. There is also a Surface zone where small kind of people know about the SCP and the rest know it as the ''Subway'' Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: Yeah I understand the rules of the server. As I have said previously that I have a lot of experience and knowledge of the server that I have read every rule. RDM- RDM or also known as random deathmatch is killing a player without a RP reason. NLR- New life rule is a rule when you have died you forget your past life and you cannot return to the place you have died. You also forget every information. Propkill- Killing a person with a prop Metagame- Using Information that is OOC and is invalid. Basically an easy example is someone looks at tab menu sees O5-10 and shoots him. Consequence RP- A Clearance4+ Has been kidnapped and you cannot shoot him without a proper authorization from a higher up as it may put your ally in danger of his life. FearRP- When you are cuffed and have gun aimed at you u cannot break out of the cuffs . You also need to listen to the person's orders.
  5. +1 i want bulgarian events and me participating in EVERY ONE OF THEM OK!?
  6. +1 you payed me to free you in Auschwitz so here is my payback.