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  1. Please refrain from repeating other peoples comments. I was acquitted of all but one arrest as I provided VIDEO evidence of no wrong doing on my part.
  2. I literally have VIDEO evidence that proves everything in your statement is wrong. Of which for my two prior arrests ive shown to an admin and were promptly acquitted of. Please refrain from making false claims when I have undeniable evidence that confirms otherwise.
  3. Ive replied in a separate comment but ive only been arrested once legitimately the rest were declared false by admins after I showed them video evidence which I can show you. If LTARP is still ban then that sucks because I just decided to start playing this server regularly and subsequently brought plat VIP so I would happily take a ban 'on the chin' if it wasn't a week and actually representative of what ive done wrong.
  4. Again the golden rule issue was cleared up by an admin. (ive still got the recording) Ive literally only been put in jail once today. The shooting at tanks issue was just plain old false AOS which again was cleared up by an admin after I showed a video. (still got that video as well). To summarize the only wrong doing ive done is leave in frustration because I keep getting falsely accused of things and spending times in cuffs and jail only to be let out once I show the admin a video. Ive got undeniable evidence to support me on every case and I am happy to share it please stop acting like these things can be counted to towards my ban when ive been acquitted of them.
  5. Happy to take flak for LTAP because ultimately right or wrong leaving while arrested is a server rule not an RP one but im just asking for some consideration of the circumstances.
  6. Ive only been arrested once today because the one prior to what you were referring to was resolved by an admin as I showed a recording of no wrong doing. Again I dont see how ive wasted anyones time.
  7. Wrong situation. That happened earlier today and has nothing to do with my ban. I was arrested by a member of CG outside of the bar. Its also worth noting in that situation I was given permission to enter the brig and had no idea the control room had a different set of rules.
  8. My In-Game name: ST Danger STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:87047463 Steam Name: Smoketrail What is the reason for your ban: LTAP | Minge | Wasting admin time How long were you banned for: 1 week Name of the staff member who banned you: Not Known Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I was false arrested for apparently leaving the base despite not stepping a foot outside (of which I have on OBS recording) and then after asking 3 times and waiting a few minutes no admin comes so instead of staring at a wall for 15 minutes for something I havnt done I decided to quit and go make some food. I have not clue as to how I minged or wasted admin time because admins didnt even bother attending my sit. Evidence: I record all my sessions so I would be happy to show anyone the raw footage of me not leaving the base. The easiest way to look at the evidence is adding me on discord at Smoketrail#9581 and shoot me a message.